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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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If they are so worried about this specific dog they should put specific regulations in place


There are specific regulations in place.


and if the are owners are seen to be in breach of the specified regulations


The owners breached the specified regulations.


then by all means confiscate the dog


The dog is now confiscated.



How did they breach the regulations when this breed of dog has been banned very recently, hence this whole issue has been brought into the public domain!?

The government has issued a licence for the past 5 years, the dog has been microchipped and registered with a vet etc.. so all previous regulations were met before the introduction of this new legislation!


you seem to have a great lack of facts considering you claim to work with the girl. the regulation banning pitbulls has been in since i think 1991 when the UK introduced the dangerous dogs act. so it is not 'NEW' legislation. it was probably bought in then to stop the island being a dumping ground

for these 'dangerous' dogs. i also doubt very much whether the dog has been licenced every year that it has really been here ( not 5 ) and even if it has?? i doubt it would have been in the womans name ( your colleague )who is now claiming that it has been her dog for 5 years?? as i posted before, this has come about from the proper owner ( not your colleague ) who was looking to rehome it and advertised it as a pit bull terrier.

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Your 'friend' lied on government forms which clearly stated that the dog he/she owned was BANNED FROM THE ISLE OF MAN SINCE 1991, no amount of blaming vets, the government, her next door neighbour changes the fact that he/she DAMN WELL KNEW THAT THE DOG WAS ILLEGAL. Basically he/she is a cretin.


You however, are carrying on the standard of the royal order of the cretin against overwhelming facts that what you are spouting is utter drivvle.


To be quite honest, if this went to court and I was in charge, I would have the dog rehomed in Ireland and the owner put down.


it needs pointing out that the note 6 of the licence application form is a NEW addition bought about VERY recently because of this kerfuffle which contrary to the 'had 2 weeks' to find a new home crap has actually been going on for over 2 months now. so i doubt she has ever seen the new forms.


i think getting the press involved this far down the line with inaccurate 'facts' is an attempt tp look wronged by the authorities and gain sympathy and public support.. apparently the max fine for illegal importation is 5K !!! see how long she wants to have been the owner for 5 years now??

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Is Ireland becoming the dumping ground for the UKs unwanted? First it was Gary Glitter...


Maybe Gary Glitter could take the dog in?



That's not a bad idea , just tell him it's a 4 yr old and he'll probably be well up for it!

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There have been COUNTLESS articles where a dog has suddenly 'turned' for no good reason and with no prior warning.


There have been countless times when humans have flipped for no good reason and with no prior warning (Dunblaine, Hungerford to mention a couple).


The issue is here is what the fallout of that can be. A man can flip out with a hammer and it might result in an injury and 'maybe' a death, same situation and the guy has a closet full of guns and the outcome is usually much more devastating.


The same is true with animals, no amount of behavioural tests can say that in 3months or 5 years that dog is not going to have a moment of madness and go crazy, if it did, the outcome would be devastating for the poor soul stood in its way.


You beat me to it. Was going to say the same thing. It's great that these creatures are loving pets and they may even have a great temperament when they've been treated well & even be resistant to provocation.


But that means squat if the dog just loses the plot for no good reason, and it does happen. You can say the same for other dogs - they'll go nuts sometimes too, but they don't tend to be responsible for deaths in the process.


Above just shows how narrowminded you lot can be.


Not everything about a dog goes on Breed, if you went back over the last few centuries you would probably find a lot of the dogs that are "brilliant family pets nowadays" have attacked someone or something , its down to how the pets are brought up and looked after ie the owners influence.


But you're not taking into account the above unpredictable factor. If you can predict when a dog might just go schizo and lash a muzzle on it before it eats a kid then great, but otherwise it's an accident waiting to happen that's way worse than with most other breeds, no matter how nice fido 'normally is'.


I agree it a shame that a guiltless creature has to be destroyed, it's hardly fair on the dog, but it shouldn't be here.

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I agree it a shame that a guiltless creature has to be destroyed, it's hardly fair on the dog, but it shouldn't be here.


Complete agreement with you here Cret.


Another thing that I don't get is the fact that they're not particularly good looking animals. A good mate of mine works on the dog section for Belmarsh Prison. He deals with the training of the dogs. Here's his latest recruit, Jerry










Now that's a handsome beast that will make up for your lack of minerals and will sate your urge to own a macho dog.


He came from the RSPCA as well did Jerry.

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To add my two penny worth: very often these attacks happen in the home, where the dog will feel secure in its own place in the pecking order (i.e. the alpha, most likely), so would you keep the dog muzzled at home?


