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How Much Is This Costing?


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We chose Eire, Dundalk to be precise, with disastrous consequences. Don't try and drop a modern high-tech operation onto what is essentially a third world infrastructure. I'm sure things have improved since but it was a weeping sore for a very long time.

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It is a good idea to promote business opportunities in the Isle of Man. How well this can be achieved through a big black-tie dinner is doubtful but possibly it's worth a try - providing they actually have some way of testing whether it was a success

I see 'offshoring' is being increasingly considered as an option, but the move seems to be towards Dublin. What does IoM need to do to compete against Eire? If uncompetitive, then hob-nobbing won't count for much. If it is just a case of not having got the message across, who should they be targeting to increase awareness? How best to do this? Isn't it accountants, law firms, and big 5 who make these recommendations? (I don't think PWC are impressed by hob-nobbing with Boris - rather presentation to the relevant partners of the hard nosed business case for choosing IoM over Eire).


If anything there probably ought to be a full time office in London.




1. Highly educated and available work force fully prepared to put in a full day

2. Full members of EC.

3. Large number of Double Tax Treaties

4. Very good infrastructre - mostly paid for by EC

5. Well thought of progressive Government

6. Good International flight connections- if ferries a little ropey!

7. Cultural and Entertainment facilities


I am sure that there are other advantages but am sure that these are a few of the points considered by Shire Phrma and Hendersons before making the move!

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conferences and jollys build relationships and people are social even in business so this sort of thing can work well.


however a collection of chimney sweeps and shop keeps trying to impress a group of city slickers could just show the true colours of the island off in a less than professional or worse [dull] light.


This was my initial thoughts. Drawling old self important Manxmen swanking around the City of London is a frightening thought.


The Lord Mayor of London, David Lewis, seems to have a far more than would be natural affinity to the Island. Is he planning to retire here? Has he got his swag nested here?


Questions that may appear crass and cynical at first but not unworthy of a thought.


Tom Glassey has a few thoughts in his blog too.

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Ok then


Suggestions as to how we attract new UK and international business to the Island?


Ad in the back of the Courier? Flyer on Shoprite noticeboard?


Wake up. These things matter. Yes, they cost money, but this is what we need to be doing.


If you disagree, tell us what YOU would do.

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1. Highly educated and available work force fully prepared to put in a full day

2. Full members of EC.

3. Large number of Double Tax Treaties

4. Very good infrastructre - mostly paid for by EC

5. Well thought of progressive Government

6. Good International flight connections- if ferries a little ropey!

7. Cultural and Entertainment facilities


I am sure that there are other advantages but am sure that these are a few of the points considered by Shire Phrma and Hendersons before making the move!

I would add

  1. Euro currency
  2. Tax system tasked to encourage investment not just to raise revenue
  3. Good legal system
  4. Excellent Ro/Ro ferry links
  5. Remittance based personal taxation - not worldwide income
  6. In addition to good air links - good pricing on a lot of them
  7. Rapidly improving road infrastructure
  8. High cost of lving for eurozone but similar to UK
  9. Excellent organisations to support inward investment

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1. Highly educated and available work force fully prepared to put in a full day

2. Full members of EC.

3. Large number of Double Tax Treaties

4. Very good infrastructre - mostly paid for by EC

5. Well thought of progressive Government

6. Good International flight connections- if ferries a little ropey!

7. Cultural and Entertainment facilities


I am sure that there are other advantages but am sure that these are a few of the points considered by Shire Phrma and Hendersons before making the move!

I would add

  1. Euro currency
  2. Tax system tasked to encourage investment not just to raise revenue
  3. Good legal system
  4. Excellent Ro/Ro ferry links
  5. Remittance based personal taxation - not worldwide income
  6. In addition to good air links - good pricing on a lot of them
  7. Rapidly improving road infrastructure
  8. High cost of lving for eurozone but similar to UK
  9. Excellent organisations to support inward investment




Galway Races

MacGillicuddy's Reeks



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Any news on how this went? Any forum members been on a freebie breaking bread with a pointy shoe, shiny suited, slicked-back-hair, mover and shaker, slickety type lately?


Did Tony tell them how the Government have pulled their socks up since the SIB Savings and Investment Bank, although there seem to be quite a few involved with that incident still happily swaggering about the Isle............


Did he explain the healthcare facility on the Island, but in particular how inept the Government were at building the New Hospital? Where did all those £millions actually go? It is not good enough to say the newly formed company went out of business. That does not absolve the ultimate employer from incompetence.


"We have a brand new Power Station". How many £millions over budget did it go? Oh, and the MEA pipeline....it seems that the running of this job was "money no object, lads". All that new and expensive equipment bought with our money by the MEA and then handed to the contractors. I could go on.


Not to mention the 'illegal' and decidedly dodgy MEA loans. Oh dear.


What a cesspool of corruption and greed the Island can be.


Ah well, may as well go on a little:


The New Government Building. How much over budget did it go because of 'some dry rot'. The City Slickers will be proud of that one, even better than the Scottish thingy that was built for them lot up there.


I think I'll stop there, but there is so much more of course. Far, far more.


Aye, I reckon we could get a lot of business from people who love to make loadsamoney one way or another. By hook or by crook.

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Ok then


Suggestions as to how we attract new UK and international business to the Island?


Ad in the back of the Courier? Flyer on Shoprite noticeboard?


Wake up. These things matter. Yes, they cost money, but this is what we need to be doing.


If you disagree, tell us what YOU would do.


Here's a good tourism idea, from Spain.


"In fact, a snail celebration, the "Aplec del cargol," takes place in Lleida each May, drawing more than 200,000 visitors from abroad." Wikipedia.


200,000! Puts the TT in perspective. Run the festival from July to September and you'll keep the island's hoteliers happy. We've got plenty of local parsley, wild garlic and butter.


It'll get our sluggish economy going again.



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More firms move HQs offshore Clicky


Not suprisingly PWC are doing the review for B&Q owner Kingfisher. It would be valuable to see what they thought were IoM's strengths and weaknesses compared to other options such are Ireland.


Different sectors will have different priorities (RoRo Ferries may not be much of a priority in Kingfisher or Google's choice of European HQ). Tax is a key one. Legal and regulatory is of course another as is currency, etc. Shouldn't IoM identify the weaknesses in sectors where it has best chance of competing with other offshore options, and look at how these might be addressed?


If it is due to lack of marketing and that IoM is simply overlooked as an option, an Ad in the Courier, or even dinner with Boris won't do it. Instead need to make sure people at PWC etc. are familiar with the 'product'. There should be an office spotting such opportunities and selling IoM when a major company is doing an offshoring review, and getting feedback on weaknesses which count against IoM in the review.


Given level of UK public spending, prospects of increased unemployment and recession in UK, it's likely taxes will increase in UK. This could present an opportunity for IoM. More companies are looking at offshoring their HQs. One can make educated guesses, but isn't it better to get in front of them to find out what would tip the balance if favour of them choosing IoM rather than Ireland?


If you disagree, tell us what YOU would do.

Market research to identify key areas of weakness. Joined-up strategy and programme to address these as far as economic to improve IoM's competitive position. Aggressive marketing to decision makers in sectors where IoM is competitive.


A good start would be going and talking to Kingfisher's people at PWC.

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