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[BBC News] Poodle badly hurt in dog attack


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I have it on good authority that it was in fact Champ who was responsible for Andy Kershaw's decline from one of Britain's most loved media superstars into a shambling alcoholic fugitive from justice. Champ, disguised as a St. Bernard paid regular visits to Kershaw, claiming that the barrel around his neck contained nothing more potent than Irn Bru (sic) when in fact it contained 80 year austrian brandy. The swine!



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To make matters even worse, new evidence has emerged that Champ, who worked as Deputy High Bailiff for a number of years (according to his owner), was actually the one who imposed the restraining order against the popular DJ. A truly cruel hound indeed...



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I have it on good authority that it was in fact Champ who was responsible for Andy Kershaw's decline from one of Britain's most loved media superstars into a shambling alcoholic fugitive from justice. Champ, disguised as a St. Bernard paid regular visits to Kershaw, claiming that the barrel around his neck contained nothing more potent than Irn Bru (sic) when in fact it contained 80 year austrian brandy. The swine!





Isn't that the picture where Andy takes " Champ" up to Victoria Road to kill all those fuckin Vermin?

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I believe Champ has also saved many lives in a flight over from the US when both the pilot and co-pilot were overcome by fumes from a faulty air conditioning unit.


Apparently the game little fellow picked the lock in his travel cage when he heard the passengers screaming, gnawed his was out of the cargo hold and bravely made his way along the exterior of the plummeting aircraft in temperatures of minus 30 before forcing an entry into the cockpit and taking over the controls of the plane to make a succesful landing at fog bound Gatwick, thus saving 237 passengers and crew from an icy grave beneath the North Atlantic.

Oh, it's that Champ!


I'm sure he also barked until someone eventually realised he was trying to tell everyone that the next door neighbours' infants had fallen down a well.

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This is quite a relevant piece from today's Guardian magazine




Random quote..."But it is not just the dogs that have changed. It's the owners. "We're seeing a new group," says Nigel Griffiths, a veterinary surgeon at the Blue Cross animal hospitals in London. "They're in their teens and early 20s. It's become a trendy thing to have a dog on a lead if you're a youth with a hood."


Alex Neil, an SNP member of the Scottish Parliament who is seeking to extend the legislation covering dangerous dogs, is more specific still: "The typical profile of the owner of a dangerous dog is male, big build, with a tattoo, living in a housing scheme, wanting to show himself off."

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Alex Neil, an SNP member of the Scottish Parliament who is seeking to extend the legislation covering dangerous dogs, is more specific still: "The typical profile of the owner of a dangerous dog is male, big build, with a tattoo, living in a housing scheme, wanting to show himself off."


He missed out ... and who is a total fuckwitt

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Alex Neil, an SNP member of the Scottish Parliament who is seeking to extend the legislation covering dangerous dogs, is more specific still: "The typical profile of the owner of a dangerous dog is male, big build, with a tattoo, living in a housing scheme, wanting to show himself off."


He missed out ... and who is a total fuckwitt





A 20 something woman who thinks that owning a dangerous dog will attract a male, big build, with a tattoo, living in a housing scheme, wanting to show himself off type husband.

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