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Lehman Brothers Collapse

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With Lehman Bros filing for bankruptcy protection over the weekend...AIG asking the Fed for a financial lifeline...the FTSE in freefall....is there any good news around the financial world!


Perhaps this is just the markets re-aligning, maybe its comeuppence for the speculators and hedgers have have controlled the economy for too long...its still somewhat worrying.


That said, the price of crude is dropping too...so that means our utulity bills should fall....right???? :rolleyes:

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With Lehman Bros filing for bankruptcy protection over the weekend...AIG asking the Fed for a financial lifeline...the FTSE in freefall....is there any good news around the financial world!


Perhaps this is just the markets re-aligning, maybe its comeuppence for the speculators and hedgers have have controlled the economy for too long...its still somewhat worrying.


That said, the price of crude is dropping too...so that means our utulity bills should fall....right???? :rolleyes:

A number of years ago an Economics Professor won the Nobel Prize for Economics for his theory that in summary said 'don't put all your eggs in one basket'! That has never been truer than at the moment. Having said that I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is a big difference between the likes of Lehman Bros. and the high street trading banks as they have a wider range of activities and income sources.


A bit of a platitude but maybe there are some benefits in having this correction. As you say oil prices are coming down (Governments please act to make sure that these falls are passed on). The high risk/high bonus financial practices may be brought back to a more sensible matching of investments and risk. The same applies to house prices - as long as governments don't intervene in the market to protect developers, estate agents and advocates there may be a chance that house prices will become significantly more affordable as for example the UK market seems 30-40% over priced and the Irish market more like 50-60% - based on long term historic relationships between house prices and incomes. Too greedy banks using too many financial instruments allowed things to bubble. The other thing I hope is that the financial regulators will be disciplined and held to account for their failure to regulate prudently. The UK FSA was set up supposedly to protect the consumer - something it has charged a lot to do and failed to achieve.


Wonder how this will flow through to the Manx economy, dependent as it is on the finance sector, internet gambling and ship and aircraft registration. Maybe it means we will have to seriously resurrect tourism rather than the tokenism it has been treated with to date?


Worrying times but not the end of the world.

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Nice, 11 months ago when I sold the old house I had a gut feeling things where due to go tits up so I decided to rent and put the money where I could earn some interest, well it has gone tits up house prices are slowly coming down and interest rates about to go up, so far what I have payed in rent is less than what the combination of house price drop and intrest from the money I have gained so for me it's a bonus.

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Nice, 11 months ago when I sold the old house I had a gut feeling things where due to go tits up so I decided to rent and put the money where I could earn some interest


Ah yes. But are your savings completely safe? The banks might tumble one by one like dominoes. *


None of the banks are 100% - and we are discouraged (by the tax complication) on the IOM from investing in NSI accounts which are 100% guaranteed by the UK Treasury. There is no equivalent on the IOM as far as I know (although I don't know much).


(* only joking - I'm sure they are fine.)

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Nice, 11 months ago when I sold the old house I had a gut feeling things where due to go tits up so I decided to rent and put the money where I could earn some interest, well it has gone tits up house prices are slowly coming down and interest rates about to go up, so far what I have payed in rent is less than what the combination of house price drop and intrest from the money I have gained so for me it's a bonus.



What makes you think the value of the house you sold has dropped?

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Nice, 11 months ago when I sold the old house I had a gut feeling things where due to go tits up so I decided to rent and put the money where I could earn some interest, well it has gone tits up house prices are slowly coming down and interest rates about to go up, so far what I have payed in rent is less than what the combination of house price drop and intrest from the money I have gained so for me it's a bonus.



What makes you think the value of the house you sold has dropped?

Simple 3 others in the row have sold for a lot less and 2 was a little larger, but saying that I never said the one I sold had dropped I said house price drop as in general from observation of ones coming on the market.

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keep your eggs in one stable basket and have the meagre depositors protection scheme to fall back on


I posted somewhere on this a few months ago, as I remember someone raised the issue in Tynwald.


Here you're covered for 75% up to 15K


Across it's 100% up to 35K and they were talking about putting that up to 50K.


Far as I recall there is a difference how it's funded here/across which is why the scheme is not as good here.

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keep your eggs in one stable basket and have the meagre depositors protection scheme to fall back on


I posted somewhere on this a few months ago, as I remember someone raised the issue in Tynwald.


Here you're covered for 75% up to 15K


Across it's 100% up to 35K and they were talking about putting that up to 50K.


Far as I recall there is a difference how it's funded here/across which is why the scheme is not as good here.


I'm sure someone will corrrect me if I'm wrong but I thought that here it's 75 per cent of the first 20,000 pounds sterling per individual (Compensation of Depositors Regulation 1991).

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Feel free to argue


Currently the UK scheme, which is government-backed, offers up to £35,000 compensation per person, per institution. In the Island, £15,000 is the upper ceiling of compensation.



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