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[BBC News] Windfarm slammed by Steam Packet


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Easy solution, dump Heysham it's a shithole with no facilities for foot passengers to get to it for the late sailing and the roads are shite.

Errrr.... but it does have a pair of nuclear reactors creating electrickery. Now, what was the fuss about again? Oh yes, renewable energy.


But I'm a tad suspicious of their maths. According to them 139 of their wind turbines will supply the requirement of 372,000 homes. In other words 15 of their units would be sufficient to power the IOM's total requirement of 30k homes. Surely Proffitt et al couldn't have got that basic requirement so badly wrong? Errrr, wait a minute...

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But I'm a tad suspicious of their maths. According to them 139 of their wind turbines will supply the requirement of 372,000 homes. In other words 15 of their units would be sufficient to power the IOM's total requirement of 30k homes. Surely Proffitt et al couldn't have got that basic requirement so badly wrong? Errrr, wait a minute...


That's 3.6MW per turbine, which is on the optimistic side but is reportedly achievable from offshore turbines. As we need around 50MW, then yes 15 turbines would be sufficient for the islands needs, although with 5MW already coming from the energy from waste, we'd actually only need 13 offshore turbines.


At the costs estimated for the above project, 13 turbines would cost £80 million. Quite a bit cheaper than pulrose power station then, which doesn't do the whole island, and is subject to rising gas prices.

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We were in Lynmouth over the weekend. They have one of the first tidal turbines installed around the UK. The slow revolving environmentally friendly blade produces about 300kw, now THATS renewable energy. Unlike wind power it's totally reliable and predictable as Keppler got it pretty much right. The moon is not about to stop orbiting earth and earth is not about to stop orbiting the sun anytime soon - so that's all right then! It was installed in 2003. Now tell me again, when did the MEA fiasco put every IOM household into hock? Oh yes, about the same time in 2003. Such a shame that the MEA team of worthies didn't bother looking into these new technologies. What's that you say? After delivering a capital project way over budget to the IOM those same individuals are now promoting renewables à la Lynmouth! Well I never...

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Would Birkenhead be as convenient for commercial traffic as Heysham? Certainly Norfolk Line use it a lot for their Irish traffic.


If so why not leave Heysham and as has been suggested above run both ferries to the Mersey? That way it might also be possible toget rid of the "Snuffle'' which is incapable of winter sailings and use the new Incat for the occasional runs to Belfast may be even drop Dublin) and maintain a once weekly or once fortnightly service to Ireland through the winter?


That way the IOMSPC gets a bit of money for the little ship to contribute to the cost of the new one, operates what we are led to believe are two more fuel efficient ships, provides a very good service to the UK, only has to bus passengers from the Pier Head to Birkenhead if the weather stops the Incat sailing and puts a bit more effort into Irish sailings.

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Would Birkenhead be as convenient for commercial traffic as Heysham? Certainly Norfolk Line use it a lot for their Irish traffic.


If so why not leave Heysham and as has been suggested above run both ferries to the Mersey? That way it might also be possible toget rid of the "Snuffle'' which is incapable of winter sailings and use the new Incat for the occasional runs to Belfast may be even drop Dublin) and maintain a once weekly or once fortnightly service to Ireland through the winter?


That way the IOMSPC gets a bit of money for the little ship to contribute to the cost of the new one, operates what we are led to believe are two more fuel efficient ships, provides a very good service to the UK, only has to bus passengers from the Pier Head to Birkenhead if the weather stops the Incat sailing and puts a bit more effort into Irish sailings.


Would the Ben be able to do two round trips a day to Liverpool? Although it's not much further, there is a speed limit on the Mersey. Furthermore, the present dock is not suitable for lots of freight traffic. Perhaps a different location in one of the docks further down the river would work.



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