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[BBC News] Police target wing mirror vandals


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Ahhhh the joy of having a car that 'it dosent matter about'. Sometimes people drive too close to parked cars and this type of accident occurs, Im not sure there is much can be done about it, and wing mirrors only cost about a fiver (from the scrappy) so really it seems like a stupid waste of police time.

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My car isn't worth a fortune either but I like to keep it in good nick, and as it's an uncommon and old model parts can be very expensive for it.


Just because it costs you bugger all for your car doesn't mean it isn't costing someone else a shedload.


You're right though, it is a stupid waste of Police time, but only because there's no need for it to be happening.

It never used to be as common, not just because a lot of kids of course knew it was wrong & pointless, but also because of the fear of consequences if you got caught breaking any kind of law really.


That sort of fear of consequences has been very diluted since I was a youngster it seems, and so there's no incentive for these little bastards not to break the law when they know nothing much will happen even if they do get caught.

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Or on the other hand...... what happens if you catch them doing it to your car and they aren't ready to go to police?


Problem is there again, you cannot physically do anything to them without being slammed by the law! Even if you 'hold them' until the police arrive, they would be more likely to win a case against you for abuse haha.. than you would to have them prosecuted for vandalism.


Everything now is in the favour of the criminal youth. And while they have everything in their favour... they will continue to find amusement in doing anything they like.

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Because society is on the demise.


No respect = No control


Do you mean community? If so, I think you are right. There will always be society, even if that society is a society of criminals.


[RANT] And what about the upset they have caused the car owner isn't that unfair and impractical, what a load of bollocks, fine tham heavy and make them pay ever penny of the damage plus compensation for the inconvenience then a little comunity service, inconsiderate little shits [/RANT]


Oh no, I can understand the upset of the owner, it is very unfair and they are inconsiderate shit. But IF you have to, as you're supposed to, abide by the law and have laws in place that to again supposedly prevent and deal with crime, it should be a fair system.

So it would be impractical and downright wrong to lock someone up for say six months, for just 'keying' a car or smashing a light. That is what I meant.


But I think you also misunderstood what I meant about the fining. Fining vandals who do this sort of thing isn't an effective method of preventing the crime. Yes you might get compensated for the damage, but then somebody else could come along and do the same the next week or month. Ideally, it would be good to know who these people are, make yourself known and smash their property up. However, I suspect the people who damage cars do not have one or cannot afford one.

Though going back to the fining, I tend to think if you tried to get the compensation for the property damage and an arbitrary amount for emotional damage the perpetrators would be left very poor indeed. I suspect these are not upper-working class or middle class children running around vandalising things, but rather closer to the bottom rung of the ladder.

"And a good thing too", you may remark, but would they be left more embittered and angry, and more likely to destroy what they cannot own?


I don't think you can solve the problem easily. Society deserves the criminals it gets (which is not to mean that people's possessions deserve to be vandalised or stolen, not unless you have more than you need anyway). I just think that severe deterrent laws could only slightly mitigate the extent of the problem, not really deal with it in order to stop it. I think it is about respect, but how do you make people respect others in the community? Tough one.

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So it would be impractical and downright wrong to lock someone up for say six months, for just 'keying' a car or smashing a light. That is what I meant.




Though going back to the fining, I tend to think if you tried to get the compensation for the property damage and an arbitrary amount for emotional damage the perpetrators would be left very poor indeed. I suspect these are not upper-working class or middle class children running around vandalising things, but rather closer to the bottom rung of the ladder.


If someone keyed my car then I'd like them to pay for the damage plus a fine on top, or if they couldn't afford it them I'd be happy to see them jailed instead


I think it is about respect, but how do you make people respect others in the community?


You teach them to respect the law for a start.

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Is it not that, respect is earned and not learned? Cret, whats up with you today? someone steal your fluffkins? The point I was trying to make was that people get so het up about cars and image, the car is an object designed to serve a purpose, to get one from place to place, this is what I use mine for, it is not an extension of my husbands penis, it is not an object to impress the neighbours and family with, its just a car and if bits fall off it I will stick them back on with Duck tape and hope for the best. Do cheer up.

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Is it not that, respect is earned and not learned? Cret, whats up with you today? someone steal your fluffkins? The point I was trying to make was that people get so het up about cars and image, the car is an object designed to serve a purpose, to get one from place to place, this is what I use mine for, it is not an extension of my husbands penis, it is not an object to impress the neighbours and family with, its just a car and if bits fall off it I will stick them back on with Duck tape and hope for the best. Do cheer up.


That the object in question is a car is irrelevant. The point is is that it belongs to some-one who no doubt worked hard in order to earn enough to pay for it.


So if what you are saying is correct, as long as my house remains habitable, I should not be worried or raise any concerns if some piece of s*** scum bag comes along and writes graffiti all over the walls.......because, a) I can clean it off and b) i can still live in my house.


You have a strange philosophy.

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Er...funny you should mention it, someone wrote on the back wall of our house earlier this year, so....I drew a line through their name and wrote my own in much bigger letters. A few weeks later I painted the wall, it needed it anyway, it didnt cause me too much concern.

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The point I was trying to make was that people get so het up about cars and image, the car is an object designed to serve a purpose, to get one from place to place, this is what I use mine for, it is not an extension of my husbands penis,


Don't be so stupid. I had my car done not long ago - its not an image thing. The bill for a couple of mirrors and an arial on my car was a few hundred quid. Its dangerous to drive without mirrors so I had to pay up to get them fixed so I would not have an accident, and its a pain in the ass driving with no radio so the arial got fixed. Does that make me image concious?


So essentially some little shit cost me two hundred quid for no real purpose at all so stop talking such crap.


You also mentioned the hilarious story about your wall. Sadly you might be happy living in some shithole with graffiti on the wall but actually most people would prefer it not to be there so would pay to have it removed.

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the bees - I admire your 'if life gives you lemons, make lemonade' philosophy very much.


I honestly wish I could be as reflective, but unfortunately I've suffered from thieving, burglary, ramraiders, street violence and vandals over the years and actually my heart and soul cry out for vengeance. Maybe that's why I like mafia films so much...those boys never forgive and never forget either.


Thing is, I'm a fairly thick-skinned bloke with a sense of perspective, and can usually afford (eventually) to replace things - but the victims of this sort of antisocial and/or criminal behaviour are often people with little or nothing anyway, and it really can be distressing. Especially as you usually have no idea of who did it, or their motivation.

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Ahhhh the joy of having a car that 'it dosent matter about'. Sometimes people drive too close to parked cars and this type of accident occurs, Im not sure there is much can be done about it, and wing mirrors only cost about a fiver (from the scrappy) so really it seems like a stupid waste of police time.


Not really the point. You should be able to come back to your car in the condition you left it. Genuine accidents happen and that is part of motoring. Some drunken chav having a mindless attack on your car is alot more annoying, given time off the road, time getting it fixed not to mention the cost.


And if you can find a wing mirror for a fiver you'll be doing really well for most modern cars.


As far as I'm concerned there is no excuse for vandalism, and the vandals should be made to pay for the damage plus interest.

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