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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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Dont patronise me.. when im just trying to put across another point of view... not sure under what circumstances the dog was licenced but surely her vet would of advised her if the dog was illegal?!


Maybe the vet didn't care, or maybe the vet did advise her. It makes no difference.


Here's the news report from Border.




Apparently the owner is partial to signing bits of paper without reading them first...

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The owner of this dog is actually a girl I work with who has had the dog for over 5 years and it has been registered with the government since it was a puppy. I personally think that the fact it has been seized by the government is appauling.


The dog has been seen by a behavioral specialist who has said the dog is perfectly safe.

As manshimajin has shown, the law says no person may own a Pit Bull. She is not the owner of the dog. It's a banned breed. Nothing appalling about seizing it - especially as the person is not to be trusted with complying with regulations regarding dangerous dogs.


What kind of 'behavioural specialist' ? :P (!) One who is an expert in Pit Bulls? And who happened not to be aware they are banned? Are you saying the say-so of this so-called behavioural specialist makes it ok to flout the law on dangerous dogs? Who are you trying to kid?


She should count herself lucky she wasn't prosecuted and heavily fined (IMO she probably should have been - both for possession of a banned breed of dog and false declarations on the license).


It's a good point about the vet though - why did she/he not advise the dog was illegal? I'd have thought there should be a duty on vets to report banned breeds of dog. It doesn't make it ok to have the Pit Bull though - it's banned.

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Dont patronise me.. when im just trying to put across another point of view... not sure under what circumstances the dog was licenced but surely her vet would of advised her if the dog was illegal?!

Vix, personal loyalty and all that is fine, but if you didn't know the "owner" do you really feel that you'd be defending the owning of this TYPE of animal.


Get away from specifics, this breed of dog has again and again and again showed that it is deadly, that it is unpredicable, that it can seem to be the most friendly and suitable family dog until suddenly for no apparant reason attacking and horribly maiming - usually a child - are you just going to shrug your shoulders and say this doesn't apply to this dog. Brave words.


I hope you've seen the dog licence form - its clear this breed is banned. Your friend is misguided - I really think better advice to her would be to let go and start again rather than risk someone being hurt. Think about the countless news stories about this type of animal suddenly changing its behaviour. Won't happen? How are you so sure?

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Apparently the owner is partial to signing bits of paper without reading them first...


That Border News clip is very interesting. I can't see how you can be daft enough to try to claim that you signed the dog away under duress. I assume that if the police tell you that your dog is illegal, then simply owning it is an offense. If they suggest the way to mitigate the offense is to sign the dog over to DAFF it hardly looks like duress to me. In fact it actually appears that the police and government have been quite pragmatic with this one.


At the end of the day they gave them 2 weeks to find an off-Island owner for the dog and then took it off their hands rather than dragging them through the Courts and issuing fines for owning an illegal dog.


There's no pleasing some people.

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And we still don't know what made her buy the pitbull instead of a dog that is not on the 'dangerous dog' list...is she is a person who thinks that the law is for others?


Sorry for the dog. Not sorry for its owner.

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I agree with everything you have said... I think that putting the dog down is a really extreme...


If someone high up in the government ie. a MHK had this breed of dog I'm sure a less extreme measure would be put in place...


As I said before the ban should apply to people trying to licence new pets.. not established family pets.


If they are so worried about this specific dog they should put specific regulations in place and if the are owners are seen to be in breach of the specified regulations then by all means confiscate the dog :-


Such regulations as

* the dog is not allowed around children

* must wear a musle in public etc


The dog doesn't have to be put down, if the owner actually cared about the dog this much why doesn't she get it re-homed and fight the order without fear of the dog ending up dead? Also if the dog is only 4-5 years old then she's brought it in as a new pet illegally, so your argument has no weight anyway! Saying that once it's an established family pet then it's fine is quite simply ignoring the issue that she has broken the law and imported a dangerous animal. It's not like she was unaware either, the dog licence has a specific caveat about pit-bull terriers, you can't miss it. She has broken the law, She got caught out and unfortunately the dog is the one that will suffer.


