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Iom Newspapers' New Editor?


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JUST supposing that I conceded your point about a lack of objective media criticism


Perhaps, Stu, you can highlight some of the objective media criticism that we've been treated to of late.


Assuming that the main function of the news media is to report events as they happen and the circumstances surrounding them, in order to inform, most sections of the industry also make time to express opinion on major events. Opinion about the current economic crisis, for example, is readily visible on the BBC news website. Where, on the Manx Radio website do we find any local news-related equivalent?


In an earlier thread, you referred to the DOE 'controlling' the flow of information relating to the present situation at CRHS. Fair enough, but where's the questioning of that ? Why aren't the local media expressing any opinion about the frustrations of children and their parents?


You report bland statements from the OFT about the fact that they're talking to the local fuel suppliers concerning costs to the consumer and no doubt the outcome will be that 'we're satisfied that people aren't being ripped off'. Where's the opinion on that? Forum members here have shown themselves capable of highlighting the considerable differential between the cost of heating fuel here, in comparison to the UK and Northern Ireland. Are people who are payed to investigate, report and criticise incapable of undertaking such in-depth activity?


Most sane people, I'm sure, don't expect some Roger Cook-like character to prance around the Island button-holing people about the price of Ramsey Bakery bread but using libel laws, etc., as an excuse for a lily-livered attitude is pretty pathetic.

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Graculus - you raise several interesting points, which I'll answer with my own thoughts if I may - please remember that I'm not a spokesman for Manx Radio, and the management view might well differ from my own.


There aren't any investigative reporters on the Isle of Man - that I'm aware of anyway - as it's a hugely expensive field of specialist journalism. So as far as I'm aware, nobody is paid to 'investigate' news stories. And TBH, if you're concerned about evil deeds being done, surely that's a matter for the relevant authorities rather than the media. I appreciate the points about the media (the Fourth Estate) challenging official lines - but that happens in the course of ANY proper interview anyway - the reporter almost always adopts the 'other' position in his line of questioning. I think that most of the criticism is that we just aren't confrontational enough...but I think that's another example of living and working in a tightly-knit community.


The majority of the politicians and captains of industry I've ever interviewed strike me as decent people who are doing their best and with the best motives at heart - on the couple of occasions I've NOT felt that, I've been prepared to burn bridges and damn the consequences.


We ALWAYS aim to provide 'balance', so invariably go to someone on the other side of an issue for a reaction. VERY often they don't want to go on record, and I can't make them. I worry that there are a number of critics who expect ME to stand up for them in their fights - but unless someone is prepared to share the bruises, frankly I don't see why I should!


Opinions are tricky chaps. I've been criticised in the past for expressing mine too freely - but I think it's more honest than adopting the artifice of impartiality when it's quite clear which side of the fence the hack sits on. There's plenty of existing opportunity for the public to have their say - two hours every lunchtime on Talking Heads on MR, plus the Mannin Line, the newspapers have letter pages and an editorial 'Comment' piece.


What would YOU do on - say - the petrol price story. The fuel companies say they're not profiteering, the OFT looks closely at them and agrees. We all know what petrol costs, that it's dearer here than across, but then so are many commodities that are adversely affected by poor economies of scale.


The 'opinion' amongst most people (were I to record a bunch of vox pops in the street) would be that 'yes, we're being ripped off', but it seems quite pointless to keep on repeating that point if we can't PROVE it. Now, if some disenfranchised ex-employee of a local petrol company wants to whistleblow and bring me copies of secret files showing that we're all being shafted sideways, I'll get a legal eagle on standby and run the story if I can. But those things usually only happen in Hollywood screenplays, so don't hold your breath.


What many posters here fail to realise is that most of the hacks I've ever met LONG for a meaty story to cover. There's no lack of will, nobody is looking for an easy ride until the pension kicks in. But we're here to REPORT the news, not make it.

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We were told by Stu, a week or so ago, that Marion Kenny had recently been appointed as MR's Broadcast News Editor. I assumed, therefore, that long-time News Editor Graham Bell, had either retired, or had moved on to another job.

However, I have just heard him reading a news item on MR, so it seems Mr Bell is still on the payroll.

Has he been demoted?

Surely our National Broadcaster doesn't now have TWO News Editors?! (A BROADCAST News Editor and a NON-BROADCAST News Editor)

I often wondered WTF a News Editor does all day. In the case of GB, it seemed to be 'not a lot'!


Perhaps you can enlighten us please, Stu?

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I'm not a spokesman for Manx Radio, and won't be drawn into a debate about company policy or matters concerning colleagues.


I'm guessing that you know the answer already, but if you require clarification, I'm sure our MD will be happy to oblige - his email address (and those of everyone at the station) is on the website.

