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How Much Is This Costing?


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I am not convinced that a black tie dinner will do much to encourage business here. What can actually be achieved during a sit down dinner? I suspect that most of the people there will be known to each other anyway through business circles.





conferences and jollys build relationships and people are social even in business so this sort of thing can work well.


however a collection of chimney sweeps and shop keeps trying to impress a group of city slickers could just show the true colours of the island off in a less than professional or worse [dull] light.

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It is a good idea to promote business opportunities in the Isle of Man. How well this can be achieved through a big black-tie dinner is doubtful but possibly it's worth a try - providing they actually have some way of testing whether it was a success so that they don't do it again if it wasn't.


However what will the London guests think about doing business with a place that has poor transport links with London, supposedly (per the government) a very low unemployment rate so limited supply of appropriately skilled local staff, very high relocation costs compared with the UK, a high cost of living and not the best telecommunications structure in the world....But of course we have 0% corporate tax and lowish levels of personal tax compared with some countries - but then again if you come here you are taxed on your worldwide income which does not happen in some competing legislatures. Lifestyle though is a good one to discuss.


I wonder which aspects of 'Freedom to Flourish' he will promote?


Any guesses about the menu - queenies, kipper pate, chips with gravy, cheese with bits of herbs in it, all washed down with some pints of Okells?

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However what will the London guests think about doing business with a place that has poor transport links with London, supposedly (per the government) a very low unemployment rate so limited supply of appropriately skilled local staff, very high relocation costs compared with the UK, a high cost of living and not the best telecommunications structure in the world....


Quite right.

I'd also question the timing given the current fiscal climate. Having said that, I suppose the previous promotional work and momentum needs to be maintained. Speculate to accumulate and all that.


however a collection of chimney sweeps and shop keeps trying to impress a group of city slickers could just show the true colours of the island off in a less than professional or worse [dull] light.


Agreed and FFS, someone should shave that crap off so they don't look like they've just come from an Oliver audition for the part of the Beadle.


Image is important, as is the ability to do the walk and talk - professionally.

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Very impressive, at the official home of the Mayor no less. I wonder if Boris will put in a scruffy-haired appearance. The calibre of conversation will be astounding.


Boris: "Astounding Tony, little short of superb, cracking form, tell it again!"


Tony: "Well yessir, when we go past it we wave and say 'Ello Fairies' you see sow"


Boris: "And on the return journey too? promise me its not a pyramid of piffle you're telling me!"


Tony: "On the return journey too, I'm telling you no lies and if I am there's a boat in the morning for me."


Boris: "I believe you Tony, I believe you, you can't disbelieve a man sporting such a moustache, reminds me of a poor cider farmer I once drove past."


Well making connections of a business kind like that can do nothing but bring fortune to our shores.

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Very impressive, at the official home of the Mayor no less. I wonder if Boris will put in a scruffy-haired appearance.


Not quite - The Mansion House is the official home of the Lord Mayor of London - currently Alderman David Lewis. This ancient role covers just the City of London.


Boris is the Mayor of London - a political position that covers all of the Greater London Area.

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Very impressive, at the official home of the Mayor no less. I wonder if Boris will put in a scruffy-haired appearance. The calibre of conversation will be astounding.


Boris: "Astounding Tony, little short of superb, cracking form, tell it again!"


Tony: "Well yessir, when we go past it we wave and say 'Ello Fairies' you see sow"


Boris: "And on the return journey too? promise me its not a pyramid of piffle you're telling me!"


Tony: "On the return journey too, I'm telling you no lies and if I am there's a boat in the morning for me."


Boris: "I believe you Tony, I believe you, you can't disbelieve a man sporting such a moustache, reminds me of a poor cider farmer I once drove past."


Well making connections of a business kind like that can do nothing but bring fortune to our shores.


Absolute classic !! Ive just pissed my pants ! :D

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Unfortunately I can't make this Friday because apparently John is going to kidnap Rosie, Janice and Leanne find out they've won the lotto and Vernon goes to The Rovers to find Liz in a clinch with Harry! Not to be missed...


So where is the guest list sans moi? They're arse-kissing via tax dollars so the recipients of this largesse should be in the public domain.

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It is a good idea to promote business opportunities in the Isle of Man. How well this can be achieved through a big black-tie dinner is doubtful but possibly it's worth a try - providing they actually have some way of testing whether it was a success

I see 'offshoring' is being increasingly considered as an option, but the move seems to be towards Dublin. What does IoM need to do to compete against Eire? If uncompetitive, then hob-nobbing won't count for much. If it is just a case of not having got the message across, who should they be targeting to increase awareness? How best to do this? Isn't it accountants, law firms, and big 5 who make these recommendations? (I don't think PWC are impressed by hob-nobbing with Boris - rather presentation to the relevant partners of the hard nosed business case for choosing IoM over Eire).


If anything there probably ought to be a full time office in London.

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