Do feel sorry for the dog, but time and again they have been shown to be very unstable animals and I cannot understand anyone wanting to have one as a pet, let alone want to (allegedly) lie and obfuscate to keep it.


I am sure I have seen this dog in Strand Street with its owners and lots of admiring dickheads around it! Sure, having a dangerous dogs attracts loads of dubious kudos, much like having an AK47 or an ASBO as a badge of dishonour. But that makes them little more than an accessory, intended to enhance the standing of the owner in the eyes of their peers, not to develop a relationship with the animal as an integral part of the family as no-one in their right mind could ever feel they truly trust such a dog.


Terriers, in general, were bred for their aggressiveness and their unswerving dedication to kill their intended quarry. In most terriers that has become more muted, but anyone who has owned a terrier will know that when these little (or not so little) dogs go for it, there is no stopping them, hence the saying. Fortunately, most are not bred to be fighting dogs, but ratters, rabbiters etc. and are quite loyal to their human owners and family. The fighting dogs have been bred, however, not to have that loyalty but just to be ready to kill, and be killed with an almost psychotic desire to fight. So what chance do you have of modifying that behaviour in a family setting?

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The point is , that any creature with any form of thinking possesses the ability to act differently based on a trigger. Humans do it, dogs do it, monkeys...the list goes on.


This is not about the argument as to whether or not an animal or human is capable of violent behaviour, we all know that none are above snapping under pressure/personal issues/jealousy etc etc. Hell, I go go stark raving mad tomorrow, arm myself with a bag of Tesco's finest grapes and a catapult, god knows the damagecomedy that would ensue.


This is about the consequences of that event that is the issue to me.


If my cat decides it is bored of me stroking it, I will get a couple of scratces and maybe a bite.


If my neighbour's jack russell decides it is fighting time, I might get a sore ankle before he gets a kick.




Make NO mistake, these animals are fucking strong, fucking fast, and in the right(wrong) frame of mind, fucking lethal.




Sorry luv, but regardless of when the laws made in over here, you knew damn well what is was you had, and how much pain worldwide this breed(among others) has caused. I have zero sympathy and zero tolerance to your public bitching and whining about the fact that YOU chose to bring a known killer animal to our Island and OUR Government acted in the public interest.


Do a wiki search on pitbull, then scroll down to the external links of the attacks that have taken place, now you answer with a breed of dog that surpasses the count of mortal/serious attacks, go on, I dare, I double dare you.


To be quite honest, I am sort of proud that our Government actually had the cahonas to act before it turned on you. Then again.........

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I am convinced that Vix does not know the owner. She/He has no idea why the owner bought a dangerous dog rather than an ordinary pooch. Suspect that decision is at the heart of the matter.


As an expert in 'human behaviour' there is a causal link between the type of pet chosen by a person and their psychological profile. This link is general in most cases. However in the more extreme situations such as the deliberate purchase of dangerous animals the link is stronger and usually reflects the psychology of the owner more directly.


I cannot comment on the dog's psychological profile as I am not an expert in 'dog behaviour'.

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As an expert in 'human behaviour' there is a causal link between the type of pet chosen by a person and their psychological profile. This link is general in most cases. However in the more extreme situations such as the deliberate purchase of dangerous animals the link is stronger and usually reflects the psychology of the owner more directly.


There is also a causal psychological link in people who choose keeping a dog for a pet. It's a control thing, a master and servant situation that is otherwise unavailable in the sad life of one who yearns power, just a smattering will do though, ROLL OVER YOU BASTARD, lol,lol........ Only the need to display this control to other human specimens varies, and this is the ascertaining factor for dog type. Introverts opt for little unassuming, arguably friendly types, extroverts for slavering rabid monsters. I SAID SIT!!!














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I cannot comment on the dog's psychological profile as I am not an expert in 'dog behaviour'.

I wouldn't worry about that - seems anyone can call themselves a 'behavioural specialist' for dogs - there are no qualifications or accredited courses in this area. (I put all the problems down to the dog's mother being a bitch).

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It saddens me that the Facebook group is evidently gaining considerable support by appealing to emotion (lots of 'cute' photos etc). The cuteness of the dog means absolutely nothing.


At the same time, the government / police simply cannot afford to set a precedent by making an exception to the law and the increased profile this story means that the letter of the law must be seen to be enforced even more. The owners through their own stubbornness and wishful thinking are (it seems) making no efforts to rehome it in Ireland. Consequently, the dog is going to die and it is - absolutely without question - the owners fault.


Trying to get popular support on the basis of cute pictures of the dog wearing sunglasses is, in my view, nothing short of grotesque and clearly demonstrates that it is not the dog's welfare but the owner's vanity that is being fought over.

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