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Behzti Driven Off Stage


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Tensions are running very high over here at present,what with world events.

Perhaps the ladies timing was poor, i don't know.


If she had met with community leaders to discuss the play,she may have seen thier view point and perhaps come to some kind of balance, to get her message/feelings across without causing offence.


My fears would be, various sections of the community presuming all sikh men were the same.


Three points to answer:


1. I don't live in Holland - I presume that's what you meant by 'over here', as though I couldn't comprehend world events where I live. In actual fact, I live within 45 minutes of Birmingham Rep. The nickname refers to something quite different!


2. The theatre did consult the Sikh community long before the play opened. The Sikh leaders asked for some textual changes. They got them. They asked for the setting (ie a temple) to be changed. The theatre refused. So they asked to read out an announcement instead before the curtain went up. The theatre agreed. Then the Sikhs turned up in their hundreds and began to stone people coming out of the performance. Seems a little extreme, doesn't it? Not to mention ILLEGAL!


2. I am astonished by your fear that people might watch this play and think 'all sikh men were the same'. Utterly astonished. Be honest. How many plays, on screen and stage, depict white British men in a bad light? Do we (or indeed members of other cultures) watch them and believe that all white British men must be the same? If so, these must be the same people who send flowers and sympathy cards when soap opera characters die.


Look, if you can't see a classic case of bullying when it's staring you in the face, then ...


Hollandaise....Carter living in Holland!


Over here means the UK!


Most theatre go-ers are a decent bunch of folk, i'm sure the majority who have seen the play would not think for a minute that all sikh men were the same.


What i was trying to refer to, was organisations like the BNP.

I've no doubt they will archive the news clips, of the violent scenes and use them later in some form of broadcast to promote thier party or recruitment.


I'm on your side!


The events after the play were inexcusable.


Hollandaise, with respect would you feel the same if a sikh male had written the play?

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Hollandaise, with respect would you feel the same if a sikh male had written the play?



Oh, absolutely not.


I would still feel angry, naturally, that a writer had been gagged. (Though I'm relieved to think the play may still play elsewhere - not without similar protests, I'm sure!) But as a woman, and as a writer myself, my sense of identification with a female writer in that position is extremely strong.


Hence all the teeth & claws.


But I'm a sweet little pussy in real life. Honest.




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