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Term Time Holiday Ban


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As someone that can not take annual holidays during the summer term due to work commitments,I have no alternative but to take our child away out of term if we wish to have a family Holiday.


If only they had breaks in the middle of terms. They could call them, I dunno, half term breaks. Pretty sure they could get three of them in a year if they really thought about it. I think it's criminal we make them stay at school over those two weeks at Easter too.


Oh wai....


So there we have it our child can take more in than the system can give, so who is being let down, what harm could it do to take our child out of the system, maybe it will give the system that runs his class the time to play catch up. We will take our child away regardless of any refusal given by the school.


Rules have to be applied to all children.


I have to assume your child's supposed intelligence is either down to their mother or some genetic anomaly.

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Despite the rule being that holidays during school times aren't allowed, I have taken several holidays during school times. Most of mine however have been taken during school holidays. These days I just have long weekends if possible, which generally aren't during school times.

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14,351 between 5 & 19 at the last census.

Thought it would be considerably more than that, considering the population of the Island is what at least seven times that figure.


Fifteen thousand school days were lost to family vacations during the last academic year.

And how does he work that out exactly? Based on the last census and last year's loss of school days, every pupil on the island had 1.04 days off :mellow:. Hardly much is it?

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As someone that can not take annual holidays during the summer term due to work commitments,I have no alternative but to take our child away out of term if we wish to have a family Holiday.


If only they had breaks in the middle of terms. They could call them, I dunno, half term breaks. Pretty sure they could get three of them in a year if they really thought about it. I think it's criminal we make them stay at school over those two weeks at Easter too.


Oh wai....


September up the Xmas OK, Feb/March OK, rest of the year not a chance.


So there we have it our child can take more in than the system can give, so who is being let down, what harm could it do to take our child out of the system, maybe it will give the system that runs his class the time to play catch up. We will take our child away regardless of any refusal given by the school.


Rules have to be applied to all children.


I have to assume your child's supposed intelligence is either down to their mother or some genetic anomaly.


Hope her indoors aint been playing away :lol:

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he feels that our child could be moved up a year but the system does not allow this.


Slightly off-topic here and only speaking from experience but you probably don't want this. It happened to me and it's one of two distinct things that I look back on and realise I was completely reamed by the education system. It's not a good thing to be wrenched away from all your classmates and plonked into a room full of older kids that you don't know. In many ways it would have been better had this happened due to me switching schools or something, but to be constantly reminded that all your friends are still in the vicinity and having a whale of a time whilst you're living through a Dickensian nightmare is not something that I would wish on my worst enemy.


Well, most of them anyway ;-)


Reading that back I'm maybe painting a bleaker picture due to shit-tinted sunglasses, but the sentiment stands.

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Rules have to be applied to all children.


But these rules are made to be followed by the parents, not the children.


Maybe there should be a referundum, all participants being children and young adults below the age of 16. Ask them whether you would like more holidays.


I agree with John Wright, the bother is about 'taking the piss'. There are enough problems with the state of the education system to think that one or two kids in a class who are away a week or two in Spain is going to have a serious effect on the schooling of others. And from remembering when I was at school, I can't think how two weeks would really let the child fall out of step with his classmates to any great degree. But if you have responsible parents who are concerned about the stuff they have missed, the parents could help their child catch up by helping them do some stuff at home. (I don't know just thinking off the top of my head).


Considering the child is stuff into the same old classroom day in and day out, what is the problem with a little holiday with family. They will have less opportunity to go away with parents after the go into the world of work and will no doubt have different priorities then.

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This is a poloicy, not a law. Agree with it, observe it, no problem. You disagreee with it, fine here is how you go about ignoring it and doing things correctly and notr end up being prosecuted for non attendance.


I'm confused as to why people would be prosecuted for something that is not a law...


For the record, parent of two school age children and I don't agree at all with parents taking their children out of school in term time for holidays. Kids get what? 14 weeks of the year off or something daft?


"For the record" one child at junior school. Quick check for next years holls. Florida two weeks, Holiday inn, international drive, (Virgin) 1st to the 14th August (school holls) Two plus one, £3176. 7th to the 12th September, (term time), £1996.

£1180 difference. Zante from gatwick (First Choice), 2nd to the 16th August, £2142, same hotel in Zante 6th to the 20th september £1091, difference of £1051. All I can say as a working class man is Ans, you have a Fu***ng good job.


(Sorry Ans, don't meen to be rude, although it does come across that way) but you can't blame parents for taking the piss when thats exactly what the travel companies do!!

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"For the record" one child at junior school. Quick check for next years holls. Florida two weeks, Holiday inn, international drive, (Virgin) 1st to the 14th August (school holls) Two plus one, £3176. 7th to the 12th September, (term time), £1996.

£1180 difference. Zante from gatwick (First Choice), 2nd to the 16th August, £2142, same hotel in Zante 6th to the 20th september £1091, difference of £1051. All I can say as a working class man is Ans, you have a Fu***ng good job.


And what's the price TT fortnight?

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And what's the price TT fortnight?


If you had a holiday over TT fortnight then you would be taking kids out of school as practice week is NOT a school holiday all be it one day is a bank holiday and another ia an In Service day.


I believe many parents do take the family away for TT week, however there is a limit to the numbers due to the availability of flights and boats. In addition if you want a weeks holiday and it involves a connecting flight then you are back to the problem of possibly having to take an additional day at the start or the end week.


Yes target the abusers and those trying to save a few quid when they could still afford a holiday at another time but there are many responsible parents who are trying to do the best for their families who take the odd day because it is a basic necessity if you are to take the family on a weeks holiday during the half terms etc. If you want to go for a week at centre parks then you have no choice unless you miss a day of the holiday you have paid for as they only do bookings from a Fridday to a Friday or a Saturday to a Saturday.

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I have a (grown up) kid, and no, I did not take her out of school during term time. I do not believe that this is at all necessary or desirable.


If one starts it, it sets a precedent for others to follow - "little Jimmy got away with it so why can't I" and all that.


If your kid is grown up and therefore not in school anymore... I hope you don't mind me asking... WTF is it to you then?


I have an interest in seeing kids brought up with respect, and not to take the pee out of their seniors. It is the same deal at work - too many take time off for trivial reasons, and do it just because they know they can get away with it. (Time off to watch football matches, and/or days off with hangovers after football matches, etc.. etc..).


Just because I no longer have a school age child does not mean that I no longer care what happens.


I think we're all in agreement that we want our kids to grown up repecting their elders and i fail to see how having a day or two off school is "taking the pee out of their seniors"? Kids don't get to decide what day they do or don't have off and i doubt any they do take off would be for trivial reasons, so i don't understand the correlation between children being taken out of school for a brief period by their parents for a holiday and them turning into drunken layabouts upon leaving school who phone in work sick every time they've a hangover!

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