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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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Don't forget, that other dog also ripped Champ's throat out. Allegedly. <_<


Yes Champ looks to be holding up well to life after having his throat ripped out <_< , Ms Kneen is probably unavailable due to being on hoilday now that her prize pooch has somewhere to stay for free

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Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry officials are hoping to find a home for the dog in the Republic of Ireland


David Callister MLC, DAFF member with responsibility for wildlife and conservation, said efforts were still being made to find a home for Champ in the Republic of Ireland.


'We are currently in discussion with animal welfare organisations in Ireland,' he said.


'But we need to be certain that the new location and owners are suitable before a decision is made.'


So the tax payer now foots the bill for re-homing the dog ?


Has she had her 15 minutes and now lost interest in “her dog”

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Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry officials are hoping to find a home for the dog in the Republic of Ireland


David Callister MLC, DAFF member with responsibility for wildlife and conservation, said efforts were still being made to find a home for Champ in the Republic of Ireland.


'We are currently in discussion with animal welfare organisations in Ireland,' he said.


'But we need to be certain that the new location and owners are suitable before a decision is made.'


So the tax payer now foots the bill for re-homing the dog ?


Has she had her 15 minutes and now lost interest in “her dog”



nail:head. well done. but it wasn't her dog.

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nail:head. well done. but it wasn't her dog.


Vix reckons different


The owner of this dog is actually a girl I work with who has had the dog for over 5 years and it has been registered with the government since it was a puppy.


At least that was one version of the story.

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It would be VERY interesting to hear from Ms Kneen how much money was raised, and what will happen to it now Mr Mugford is no longer required.

It would also be interesting to find out how much of this might be going to Ms Kneen's legal representatives, and what their costs and fees have been for the work to date. It would also be VERY interesting to hear why the plug has been pulled - e.g. because they now see it is a 'no hoper' or because 'save Champ' funds have run out (bearing in mind it was Ms Kneen's legal representatives who cancelled the expert and withdrew the petition).


AFAIK It would be completely wrong to make any accusations or insinuations that Ms Kneen's legal representatives have acted with other than with high competence, integrity, and full conformity with codes of professional conduct for the profession. Besides according members of the legal profession due respect, one should also bear in mind any discussion on MF should also not stray into unfounded and potentially defamatory suggestions that might give rise to 'legal trouble'. (which may also mean that other than in innuendo such suspicions go unvoiced and so are unanswered).


Given the circumstances of the affair and its very public nature now, and in the interests of the reputation of the legal profession in IoM, I think some of the suspicions that might well harboured should be brought to the surface and aired in the hope that these will be satisfactorily answered so any such concern can be put to rest. To further stress these are not my views, some of these suspicions as I see them are here put in 'bullshit brown':


It might be wondered if the legal representatives might have been incompetent. After all it may appear that only late in the day after making petitions etc. did they see it was a non-starter and clutching at straws. Perhaps more realistically, but even more cynically: did they perhaps hold out false hope of a realistic prospect of success - so winning this fee earning business which they then milked until the funds and donations ran out.


Equally cynically one might wonder about Ms Kneen not being available for comment: Might an arrangement have been made to settle Ms Kneen's outstanding fees in return for 'buying her silence' and her agreeing to keep all communication under legal privilege, thus avoiding exposure of any such exploitation or incompetence. Then there are donations collected under what seem to be false pretences, and, if one digs a little deeper, one or two other fishy things about all this.

I'd stress again that I am NOT making any accusations or crying foul or suggesting shady conduct of any kind. I would trust and presume that there was absolutely no impropriety or misconduct by either Ms Kneen or her legal representatives - or anyone else involved, and seriously believe that to be so.


However from a lay outsider perspective, and going on what has been reported, the circumstances might well 'prick at the thumbs'. Quite exactly what to make of it, I really don't know. I just think it would be very much better for all concerned if any such doubts, suspicions or unease that already seems to bubbling about this could be set to rest.


Personally I'm heavily inclined towards an entirely 'innocent' explanation which 'joins the dots' rather better, and without having to suppose any impropriety by anyone - Ms Kneen or her legal representatives; but that raises far wider issues about the practices of the Manx legal profession, ones which are perhaps no less discomforting.

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nail:head. well done. but it wasn't her dog.


Vix reckons different


The owner of this dog is actually a girl I work with who has had the dog for over 5 years and it has been registered with the government since it was a puppy.


At least that was one version of the story.

We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger.

Tad Williams

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Anyone donating money to save a pit bull terrier deserves to be ripped off

...and runs the risk of losing an arm and a leg.


I really don't know why this crap is being dragged out. Just put it down FFS. There are far bigger probs in the world to worry about. One less potentially dangerous dog please.

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