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What's Going On At Castle Rushen?


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Once more the DOE and the Minister cover themselves in glory. A year ago the Minister ordered an enquiry and a special inspection of CRHS. Result in December was a report commending the school and the headteacher. One year later and the DOE and the Minister are apparently trying once more to oust the headteacher of the best performing secondary school on the Island. Perhaps the Minister should consider her own position. And where are our fearless journalists ? What do the Governors say ? What do the teachers say ? What does the headteacher say ? What do the parents say ? Why aren't the reporters getting some answers ? What happened on Monday ?


??What if the DOE and Governors said, "Here's a big fat cheque if you resign and go away - and, by the way, say nothing."


Teachers respond, "Phew - at last!"


Headteacher, "Thanks very much - I'm outa here!" --"Oops, I shouldn't have said anything."

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Once more the DOE and the Minister cover themselves in glory. A year ago the Minister ordered an enquiry and a special inspection of CRHS. Result in December was a report commending the school and the headteacher. One year later and the DOE and the Minister are apparently trying once more to oust the headteacher of the best performing secondary school on the Island. Perhaps the Minister should consider her own position. And where are our fearless journalists ? What do the Governors say ? What do the teachers say ? What does the headteacher say ? What do the parents say ? Why aren't the reporters getting some answers ? What happened on Monday ?


??What if the DOE and Governors said, "Here's a big fat cheque if you resign and go away - and, by the way, say nothing."


Teachers respond, "Phew - at last!"


Headteacher, "Thanks very much - I'm outa here!" --"Oops, I shouldn't have said anything."

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Once more the DOE and the Minister cover themselves in glory. A year ago the Minister ordered an enquiry and a special inspection of CRHS. Result in December was a report commending the school and the headteacher. One year later and the DOE and the Minister are apparently trying once more to oust the headteacher of the best performing secondary school on the Island. Perhaps the Minister should consider her own position. And where are our fearless journalists ? What do the Governors say ? What do the teachers say ? What does the headteacher say ? What do the parents say ? Why aren't the reporters getting some answers ? What happened on Monday ?


??What if the DOE and Governors said, "Here's a big fat cheque if you resign and go away - and, by the way, say nothing."


Teachers respond, "Phew - at last!"


Headteacher, "Thanks very much - I'm outa here!" --"Oops, I shouldn't have said anything."

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Once more the DOE and the Minister cover themselves in glory. A year ago the Minister ordered an enquiry and a special inspection of CRHS. Result in December was a report commending the school and the headteacher. One year later and the DOE and the Minister are apparently trying once more to oust the headteacher of the best performing secondary school on the Island. Perhaps the Minister should consider her own position. And where are our fearless journalists ? What do the Governors say ? What do the teachers say ? What does the headteacher say ? What do the parents say ? Why aren't the reporters getting some answers ? What happened on Monday ?


??What if the DOE and Governors said, "Here's a big fat cheque if you resign and go away - and, by the way, say nothing."


Teachers respond, "Phew - at last!"


Headteacher, "Thanks very much - I'm outa here!" --"Oops, I shouldn't have said anything."


To quote Manx Radio: "Last month, Castle Rushen celebrated superb A level results - placing the school among the top handful of state comprehensives in the UK."


Ah, thinks the Minister. Too elitist by half. Better get rid of her, before parents in the other schools complain !"

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When I was there, for the most part the school seemed to be run by ancient freemasons (ok, that's another topic, but it had to be said). They were well into their twilight years and as teachers they were past their best, but that didn't seem to stop them dreaming they were still cutting edge. What miserable figures some of them made. This was after good ol' Rastus left (mentioned already in this thread). At least you knew where you stood with that guy.


Anyway back on topic. Well, nearly.


How much longer can school exam results keep on 'getting better and better'.


When we have so many apparently degree educated young adults in our midst who have little care or concern about even basic grammar and spelling, then I see the whole education system in our society will one day implode. More and more smugly qualified but in reality with less and less ability.

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Once more the DOE and the Minister cover themselves in glory. A year ago the Minister ordered an enquiry and a special inspection of CRHS. Result in December was a report commending the school and the headteacher. One year later and the DOE and the Minister are apparently trying once more to oust the headteacher of the best performing secondary school on the Island. Perhaps the Minister should consider her own position. And where are our fearless journalists ? What do the Governors say ? What do the teachers say ? What does the headteacher say ? What do the parents say ? Why aren't the reporters getting some answers ? What happened on Monday ?


??What if the DOE and Governors said, "Here's a big fat cheque if you resign and go away - and, by the way, say nothing."


Teachers respond, "Phew - at last!"


Headteacher, "Thanks very much - I'm outa here!" --"Oops, I shouldn't have said anything."


To quote Manx Radio: "Last month, Castle Rushen celebrated superb A level results - placing the school among the top handful of state comprehensives in the UK."


Ah, thinks the Minister. Too elitist by half. Better get rid of her, before parents in the other schools complain !"



Or, perhaps, there may have been no improvements in the 'serious weaknesses in the management of the school' in 2007?





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Once more the DOE and the Minister cover themselves in glory. A year ago the Minister ordered an enquiry and a special inspection of CRHS. Result in December was a report commending the school and the headteacher. One year later and the DOE and the Minister are apparently trying once more to oust the headteacher of the best performing secondary school on the Island. Perhaps the Minister should consider her own position. And where are our fearless journalists ? What do the Governors say ? What do the teachers say ? What does the headteacher say ? What do the parents say ? Why aren't the reporters getting some answers ? What happened on Monday ?


