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[BBC News] Man hit by car seriously injured


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Hope he makes a recovery ok.


I went past 2 accidents this morning coming in from the south. Had a woman nearly pull out in front of me, some tosser throw a cigarette out of a bmw that just missed me, and a blind old sod going 20mph along the quay completely oblivious to me behind him despite having my headlight on.


I know I'm probably far from perfect but the general standards of driving here are despicable.

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Hope he makes a recovery ok.


I went past 2 accidents this morning coming in from the south. Had a woman nearly pull out in front of me, some tosser throw a cigarette out of a bmw that just missed me, and a blind old sod going 20mph along the quay completely oblivious to me behind him despite having my headlight on.


I know I'm probably far from perfect but the general standards of driving here are despicable.


I must agree. Now without wishing to spout views akin to those who desire a nanny state, perhaps some car drivers should sit a CBT to see what is actually happening on the roads.


The high winds today were a real menace yet many car drivers are oblivious to this with all the sound insulation that cars have nowadays.


I have no truck with smokers but please, do check to see whether there are motorcyclists or cyclists behind before chucking the cigarette out.


Ashtrays are probably a costly extra on a BMW.

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I don't.


I can't ride a horse but that doesn't affect the way I treat horse-riders on the road


Having taken the CBT recently, I am amazed at how it's affected the way I drive my car and the way I consider ALL road users.


I fully apreciate that there are differing abilities with ALL road users not just drivers.

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What is it with motorcyclists that makes them so arrogant as to assume they're all better road users than all car drivers?


Where exactly do you get that shambolic generalisation from FFS? After witnessing 2 crash scenes in less than half an hour, having a cigarette thrown towards me, nearly being subjected to a collision myself, and not being seen by someone not bothering to use their mirrors, I'm simply observing how there is a lot of shit driving here. And there is.


I'm so sorry that there weren't lots of badly behaving motorcyclists that I also saw so I could advise on a precise ratio of who was worse.


I've even admitted I'm not perfect myself.


And given that I drive as well as ride, your statement therefore means that I actually assume I'm better than myself? That's good.


I'm not arrogant. Just dismayed, and annoyed that people can't be arsed paying attention whilst they're doing a dangerous activity. When I said general standards of driving I'm sorry I didn't spell it out that I'm including bikes as well, as I don't doubt that the level of bad riding is probably just as high, albeit less noticeable seeing as there are fewer bikes.


Happy now?


Unless you were just trolling of course...

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To add to that, I would still have made the same comments if I'd been driving in. In fact even if I'd never ridden a bike.


The only difference perhaps would be the cigarette bit as it wouldn't potentially affect me, but I'd still have commented on the those events in the same way.

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Whilst on the subject of cars, if you have a silver fiesta car and I nearly went into the back of you today - GET YOUR BREAK LIGHTS FIXED, to have one out is not the end of the world but to have neither working is rather slack and dangerous.

My brake lights stopped working a while ago (something to do with a faulty switch) and was very glad when somebody told me as I went straight to the garage and got it sorted. The other week I was driving behind a car that didn't have any brake lights so I flashed them and pulled them over to let them know (I don't suppose it's the sort of thing people notice unless they are told). To my amazement the woman driving said that she knew because she'd been pulled over by the police for it a week or two beforehand and did I know of a garage that could fix them?

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Having lived not far from Broadway, I'm not suprised that this has happened. My usual commute on Shanks' pony took me along the Prom, up Broadway, where I'd try to cross somewhere between the Villa gates and the completely wonderful Millennium Saagar before heading up Victoria Road.


There's three main problems. The biggest is that the design of the sliproad from the Prom means that people - myself included when mobile - come round that corner a bit too fast; many a time I stepped onto the road only to beat a hasty retreat!

Secondly, the road surface on Broadway is ridiculously smooth; when wet it becomes like an ice rink - my Sierra gave me a few scares on that.. Thirdly, there's the Derby Road junction. Hardly ideal as a traffic junction (though nowhere near as bad as the QB/Alexander Road junction) but downright confusing from a pedestrian point of view.


People cross outside the Villa gates because although they could use the lights at Viccy Road, they have to cross Derby Road to do so and take the chance. And from experience, it's often one heck of a chance :o


I hope the gent makes a full and speedy recovery.

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