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K.os Theory

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So it’s been a pretty quiet summer on the release front for games, but the next couple of months are shaping up to be pretty exciting…


Just what is everyone looking forward to?


I’ve tried to limit my list, but all these are the must-have titles for the remainder of the year for me…


Pure - hopefully this will fill the void till the new SSX comes out

Gears of War2 - loved the first, can’t wait for the second

Fable 2 - actually playing through the first one now…hopefully the British sense of humour continues

Fallout 3 - it's oblivion with guns in the fallout universe - GOTY contender?

LittleBigPlanet - the killer app for the PS3? and another GOTY contender

Dead Space - looks scarily good

Left4Dead - about time we had a zombie multiplayer game

Resistance 2 - 8 player co-op anyone

Pro Evo 09 or Fifa 09 - I’m on the fence till I play the demos

Far Cry 2 - it looks brilliant, the map editor alone is gonna keep me occupied for ages

Mirrors Edge - taking the FPS genre somewhere new and looking amazing and for me another possible contender for GOTY

Tomb Raider: Underworld - from what I’ve seen and read Lara’s back

Call of Duty : World at War - OK Infinity Ward aren’t behind it, but it’s looking good and the co-op looks great

Saints Row 2 - it looks like a lot of fun

Wipeout HD - 1080p & 60fps bring it on


It’s a good time to be a gamer…

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Gears of War2 - loved the first, can’t wait for the second

Fable 2 - actually playing through the first one now…hopefully the British sense of humour continues

Fallout 3 - it's oblivion with guns in the fallout universe - GOTY contender?


This is the big list for me. Fable2's online cooprative stuff just looks bloody brilliant, although I'm a little bit worried with the news that your companion can muck up your game by killing key people, they're going to have to change that I'm sure.


LittleBigPlanet - the killer app for the PS3? and another GOTY contender


Great sonylol today with the news the level editing isn't going to be in on launch day. Looks like a great game visually but I'm just not convinced it'll deliver on gameplay.

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Great sonylol today with the news the level editing isn't going to be in on launch day. Looks like a great game visually but I'm just not convinced it'll deliver on gameplay.


Editing is available at launch but not in the multiplayer mode. You can still create levels and share them though. Still it's a bit of a dissapointment, but I guess it will have it's advantages as they are saying:


"it is well worth getting some practise in with the create side of the game before trying to use it in a multiplayer fashion as it can be somewhat frustrating to get things done if everyone you're working with is still getting used to all the functions."


Is online create in the game from launch?

No it's not, however it will be included in the first game update after launch. We're working on making this available as quickly as possible, but want to make sure it's right before releasing it.


What does online create actually mean?

Online create, quite simply, is the ability to use the create side of the game in an online multiplayer fashion.


So I can still share my levels?

Absolutely. All of the sharing features of the game are up and running.


And I can still play multiplayer?

Yes, both online and offline multiplayer (or any combination of the two) for playing through the story, or any downloaded levels.


And I can still create levels with my friends offline?

Totally. Up to 4 players can work together on a single PS3 to create levels. Also, you can still work collaboratively with friends to build levels by exchanging them through the share portion of the game.


From my perspective, which you can take or leave, it is well worth getting some practise in with the create side of the game before trying to use it in a multiplayer fashion as it can be somewhat frustrating to get things done if everyone you're working with is still getting used to all the functions. While it's not ideal to have to wait for this feature to be released, it might actually be beneficial to creators until it happens as you'll be able to work out the tools entirely, and figure out how best to work with others on your projects.

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rock . u cud import in rockband2 now on ps3 since its regionfree. If you have the instruments from rb1 you would just need the game.


Nope, it's out in the USA for 360 only, ~3 weeks until PS3, then i shall be importing it :)

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Will Rockband 2 imported from America work on a UK Xbox 360? I bought Army of 2 from France and that worked.


Doubtful, while PS3 stuff doesn't tend to be region-locked, 360 stuff does tend to be locked

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