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As you say, Stu, there's probably a strong sense of being ripped off and I, for one, don't accept simple statements to the opposite from the OFT at face value. Again, as you say, PROVE IT.


Perhaps economies of scale do come into the equation. However, if we consider domestic heating oil in particular, I suspect that the market for that in the UK is relatively small in comparison to other sources of energy, it's concentrated nowadays mainly in rural areas and the stuff still has to be transported from A to B. So why is the cost so much higher here? If I go into M&S and buy, say, a steak pie, I'm not charged more than a consumer in the UK (although I suspect that I'd probably pay more per pound for a piece of locally produced beef here than for the equivalent in a UK store).


Be it issues with education, energy costs or the price of food (and that's just 3 topics), it just seems that there's a nice cosy cartel operating all-round and no-one really wants to upset the apple cart.


Out of interest does anyone know if aviation fuel costs more here than across?

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And TBH, if you're concerned about evil deeds being done, surely that's a matter for the relevant authorities rather than the media.

Well Mr Stu, what if the evil deeds are being done by the relevant authorities? And surely any evil deed is in the public interest? If I may refer to this earlier post:


The deafening silence from the fearless independent manx media tells me the Corkills have lost. Had they won it would have been headline news all over Mannin. One rule for some, one rule for the others. Justice "Manx style". Sickening.

As a well-rounded individual (I don't mean that in the physical sense) and as someone who works in the media but is still prepared to converse with Joe Public as equals I would very much like to hear if in your opinion the Manx media, of which you are a part, has EVER been "warned off" (for want of better words) publishing an issue which you thought should have been broadcast.


Because my understanding of how it works in the UK is that if it's deemed to be "in the public interest" then it's not only allowed but encouraged. Because if it's not any "whistleblowers" basically cease to exist and then the bad guys are allowed to get worse. So Mr Stu, has your media machine ever been gagged when you thought it shouldn't have been?

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PK - I've NEVER been gagged, warned off or 'advised' to look elsewhere, and I don't think any of my hack pals have (although I can't answer for them). I've met the occasional wall of silence, and had times when suddenly nobody is available to comment for a few days.


To an earlier point, I see that court judgements are to be posted online in future. That's a good move.

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There's plenty of existing opportunity for the public to have their say - two hours every lunchtime on Talking Heads on MR, plus the Mannin Line, the newspapers have letter pages and an editorial 'Comment' piece.


Sorry, Stu - but I really do have to challenge that. Firstly, Talking Heads has been reduced from 3 hours to 2; then it is interrupted for half an hour so by 'Mandate at One.' After that, deduct all the time spent on adverts, weather forecasts, traffic news etc. Then there is the time spent on the actual interviews and, of course, it is broadcast at a time when most people are at work.

Similarly, the Mannin Line is on for 1 hour on Sunday - from 1 o'clock to 2.

The newspapers 'select' letters for publication and their editorial comment is about as controversial as Brindley's Breakfast.

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Thank you Mr Stu. Of course, not telling you anything is gagging you, n'est-ce pas?


FFS... he's not saying what colour underwear he's wearing either. Are you paranoid about that too? If the government were to lean on professional media organisations, surely they'd find a way of closing down an internet forum such as this? Or are all you rebels on the outskirts of society too far beyond the grasp of government and free to shout your message into the howling gale of corruption and greed? Get over yourself.

Try working in the media, then perhaps you'll be able to give some sort of informed opinion about it.

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he's not saying what colour underwear he's wearing either.


He's not actually wearing any today (allegedly).

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FFS... he's not saying what colour underwear he's wearing either. Are you paranoid about that too? If the government were to lean on professional media organisations, surely they'd find a way of closing down an internet forum such as this? Or are all you rebels on the outskirts of society too far beyond the grasp of government and free to shout your message into the howling gale of corruption and greed? Get over yourself.

Try working in the media, then perhaps you'll be able to give some sort of informed opinion about it.

Just because I'm not paranoid it doesn't mean they're not out to get me. But then I've always been just an out and out rebel, you're absolutely dead right about that one. That's probably why I've never done a job where authority and discipline were involved. Tell you what though, try asking Mr Slim about closing down forums. From your post above I'm sure you'll find his reply most illuminating.


By the way, how did you find out where I'm currently working? THEY told you, didn't THEY?

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By the way, how did you find out where I'm currently working? THEY told you, didn't THEY?


So have you been gotten to? Are you here knocking the media because the government's threatened to close you down unless you play their game? Perhaps you are the government and it's a double-bluff.


Personally, I think you give the government too much credit. It can't run an incinerator / lay train tracks / build sewers proerly, let alone launch a conspiracy against the media.

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