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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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Question now is..Will Sara come good on her promise and get the fuck off the Island, taking Vix, Paul Fisher and the rest of her mob with her?


RIP Champ, you may be gone, but your memes will live on forever.

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according to Miss Kneens facebook the dog is dead. I feel really sorry for her.


Yeah, facebook is well sad.



we know how accurate miss kneens comments are?? it may be dead soon , but i dont think it was yesterday.. the facts will be out soon enough ( rather than the SK BS ). what happened to all the money raised again??

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"Mr Callister said: 'The department spent four months seeking a suitable home in southern Ireland during which officials from the department were in touch with a number of organisations there and after extensive inquiries, which included a lengthy period of advertising on a website, it was concluded that no appropriate long-term home could be identified."


I hope all the money that was collected by the owner will go towards the costs here. Any outstanding costs should also be paid by the owner. Why should the taxpayer pay for this?


"'In the circumstances the department acted in accordance with Manx law and arranged for the dog to be put down."


And that's all there is to it. Now can we all move on and whinge and moan about something else? Smokers! What a shower of cnuts!

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Blame the lawyers - they tied up finding a new home for him with so many indemnities that no one would take the mutt on.


Blame the legislators - they created badly written law you could walk a pitbull through.


Blame the owners - they wanted to own a type of dog so well known for its unpredictability and dangerous behaviour it is banned in multiple countries. They were lucky this dog behaved and never became dangerous in the 20%-25% of interactions with people the handlers at the MSPCA found to be problematic.


We kill perfectly healthy pigs, sheep, cows, chickens etc every day without a thought - Champ had no idea what was coming and died painlessly. To be frank I think it was for the best - it sends a clear message - don't put dogs into our community where the potential for them behaving dangerously is too high to be acceptable.

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Blame the lawyers - they tied up finding a new home for him with so many indemnities that no one would take the mutt on.


I think thats right though... The owner of any dog has decided they are capable of caring and controlling them..


I think eevry dog owner should be held directly responsible for the actions of their dog. If a dog mauls a person the courts should treat it as if the owner mauled the person. Owners should be held 100% accountable for the actions of their dog.

I'm a dog owner and as soft and gentle as our dog is we are very aware of how things can change in an instance... and you can't leave things to chance or "he's neevr been aggressive before".

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