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What's Going On At Castle Rushen?


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Angelo certainly does give the impression that he has a dog in this fight...


How do you know it's a he? Might be Mrs T herself as Angelo seems only to have joined to defend her.


No, but fair's fair. By all objective indicators (absenteeism, suspensions, examination results) CRHS is the outstanding secondary school on the Island. By examination results alone as good as the top three State comprehensives in England and Wales. All of that has to be weighed in what is beginning to look very much like a witch hunt. I suspect the headteacher doesn't suffer fools gladly and has made too many enemies along the way. The Governors have signed off (don't they have to do that ?) everything at the school, and they share responsibility for whatever "issues" the DOE is once again picking over. The most poisonous aspect of the affair is the corrupting secrecy which veils everything undertaken by IOM Government, which in this case must perplex parents trying to get at the truth. Our journalists are complicit in this secrecy and fail in their duty to investigate and expose.

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Angelo certainly does give the impression that he has a dog in this fight...


How do you know it's a he? Might be Mrs T herself as Angelo seems only to have joined to defend her.


No, but fair's fair. By all objective indicators (absenteeism, suspensions, examination results) CRHS is the outstanding secondary school on the Island. By examination results alone as good as the top three State comprehensives in England and Wales. All of that has to be weighed in what is beginning to look very much like a witch hunt. I suspect the headteacher doesn't suffer fools gladly and has made too many enemies along the way. The Governors have signed off (don't they have to do that ?) everything at the school, and they share responsibility for whatever "issues" the DOE is once again picking over. The most poisonous aspect of the affair is the corrupting secrecy which veils everything undertaken by IOM Government, which in this case must perplex parents trying to get at the truth. Our journalists are complicit in this secrecy and fail in their duty to investigate and expose.




I would repeat my comments from further up the thread which you so predictably ignored.


I don't necessarily think you're Mrs T but you are so like my teenagers - "I did enough". I don't care where the school finished under the bad head, I'm concered that the children in her "care" didn't acheive all they could have and, as is has been demonstrated time and time again, school performance is down the the head teacher; Bad head, declining school - good head, improving school. If CRHS came top of ALL schools in these islands, I'd still want them to try to improve on the performance and to do this they need to have the right head - which Mrs T quite plainly isn't.


On a related note I haven't analysed the results in detail but teh DoE appears to think they are worse than last year and are part of a downward trend at CRHS over the past few years (GSCEs, As and A2). QEII have a nice graph showing this decline (for obvious reasons, but facts are facts). I'd like to have time to review the numbers entered into various exams and consider how easy it is to obtain a high rate for A and A* passes by the simple expedient of discouraging the less competent from taking the exams. The school looks great to the Angelo's of the world but it is failing in its responsibilites to society. Head teachers aren't given vast sums of our tax money to allow them to boast about exam results, they're there to educate EVERY child in their care to helpt them meet their potential.


Of course, this further supports my own view that this is why Brits generally never manage to get to or hold onto top spots in sports they ought to dominate - too much 'good enough' and not enough 'keep betting better' (the Manx are much better in this regard but you don't seem to have got that gene)



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Our journalists are complicit in this secrecy and fail in their duty to investigate and expose.


You need a fresh tin hat. What would a journalist gain from keeping anything secret? And if this is the old "the Manx government pays journalists wages through advertising", think again. If there were any chance the government could go to the competition with its advertising budget, journalists may feel under pressure. However, when adverts have to be published by law and you're the only press outlet that can publish them, you're in a position of power.

As usual, a halfwit who's never worked on a newsdesk pipes in with ill-formed paranoid opinion.

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Our journalists are complicit in this secrecy and fail in their duty to investigate and expose.


You need a fresh tin hat. What would a journalist gain from keeping anything secret? And if this is the old "the Manx government pays journalists wages through advertising", think again. If there were any chance the government could go to the competition with its advertising budget, journalists may feel under pressure. However, when adverts have to be published by law and you're the only press outlet that can publish them, you're in a position of power.

As usual, a halfwit who's never worked on a newsdesk pipes in with ill-formed paranoid opinion.


They would gain a quiet life. Unlike the many journalists I work with who do occasionally rock the boat which carries them.

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I don't care where the school finished under the bad head,


Nice to see you're not jumping to any conclusions.


Poor comment, Lonan. See my first long post where I detailed my opinion.


I've encountered the Head and experienced her policies and their effect on my children. I've seen and heard commentary from experienced teachers and what they think of her as a headteacher. I know of one maths teacher, fully able to teach to GCSE and A levels who would have been available to fill the then maths vacancy at CRHS in 2003/4 but who declined to even let the DoE know of her skills after she met Mrs T. I note that this vacancy continued for a least two years with my children 'taught' maths by a number of supply teachers. This year there seems to be at least one vacancy in science teaching and the A level english students are being bussed to the IOM college to be tutored at the necessary level. Clearly, she is a head-teacher that engenders no respect in her own profession with people prefering tonot work than work at CRHS!


A conclusion? Yes but not one I "jumped" to.


Edited to add: with your skill at quote-mining you ought to consider a career in Creationism or Politics

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I don't care where the school finished under the bad head,


Nice to see you're not jumping to any conclusions.


Poor comment, Lonan. See my first long post where I detailed my opinion.


