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Kentucky Seizes Manx-registered Web Names ?


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If you look through the list, there's a big local name in there. Seems like another strange yank attempt to clamp down on gambling. That's the same US where the biggest gambling city in the world is based. Funny thing is that you can still place bets through a local company on Kentucky horse races, as horse racing is not illegal in that state.

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ICA Issues Statement On Kentucky Domain Seizures

September 24th, 2008 · 6 Comments

The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) released the following statement regarding the domain seizures in Kentucky:


“”"”The Internet Commerce Association is aware of the extreme concern of ICA members regarding the action of the Kentucky Attorney General ordering the seizure of 141 gaming related domain names. It appears that there may be no statutory basis for this unprecedented action, that Kentucky may lack sufficient jurisdictional grounds and that it also may violate the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution.


The ICA intends to immediately investigate this matter, including outreach to affected ICA members as well as to those registrars subject to the Kentucky order. Once we have gathered additional information, the Board will consider further appropriate action to confront this dangerous precedent. “”"”


A hearing is scheduled for tomorrow in Kentucky at 9am.


At the hearing the gambling industry will be represented by Interactive Media Entertainment & Gaming Association ( www.iMEGA.org),


The ICA has offered their assistance to iMEGA.


Moreover ICA is going to contact many of the effected registrars to discuss the situation with them and delaying any action until a court hears this matter.


We will continue to update you on the situation





Kentucky Hearing Postponed Until Tomorrow

September 25th, 2008 · 1 Comment

News just in from Kentucky that the hearing scheduled for today has been postponed until tomorrow Friday and will be held at 3:30pm.


The court released the following:


“”"Please be advised that the Commonwealth of Kentucky we will be conducting settlement conferences tomorrow with a number of defendants in the above captioned matter. In light of those conferences, the Court has continued tomorrow’s hearing, and rescheduled it for Friday, September 26, 2008 at 3:30 pm est. At that time the Court will consider the claims against the remaining, non-settling defendants. An order from the Court reflecting this change will follow.”"”


Also today it became clear that this action did not come from the attorney general of Kentucky as first reported, but from the Governor of Kentucky Steve Beshear (D).

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Nick Wood, managing director of London-based Com Laude, which holds the domain name for PokerStars, said: "We anticipated this could happen and we've developed an action plan which largely consists of us not responding."


Classic quote.


Hopefully the whole State will be bankrupt by Monday morning and will have to sell the domains back to their rightful owners.

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there is a report on Slashdot about the State of Kentucky (home of the deep fried chicken!) seizing various web DNS registrations connected with gambling - it is claimed that some are Manx - see http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/08/09/25/178253.shtml - which of these are actually manx and when do we send a gunboat?


Got to wonder why they do this for gambling but not child porn or other illegal and exploitative domains. Insane.

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Well, that stuff doesn't lose them much needed dollars to other countries....


I like this bit from one of the articles:


In a statement welcoming the order, Governor Beshear said: "The owners and operators of these illegal sites prey on Kentucky citizens, including our youth, and deprive the Commonwealth of millions of dollars in revenue. It's an underworld wrought with scams and schemes." He described them as "leeches on our communities".


He conceded the action was in part designed to protect the interests of local horseracing-related gambling. Beshear has campaigned for more casinos to be licensed in Kentucky, prompting some critics to suggest his attacks on online operators looks morally inconsistent.

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Got to wonder why they do this for gambling but not child porn or other illegal and exploitative domains. Insane.

Money - what else in the States, local companies make money from gambling, kiddie porn hasn't yet been commercialised except for all-inclusive tours to Thailand etc.

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Yeah, its all about money too I think Why else would they say

Brislin said state lawyers want the online casino operators not only to block access in Kentucky but also to pay an unspecified amount of financial damages for lost revenue.


Full article from Forbes.com


There should be an announcement very soon from the hearing.

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Got to wonder why they do this for gambling but not child porn or other illegal and exploitative domains. Insane.

Money - what else in the States, local companies make money from gambling, kiddie porn hasn't yet been commercialised except for all-inclusive tours to Thailand etc.


Absolute nonsense.

Credit card transactions have been used to track down many thousands of paedos.

They might destroy the machine they used but the card leaves a trace


eg http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/2648987.stm


credit card details and e-mail address of the unnamed star were contained in a list of 7,000 people passed to British police by the US Postal Service after the pay-per-view service was smashed.


British police are conducting their largest-ever investigation, code-named Operation Ore, into online paedophilia and child pornography.


So far, about 1,300 people, including a judge, magistrates, dentists, hospital consultants and a deputy headmaster, have been arrested.


Some 50 police officers have also been arrested and eight of them charged with offences, including two officers involved in the police investigation into the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman.


Droid is totally right -

Got to wonder why they do this for gambling but not child porn or other illegal and exploitative domains. Insane.
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bluemonday - I think you misinterpreted the comment - most if not all are aware that credit card transactions can be used to trace illicit transactions though the cost is relatively high unless honeypots are used,, the same mechanisms could be used to track the out of state purchases that the purchaser is supposed to declare on their tax return so that local state taxes could be paid - I hazard a guess that the avoidance of local state taxes amounts to more than the tax loss on gambling - the key point is that the Kentucky gambling industry has the ear of their Stete Governor - logically Kentucky should ban (or monitor) all out of state web purchases if it is the tax revenue they are worried about

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