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[BBC News] Police target wing mirror vandals


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Shasto - I think if you'd had your own car vandalised by these scrotes, you'd be more interested. I had a door forced and quarterlight smashed in Douglas one night a few years back, and it cost hundreds to put right (but, typically, not quite enough to lose my NCB over).


There seems a huge increase in this sort of vandalism and criminal damage recently, and I think it's about time it was robustly targeted and stopped - so we should welcome any initiative to do that.


It's also time an example was made by the courts....ideally a disproportionately harsh punishment that's more commensurate with the upset caused to innocent people, rather than a caution, a modest fine payable at leisure or another soft option


In the last 3 years I've had my car scratched, wing mirror kicked off on 3 occassions and tyres let down. This hasn't only just happened to my car, on each occassion no fewer than 6 cars were also damaged and the police called. In all cases the police have not been able to do anything about it. To date this damage has cost me just short of £1,000.00.


Community Policing is voiced at every opportunity and yet we see no evidence around our area at all. To demonstrate this, we live near a school which on the last day of term had graffiti painted on the wall, the Police eventually reported this as happening 5 weeks later despite being called the day after it happened!


Get the police out of their cars and back on their feet and set up more Neighbourhood watch schemes.

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Electrical folding wing mirrors with an indicator will cost a lot more than a fiver, even from a scrappy. Plus - most modern car mirrors are colour coded to match the body work.


I do not drive about in a heap of junk, my car is rather nice. However, when I bought it I thought about how much it would cost to repair etc etc and bought within my means, I especially considered the wing mirrors and decided against electric ones (for the sole reason someone may accidentally knock them and they cost a lot to repair...no brainer really innit?). That said....I dont think Electrical colour coordinated wing mirrors are absolutely necessary to a car anyway, if my car had them and lost one in an accident Im quite sure I could glue the broken fixture back on and bung in the £5.00 mirror I was talking of earlier. Is image really that important? my lovely shiny car, which I cannot afford to fix....hmmm. Anyway, each to their own and all that, my car is very nice, got electric windows and a sunroof (also electric) and the arial goes up all by itself when I turn the car on - ooooh and its shiny and red and has a 'walnut dash' and bonus of bonuses it is parked in the drive everynight, so its quite unlikely to suffer any such vandalism attack - meh!


Aye aye Cret me ald sunflower, I do agree that people should not have to put up with mindless vandalism, however, its not the worst thing around and the police really are wasting time, I'd say 7/10 of these vandalism attacks are driving accidents.


My van would be pretty much undrivable without wing mirrors (non electrical) - forget reversing at least.


Let me know where your car is parked and, with your permission of course, I'll bet you a fiver it costs more than a fiver to fix your wing mirror. I get what your saying, it's not the end of the world, but it's an unnecessary cost and in the case of vehicles depending on wing mirrors to drive, a fucking huge incovienience.


thebees-world sounds nice and fluffy though.

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Community Policing is voiced at every opportunity and yet we see no evidence around our area at all. To demonstrate this, we live near a school which on the last day of term had graffiti painted on the wall, the Police eventually reported this as happening 5 weeks later despite being called the day after it happened!


Get the police out of their cars and back on their feet and set up more Neighbourhood watch schemes.

Unfortunately sparky, They're thinner on the ground than what I once thought!

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I don't know what good it would be to have bobbies on the streets though. There are no more conspicuous than a police car and a police car can cover more area and faster, and also response to an incident faster. Maybe I do not recognise something, but cannot think of what advantage walking policeman would be.


Community Policing is voiced at every opportunity and yet we see no evidence around our area at all.


But what is community policing? Is it just getting the community to take actions that will reduce crime, such as tucking in wing mirror or is it actually about the community taking a role in policing itself? Problem is if the community cannot take action themselves against the assailant they still have to rely almost wholly on the police, so there is no real change.

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Bees - I agree there's a lot more important stuff and the condition of material goods ultimately isn't always a huge issue. I'm angry about the fact that people should not have to pay hard earned money out to fix things because someone else decides to break it on a whim, or for a laugh. Whether you mind using a £5 wing mirror or not is irrelevant - you shouldn't have to replace it in the first place.

And I doubt your theory for 70% being traffic collisions is anywhere near reality soz. You can normally tell by looking at the broken bits.


I had an ace plan a long time ago to dress up as old bids with a few mates (head scarves, tartan shopping trollies etc, walking sticks), and roam the streets of Douglas late at night.


You could have some nice cold beers in the shopping trolley, and basically just wait until you spot someone vanadalising stuff or beating some innocent person up etc, then give them a hiding.


The theory was that the sort of yobs getting up to that sort of behaviour (vandalism & random beatings) wouldn't care if an oltimer saw them do it, and is hardly likely to subsequently complain to the police that they got done over by a few 'pensioners'. Hey presto, the streets would soon be free from crime thanks the vigilante grans.


Fantasy really, but a nice idea. :P

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The theory was that the sort of yobs getting up to that sort of behaviour (vandalism & random beatings) wouldn't care if an oltimer saw them do it, and is hardly likely to subsequently complain to the police that they got done over by a few 'pensioners'. Hey presto, the streets would soon be free from crime thanks the vigilante grans.


Fantasy really, but a nice idea. :P





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Get the police out of their cars and back on their feet and set up more Neighbourhood watch schemes.


Sparkey, you sound like the person who has all the answers yet does nothing about it yourself!!


Are you running a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in your area? Probably not and thats why the graffiti remaind outside your house for 5 weeks!!!

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