I've encountered the Head and experienced her policies and their effect on my children. I've seen and heard commentary from experienced teachers and what they think of her as a headteacher. I know of one maths teacher, fully able to teach to GCSE and A levels who would have been available to fill the then maths vacancy at CRHS in 2003/4 but who declined to even let the DoE know of her skills after she met Mrs T. I note that this vacancy continued for a least two years with my children 'taught' maths by a number of supply teachers. This year there seems to be at least one vacancy in science teaching and the A level english students are being bussed to the IOM college to be tutored at the necessary level. Clearly, she is a head-teacher that engenders no respect in her own profession with people prefering tonot work than work at CRHS!


A conclusion? Yes but not one I "jumped" to.



Edited to add: with your skill at quote-mining you ought to consider a career in Creationism or Politics


Like other schools CRHS has had its share of lazy and incompetent teachers. The outstanding results in the school this year obviously owe more to the cohorts of students involved than to the teachers and the management. Nevertheless all the indicators show that CRHS is the best performing secondary school on the Island right now. A function of students, teachers, management team, headteacher, and governors. And it's just a pity that all the DOE can talk about is "issues", and all the press can talk about is the "troubled school". What issues ? Dare they say it ? What troubles ? Dare they name them ?

And why on earth doesn't the DOE publish the comparative results of its secondary schools ? Surely they don't prefer to have 5 schools of more or less equivalent standards to a competition for excellence ? Are they worried parent's might see the tables and seek to realign the catchment areas ?

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I don't care where the school finished under the bad head,


Nice to see you're not jumping to any conclusions.


Poor comment, Lonan. See my first long post where I detailed my opinion.


I've encountered the Head and experienced her policies and their effect on my children. I've seen and heard commentary from experienced teachers and what they think of her as a headteacher. I know of one maths teacher, fully able to teach to GCSE and A levels who would have been available to fill the then maths vacancy at CRHS in 2003/4 but who declined to even let the DoE know of her skills after she met Mrs T. I note that this vacancy continued for a least two years with my children 'taught' maths by a number of supply teachers. This year there seems to be at least one vacancy in science teaching and the A level english students are being bussed to the IOM college to be tutored at the necessary level. Clearly, she is a head-teacher that engenders no respect in her own profession with people prefering tonot work than work at CRHS!


A conclusion? Yes but not one I "jumped" to.


Edited to add: with your skill at quote-mining you ought to consider a career in Creationism or Politics


What you say might very well be true - or it may be the case, as some I've spoken to have insisted - that Mrs T attempted to drag the school and it's staff into the 21st Century and that some members of staff, unwilling or unable to change their customary methods, have done everything they can to undermine her position. I don't know; and, unless you've worked with her, neither do you.

Most, if not all of them, were objective enough to say "It seems to me that..." or "In my opinion..." or even "From what I've seen..."

Even the ones who were non-supportive refrained from declaring her 'good' or 'bad' as if it was an established fact.


Mind you, they were reasonably intelligent.

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I don't care where the school finished under the bad head,


Nice to see you're not jumping to any conclusions.


Poor comment, Lonan. See my first long post where I detailed my opinion.


I've encountered the Head and experienced her policies and their effect on my children. I've seen and heard commentary from experienced teachers and what they think of her as a headteacher. I know of one maths teacher, fully able to teach to GCSE and A levels who would have been available to fill the then maths vacancy at CRHS in 2003/4 but who declined to even let the DoE know of her skills after she met Mrs T. I note that this vacancy continued for a least two years with my children 'taught' maths by a number of supply teachers. This year there seems to be at least one vacancy in science teaching and the A level english students are being bussed to the IOM college to be tutored at the necessary level. Clearly, she is a head-teacher that engenders no respect in her own profession with people prefering tonot work than work at CRHS!


A conclusion? Yes but not one I "jumped" to.


Edited to add: with your skill at quote-mining you ought to consider a career in Creationism or Politics


What you say might very well be true - or it may be the case, as some I've spoken to have insisted - that Mrs T attempted to drag the school and it's staff into the 21st Century and that some members of staff, unwilling or unable to change their customary methods, have done everything they can to undermine her position. I don't know; and, unless you've worked with her, neither do you.

Most, if not all of them, were objective enough to say "It seems to me that..." or "In my opinion..." or even "From what I've seen..."

Even the ones who were non-supportive refrained from declaring her 'good' or 'bad' as if it was an established fact.


Mind you, they were reasonably intelligent.



Lonan, I thought it was was so self-evident that comments on an internet bulletin board were opinion that no further clarification was needed.


Your requirement for additional explanation is noted - you're spot on for a career as a creationist, I don't think you'd cut it as a politico.

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Lonan, I thought it was was so self-evident that comments on an internet bulletin board were opinion that no further clarification was needed.


Your requirement for additional explanation is noted - you're spot on for a career as a creationist, I don't think you'd cut it as a politico.


I would suggest that anyone who states an opinion as if it was an established fact - such as, for example, stating that someone is bad at their job rather than waiting for supporting evidence - is more likely to be of a 'creationist' turn of mind.

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Lonan, I thought it was was so self-evident that comments on an internet bulletin board were opinion that no further clarification was needed.


Your requirement for additional explanation is noted - you're spot on for a career as a creationist, I don't think you'd cut it as a politico.


I would suggest that anyone who states an opinion as if it was an established fact - such as, for example, stating that someone is bad at their job rather than waiting for supporting evidence - is more likely to be of a 'creationist' turn of mind.


Well now that the word "suspended" has been used by the DOE as quoted in the press, and assuming at least 10 years of salary to run plus pension rights, I expect we're looking at a payoff cost to the IOM taxpayer of around one million. Unless someone sues someone for damaging reputation etc, when it could be much more than that. Good job we've got deep pockets.

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