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What's Your Faith, Or Lack Of It?


Belief in God  

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Music- this is such a two way deal, without religion we would still of had music but may well have to put up without some of the great composers, who were undoubtedly influenced by their great love affair with the church. religion on the other hand owes much to music, hymns and inspiring music put bums in seats. regardless of this music would still be with us with or with out religion.


I suspect you know very little about music.

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Music- this is such a two way deal, without religion we would still of had music but may well have to put up without some of the great composers, who were undoubtedly influenced by their great love affair with the church. religion on the other hand owes much to music, hymns and inspiring music put bums in seats. regardless of this music would still be with us with or with out religion.


I suspect you know very little about music.



I do like a bit of blues, which is thought to have developed from the Muslim call to prayer sung by African slaves in America.



Going back to the poll, I surprised myself with my answer.

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The only thing organised religion is good for is creating wars and a lot of pissing and moaning. They are the most leeching shitheads in the world. And the sick thing is, morons will actually send them money for what they do! They claim to be speaking the word of God, so they send them everything they have just so they can buy big cars and mansions, the so called high priest the pope has a personal chef and eats from gold plates. There are people who will hate something just because their church tells them to, like homosexuality. I'm not gay, but I don't hate those who are. The Only reason people hate gays is because they are told to, and they are so weak that they believe every word of it. They also complain that they just aren't happy without religion. NO SHIT!? Nobody is truly happy on this planet. Welcome to the real world. I'm not living my life just to prepare for a highly unbelievable after-life. I'm living my life just for that, LIFE. And that life will not be based upon a 2000-year-old collection of stories. No way. And there are no taxes on anything church related. Why is that? Churches are a business. Believe it or not, they are. They have expenses, profits, and incomes, they also own more properties than anyone and gain rent from them; all of which should be taxed just like the rest of us. I should become a priest just so I can rake in money and not pay taxes on any of it. Sure, I'd have to deal with all of those churchgoers, but everybody has something about their job that they hate. If you want to see the effects of religion in history, just look at the Roman Empire, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Church of England, and all of the shit going on in the Middle East, Africa, and the old communist states. Lots of help the churches have given us in the past 2000 years. Also, the wankers that are always trying to convert you to their way of thinking deserve to be shot in the head. It's as if I hadn't noticed that their way of thinking exists. Yes, you moron, I've noticed, and I want no part of it. Go move to Jerusalem. Or London. I'm sure they would be glad to listen to your banter for hours. But, overall, my favourite kind of religionists are the Sunday Saints. You know whom I'm talking about. There is one in every family. The people who go to church on Sunday, act holy and in worship and praise, and for the other six days of the week do things like piss off other drivers on the road, scream obscenities at their children, abuse people verbally, physically, and emotionally, and so on. But for that one-day of the week, they are righteous and holy. Organised religion in general makes me sick, but that kind take it all to a new level. If only people could see the evils that are in front of them, a lot of problems could be solved.


I agree with a lot of what you have said about organised religion. It would be a better world to be rid of it.


Western churches, the roman catholic one in particular used to own huge amounts of land, force the people to pay tithes, and police the minds and bodies of people in the community. And the Roman Catholic Church continues to buy up more and more property around the world. And the Pope and Church continue to speak on behalf of some ficitonal deity informing the people how to live their lives, often with complete ignorance of how these people live and often with damaging consequences.

And I dislike the system of hierarchy that affords the people who are 'closer to God' a higher standing and authority in the community. This is simply having power over the deluded.

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So you agree with me and expect to see the Bishop removed from Tynwald come the glorious day?

Question is, who are the deluded?


I would rather see the end of Tynwald completely, never mind the removal of the Bishop, but considering that no member of the Legislative Council could ever and would ever have the interest of the working man in mind it makes little difference what person you have in the council.


I would say the deluded are those who believe in a supreme being and believe in the fantastic tales in the Bible.

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Keyboarder your statement is ad hominem at best, please don't be insulted that i disagree with you, but if you do want to debate my music knowledge at least give reasons why. otherwise your "suspicion" that i know little about music is hardly relevant.


It is my opinion that music would exist in some form regardless of religion, i reckon mans wonder would have been awoken the first time he heard birdsong.


the above is an opinion, if you want to you could have a go at presenting a counter argument or picking apart my statement. or you could take the path of the troll and say that only a gay/moron/wanker could possibly have the above opinion.


Take the high road keyboarder you know you can do it!

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They also complain that they just aren't happy without religion. NO SHIT!? Nobody is truly happy on this planet. Welcome to the real world.

Stuff and nonsense. Lunatic Asylums are FULL of happy people...


There are people who will hate something just because their church tells them to, like homosexuality.

And there are lots who won't. So your point is?


The only thing organised religion is good for is creating wars and a lot of pissing and moaning. They are the most leeching shitheads in the world. And the sick thing is, morons will actually send them money for what they do! They claim to be speaking the word of God, so they send them everything they have just so they can buy big cars and mansions, the so called high priest the pope has a personal chef and eats from gold plates.

I would have said the obvious candidate is the Aga Khan but he does good stuff too. At one time the biggest slum landlord in the UK was - The C of E! Having said that walking through the Vatican it was obvious to me that the Catholic Church has spent a great deal of time plundering other countries. I also have no time for the way their "No contraception necessary" policies has aids roaring through Sub-Saharan Africa. I mean "there are none so blind as those who will not see" and these boys are really up there.


But I don't think faith has to have anything to do with the antics of a certain religion which makes complaining about them a bit meaningless. After all, you don't have to go to church to be a good Christian...

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There are people who will hate something just because their church tells them to, like homosexuality.


And there are lots who won't. So your point is?


I thought the point Jimbms was making, but I might be wrong, was that the interpretations and instructions given by the authoritative figures of a Church or religion are used to change or shape people's view and opinions. But when it all boils down to it, it is an interpretation and considering that God doesn't exist it seems silly to mindlessly follow it. Unless if it accords with people's prejudices when it simply serves to prop up such thoughts and feelings.

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I thought the point Jimbms was making, but I might be wrong, was that the interpretations and instructions given by the authoritative figures of a Church or religion are used to change or shape people's view and opinions. But when it all boils down to it, it is an interpretation and considering that God doesn't exist it seems silly to mindlessly follow it.

Errr... I think you'll find the folks listening to it are there because they believe God does exist.

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I thought the point Jimbms was making, but I might be wrong, was that the interpretations and instructions given by the authoritative figures of a Church or religion are used to change or shape people's view and opinions. But when it all boils down to it, it is an interpretation and considering that God doesn't exist it seems silly to mindlessly follow it.

Errr... I think you'll find the folks listening to it are there because they believe God does exist.


Quite right. I just mentioned how it looks from my perspective.

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