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It happened, so what, we lived for years with people killed by bombs with the IRA funded by the USA. I for one do not regard that as any different, why can't they just get over it and move on and stop constantly ramming it down our throats.

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It happened, so what, we lived for years with people killed by bombs with the IRA funded by the USA. I for one do not regard that as any different, why can't they just get over it and move on and stop constantly ramming it down our throats.


To be honest, I hadn't even remembered until I saw this thread. Does anyone actually feel like it's been 'constantly rammed down our throats' this year?

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It happened, so what, we lived for years with people killed by bombs with the IRA funded by the USA. I for one do not regard that as any different, why can't they just get over it and move on and stop constantly ramming it down our throats.


I think it's been pretty low key, and not rammed at all, but I liked the pictures and it made me think about the time that's past since this memorable event and thought I'd share.


Soz god.

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Appologies ai droid, I'm not getting at you, it just annoys me that the media are very selective, it seems they forget the july London bombings, Piper alpha etc, added to the fact no mention ever comes of the way the USA funded terrorism in the past not only indirectly to the IRA etc but the fact that Bin Laden and the Taliban is a product of their own training and funding, mmm this now brings up the Pitt Bull thread i.e. the dog that bites the hand that feeds it.

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They didn't forget London at all. There was a multiple page spread in every newspaper this year. It appears it's you that's got the selective memory.


Complaining that only after a mere seven years after the worst single terrorist attack in the world there's a picture in the paper about it is a nonsense really.

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Appologies ai droid, I'm not getting at you, it just annoys me that the media are very selective, it seems they forget the july London bombings, Piper alpha etc, added to the fact no mention ever comes of the way the USA funded terrorism in the past not only indirectly to the IRA etc but the fact that Bin Laden and the Taliban is a product of their own training and funding, mmm this now brings up the Pitt Bull thread i.e. the dog that bites the hand that feeds it.


The above tragedies were terrible. Because innocent people suffered. Even if the USA has funded terrorism, it's not the fault of the people that were caught in the towers.


I'm sure families of the people affected will never get over it. Maybe you should count yourself lucky that 7 years on you are still able to read about it, unlike those that perished.


And the mere suggestion about "the dog that bites the hand that feeds it" seems a bit insensitive considering this thread was about remembering the attack, and seems to suggest in a way that the USA deserved it.


The London bombings got a lot of coverage on the news to mark the anniversary. Piper Alpha got alot of coverage as it was 20years on. I seem to remember on the early anniversaries, Piper Alpha was always mentioned. But as time moves on eventually these events fade slighty from peoples memories, and the coverage gets less. Maybe that will happen in time with the 9/11 attack but it is early days yet.

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There was a service honouring the Troops who served in N.I held in England this week, there were lots of meetings held accross N.I this week celebrating all sides commitment to a lasting peace.


I was more interested in them and the progress that has been made since the last time i was there, i had forgotten all about 9/11 until i saw an advert on CH4 about 9/11 stories.


I take nothing away from the impact that the towers had on the world and there is no way i would ever knowingly forget the biggest terror event of our time, but for me i dont feel connected to it so i dont feel i have to remember it every year.


I am going through a phase at the moment where i am looking at the worlds media as trying to increase the international communities paranioa and what impact it is having on people. For me i think the Island is in a good state at the moment but listening to people and how they are talking about things they have seen on the telle or read in the papers you would think we live in a totally different place.


I hope the UK come to realise that the US is a totally different culture and for me personally i think the more disconnected we become, the better it will be in terms of people realising that the UK is not in bad shape and to stop listening to the twitchers over the pond.


Bit of a waffle and not sure i am making my point... ah well!

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There is also the point that 911 killed more UK citizens than 7/7 or any individual IRA outrage.


I agree Piper Alpha was bigger, but it was a tragedy of a whole different nature - 911 was literally world changing - tradegies like Piper Alpha, Zebrugger etc were not, other than for those personally involved and their is still, limited coverage of these events even so.


I don't feel 911 aniversary coverage has been out of proportion.

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To be honest, I hadn't even remembered until I saw this thread. Does anyone actually feel like it's been 'constantly rammed down our throats' this year?


Thats a fair point. But during a presidential election campaign I don't think either of the f**kers want to remind the average American voter that this happened 7 years ago and yet still nobody has been brought to account for it. Cynical but likely true. They're a couple of wars down the line, billions maybe even trillions spent, the economy almost bankrupted and the old donkey user is still sat in the Pakistani mountains laughing at all of them.

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