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S P, Brilliant.

Pat Ayres

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I know, another SP thread, bear with me.


I booked a trip for today, return with bike to come back on the same boat I went out on. Price £73. A complication is that; I was not actually taking a bike across, just collecting one, don't mind losing that part of the fare.

I rang to check it was fine before booking, was told it would be ok to do so.

Turned up today to book in and was politely told that I would have to cancel the ticket I had booked in good faith, after checking, and buy a single to Liverpool at today's price (£39) and a single with bike from Liverpool at today's price (£80).

Total £119! an increase of £46 because I didn't take a bike on the outward journey.

Apparently if you arrive without a vehicle it automatically renders the ticket, you've already paid, for null and void, both ways.

It gets worse, if I arrived with a motorbike that didn't work, it would also nullify the ticket as you're meant to be able to ride it on. If it breaks down on the way and you push it to the terminal, tough luck. You need to buy a new ticket, although what you're meant to do with the bike is beyond me, pay freight I suppose.

If this is strictly adhered to, anyone using a car with 4 passengers on an outward trip and returning with just 2 or 3 would need to buy another ticket at day prices, the extra cost would be silly.

There is no mention of this on the website or their terms and conditions, those available on request anyway, so the blame must lie with me not being clairvoyant.

I have to say at this juncture that the staff were professional and polite at all times and I did refrain from swearing, banging the desk or calling anyone a twat (for a change), I did have to walk away at one point because I was being patronised by the supervisor. The most I managed was a touch of sarcasm.

The question I ask is this; how much was it going to cost them not to take a bike on-board? No loading, no space taken up, fuel saved, time saved, wear and tear to the ramp etc;? Probably a minus figure IMHO.

So be warned people, if you go across to drop someone off, at uni or wherever, pick up a passenger at the terminal before you go to the boat or you will be surcharged a hell of a lot, according to the Steam Packet.

If I ever go across in a vehicle to drop off someone I will find a person at the terminal to fill the empty seat, thereby saving then the cost of a ticket and the Steam Packet the need to save money through my lighter vehicle.


What are my chances of a refund?

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You should be nailing them for the original misrepresentation that "it would be OK to do so", if you can prove it.

I don't know it would be so much a misrepresentation - or what could claim as a result (refund of the £73?). Maybe better to nail them for this 'representation' and breach of contract rather than misrepresentation.


You might argue that the ticket you originally bought was sold to you with the express entitlement for you to travel outward by foot only and with bike by return, and though verbal, this was a valid and binding legal contract. The complaint then is that they cancelled your ticket and made you buy a more expensive ticket to do the same as your £73 ticket had already entitled you to do. The reason you had to buy a new ticket was they didn't honour their contract over the original ticket - so you are out of pocket by £46 due to their breach of contract.

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Surely you've read enough of my s**t to know better by now Stu.

I did a good review just after they tried to kill me last year anyway, they were brilliant in that instance.

I'm not obviously criticising now anyway, it's just a stupid policy they have to work to probably written years ago in answer to some scam merchants at the time, maybe we'll see some change who knows?

Best not say any more at the moment, fingers crossed.

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had this b4 bout cars not being able to drive on to the boat,


group of us went away bout 2 cars 2 trucks,

on way back to liverpool we found one of said cars broke down 5 mins from boat, so put rope on and towed it to the boat,


well all hell broke loose then, as thay said the car coulden go on the boat as it could not be driven,

we explained we would tow it on, and tow it back off the other end, woulden be a problem as we were all together,


would thay let us on would thay hell,

so waited till the last possable moment, and drove like the wind down the ramp and on the boat, got out and locked the cars.


thay werent happy we just told them thay want it off thay had to get it off, the boat sailed on time, :D

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skrappey i saw your post a little late or you could have taken my bike over for me.I wanted to get over today but £71 as a footy is mad. someone help me out with a problem.I have never found anyone with a good word to say for the way the sp run things.I agree to a degree with a single user agreement but put some some conditions to it.I went to the terminal the other day to ask how this sliding scale thing works, in front of me stood an old couple who wanted to move the travel date forward a day because the person they were going across to see had deteriated in health.No problem swapping the ticket providing they paid another £150. how can this be justified.

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I would go apeshit. The amount of times I have done just this with no issues is mad. I have also turned up at Heysham docks with a GPZ550 late as I got a puncture on the way to the boat, not only did they offer to keep it overnight in the secure compound, the next day when I took the bus up from Preston, I got there to find 2 guys already stood by it ready to give me a hand pushing it onboard. Upon arrival in Douglas, they helped me push it off.


Steam Packet really are the most unhelpful jobsworth cretins these days (even surpassing that fat useless twunt who runs the Douglas Amenity site), their customer service is basically a fuck you with a smile.

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