??What if the DOE and Governors said, "Here's a big fat cheque if you resign and go away - and, by the way, say nothing."


Teachers respond, "Phew - at last!"


Headteacher, "Thanks very much - I'm outa here!" --"Oops, I shouldn't have said anything."


To quote Manx Radio: "Last month, Castle Rushen celebrated superb A level results - placing the school among the top handful of state comprehensives in the UK."


Ah, thinks the Minister. Too elitist by half. Better get rid of her, before parents in the other schools complain !"



Or, perhaps, there may have been no improvements in the 'serious weaknesses in the management of the school' in 2007?







Some weaknesses with results like that !!

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Im amazed at the fact it has remained so closed and tight lipped on this Island, that must be a first in itself.


Now to the school, and from first hand experience.


It has consistently failed my child, they have been bullied since they joined the school, and the half arsed efforts of the school is beyond belief. (if that happened in the place I work there would be major disciplinary actions and claims.)


The school has failed in its duty of care for the right to a fair education, disruptive classes , teachers that have "given up" and just go with the flow .. (High Fiving the kids in corridors is not what I expect from the teaching staff that's for sure).

Deadlines for home work and course work are constantly extended over and over again as pupils cant be bothered to meet them. . Teachers "losing" handed in course work (they say its been Robbed , come on by who ??? , maybe once but on more than one occasion at least means the teacher is negligent to leave it all lying around again)


The "lost" course work then has to be done again by the pupils, so doubling up on work.


Can you imagine the response if a pupil said the work had been robbed from them or lost.... (double standards there then )


We have had to resort to private tuition of 4 subjects, and in a matter of months are way ahead of what they had been able to achieve in the classroom ..


The school needs and demands a good leader, there are and have been some fantastic teachers in that school , and they still are passionate about the kids they teach, but when that runs out they have left , (no matter what a report says).


This development is no bad thing , and one of two things will happen, the school experience will improve and become the place it deserves to be, or it will go further down hill.


And anyone that thinks the school does really well, let me tell you , its in spite of the leadership and management, not because of it .


We wait the outcome .



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Castle rushen was a fantastic school till she took charge. Since then it went downhill in everyway.

Those A level results must be from the tireless work of the teachers. (who didnt like the headmistress btw)

A while back the PE teachers were so p1ssed off with her they were going to go on strike!

When teachers seriously think about striking soley because of the headmistress , the government should have listened to that imo.

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Castle rushen was a fantastic school till she took charge. Since then it went downhill in everyway.

Those A level results must be from the tireless work of the teachers. (who didnt like the headmistress btw)

A while back the PE teachers were so p1ssed off with her they were going to go on strike!

When teachers seriously think about striking soley because of the headmistress , the government should have listened to that imo.


Heads aren't supposed to be popular. Teachers aren't supposed to like the head. Or to lose course work. Or to take endless periods of sick leave. Or to whinge. Read the inspection report issued at the end of last year. And the ringing endorsement of the school, staff and students given at that time by the DOE and the Minister. What's changed since then ? Better results than ever !!

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Once more the DOE and the Minister cover themselves in glory. A year ago the Minister ordered an enquiry and a special inspection of CRHS. Result in December was a report commending the school and the headteacher. One year later and the DOE and the Minister are apparently trying once more to oust the headteacher of the best performing secondary school on the Island. Perhaps the Minister should consider her own position. And where are our fearless journalists ? What do the Governors say ? What do the teachers say ? What does the headteacher say ? What do the parents say ? Why aren't the reporters getting some answers ? What happened on Monday ?


??What if the DOE and Governors said, "Here's a big fat cheque if you resign and go away - and, by the way, say nothing."


Teachers respond, "Phew - at last!"


Headteacher, "Thanks very much - I'm outa here!" --"Oops, I shouldn't have said anything."


To quote Manx Radio: "Last month, Castle Rushen celebrated superb A level results - placing the school among the top handful of state comprehensives in the UK."


Ah, thinks the Minister. Too elitist by half. Better get rid of her, before parents in the other schools complain !"



Or, perhaps, there may have been no improvements in the 'serious weaknesses in the management of the school' in 2007?







Some weaknesses with results like that !!


Piss poor data analysis Angelo - the comparison needs to be with what the results would have been if the head had actually been any good at her job. Hard to make a comparison with a theorectical so you might consider the head and her "achievements"


She was a pathetic manager, the staff hated her, the parents (and the report) thought that communications at the school were atrocious; AFAIK teachers from feeder schools were seeking ways of getting their kids to other island secondary schools if she remained head at CRHS; She failed to keep good staff and replaced those that left with the youngest, cheapest alternatives around (and still couldn't balance the books); she failed to consider the school's role as a part of the social fabric - it was only CRHS that didn't allow social clubs to hire the sports facilities that our taxes paid for. In short, she was a poor


As a parent, I met her twice, encountered her 'policies' several times and never have I felt so appalled at any teacher in my, or my children's, educational experience.


Sure, if you want to just evaluate one year's exam results, go right ahead, but you're just another deluded fool who thinks that the biggest numbers at one end is all that matters. I think CRHS was right up their with other well-funded, middle class schools over there but if we're taking the UK as a guide, perhaps we're setting our sights too low



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