That said the story doesn't add up, if the dog was advertised on Manx.net why is she now so intent to keep it?


As for Knoxville...well done for adding to the debate, I mean adding the word cock in capital letters to the end of a sentence, why you are a comedy genius! :rolleyes:


And comparing a dog with a licence to someone who imports drugs adds value lol - your still a prick and always will be, your one of those people who you look at and just want to punch......I'm not a violent person but by fuck your a propr cock.

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It's not like she was unaware either, the dog licence has a specific caveat about pit-bull terriers, you can't miss it. She has broken the law, She got caught out and unfortunately the dog is the one that will suffer.


You often see the same numbskulls on the telly bleating when their lovely little doggy rips a childs arm off. "If only we had known! He was just so lovely and when I filled in that form and forgot he was a pitbull nobody told me this would happen". Bleat, bleat, sob, sob.

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Your 'friend' lied on government forms which clearly stated that the dog he/she owned was BANNED FROM THE ISLE OF MAN SINCE 1991, no amount of blaming vets, the government, her next door neighbour changes the fact that he/she DAMN WELL KNEW THAT THE DOG WAS ILLEGAL. Basically he/she is a cretin.


You however, are carrying on the standard of the royal order of the cretin against overwhelming facts that what you are spouting is utter drivvle.


To be quite honest, if this went to court and I was in charge, I would have the dog rehomed in Ireland and the owner put down.

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Your 'friend' lied on government forms which clearly stated that the dog he/she owned was BANNED FROM THE ISLE OF MAN SINCE 1991, no amount of blaming vets, the government, her next door neighbour changes the fact that he/she DAMN WELL KNEW THAT THE DOG WAS ILLEGAL. Basically he/she is a cretin.


You however, are carrying on the standard of the royal order of the cretin against overwhelming facts that what you are spouting is utter drivvle.


To be quite honest, if this went to court and I was in charge, I would have the dog rehomed in Ireland and the owner put down.


This has got to be the post of the year!

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Your 'friend' lied on government forms which clearly stated that the dog he/she owned was BANNED FROM THE ISLE OF MAN SINCE 1991, no amount of blaming vets, the government, her next door neighbour changes the fact that he/she DAMN WELL KNEW THAT THE DOG WAS ILLEGAL.


Furthermore the BBC article suggested that they originally imported the dog to the IOM from Ireland. Funny that you imported a dog that looks very like a pitbull from Ireland where its still legal to breed pitbulls, but in hindsight you claim that you didn't think that it was a pitbull at all and therefore didn't declare it. Hmmm ...... maybe the breader advertised them as "Irish short haired poodles

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Fight fight fight fight! Choose your weapons lads. Now who wants the pen and who wants the ferocious pit-bull.


Lol, lol....... ; )) ,,,,, I don't see Knoxville opting for the pen do you? I mean, he'd only stare at it for a few seconds before thrusting it into his own eye or something, lol..... ; )








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At the end of the day they gave them 2 weeks to find an off-Island owner for the dog and then took it off their hands rather than dragging them through the Courts and issuing fines for owning an illegal dog.


According to Border news, it was taken from her 4 months ago (Energy FM said 3 months). The two weeks is an extension. Basically, she's had ages to re-home it.

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Fight fight fight fight! Choose your weapons lads. Now who wants the pen and who wants the ferocious pit-bull.


Lol, lol....... ; )) ,,,,, I don't see Knoxville opting for the pen do you? I mean, he'd only stare at it for a few seconds before thrusting it into his own eye or something, lol..... ; )









Ean can have the pit bull, as he'll have more pens in is pen protector.


I would like to stick it right in your............well I would say balls, but I dont think you/it have any.


I still love you though, as your an ace troll who makes zero sense half the time.

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