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Prize Day At Crhs


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Throughout this recital of CRHS achievements, and the following award of prizes and certificates, the Director and the Minister of Education sat with stony, rather unhappy faces, staring over the head of the audience of parents and students at the small grey elephant which they could see nuzzling the back row of the audience in the hall.


Was that Thursday 18 September by any chance? Because, the next day the Education Minister went on Manx Radio to 'postpone' the new term time absence policy which she had apparently just set up.

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Last Thursday evening, parents and students gathered for the 2009 prize-giving at Castle Rushen High School.


Are they getting the 2009 awards in early just in case the school runs out of money for next year?


It's okay, with the time machine they bought with this years budget they can travel forward in time and get the money. That was the master plan and she'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those pesky kids.

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..and a mummy and daddy elephant got into the time pod by accident, and produced a baby elephant?


or - maybe a fly got in, with some elephant poo on his feet, it got mixed up the with the Head teachers DNA, and out came an elephant when it returned to this year.


Now THAT explains what happened to her, why there was an elephant in the room (and no one really noticed), why the school pot is now dry for the next 20 years - and why the story never made it to the papers.


The DoE now has a time machine they can use - the Minister used it to go into the future, to see how many kids are in school in the year 2009 onwards. Found out that a large number of kids do have sick famly members on their death beds in the Maldives. Comes back - stops the idea this year, goes back to the Maldives, sees a tidal wave wash them all away, comes back to 2008 and decides to keep the policy - but brings it in after the tidal wave hits.


They are now renting the time machinme out to planners and builders, so they can zoom into the future to see if the plans they are about to submit for the Summerlands site pay off.


The machine itself, after being removed from the school under the cover of darkness, has been placed in the old prison. Everyone knows it will be safe in there for the next 30 years, as nothing will be done on the site till 2039 (they have been to see!) Apart form a couple of close shaves with some unexplained fires, the machine remains hidden until it is moved to a store room at the DoE, when a young offender (working as a cleaner) finds it a uses it to gain betting information. On his return hebecomes a multi millionaire and buys the island. In 2011 its renamed the Isle of Biff.


THATS a story you will never read in the papers ......

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When I was at Castle Rushen High School they ran out of classrooms one year. A GCSE class had to use the back of the main hall and some make-shift pigeon holes to keep their books and belongings. The Department of Education pulled out all the stops and eventually got them some space on the main stage behind the curtains.


Any teachers from Castle Rushen High School who were there in the 1970s should forever hang their heads in shame instead of going round bragging how good the school was in their day.


It also sickens me to see a busy-body governor from the time, swanking around as if he owns Castletown and half the Isle of Man.







There, after all these years . . . . . . I got that off my chest.

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THATS a story you will never read in the papers ......


Well what do you expect when the Goverment are paying the local media off to keep quiet. Stories like this never surface because the Isle of Man journalists are afraid of doing some investigative journalism!


Media Democracy NOW!!

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(The report you won't read in the “Examiner”)


Last Thursday evening, parents and students gathered for the 2009 prize-giving at Castle Rushen High School. Present on the platform were the Chief Minister, the Minister of Education, the Director of Education, the Chairman of Governors and other distinguished guests.


The Chairman of the Governors nervously introduced each programme item, and the musical interludes. The Chief Minister reminisced at some length about his happy days at CRHS, and his pride in the school's achievements. The two acting Head Teachers reported on the school's exceptional achievements during the past year - best SATs on the Island, best GCSEs, best A levels, the positioning of the school among the top three non-selective secondary schools in Islands, England and Wales for A level results, the school's exceptional achievements in out-of-school activities and community involvement.


Throughout this recital of CRHS achievements, and the following award of prizes and certificates, the Director and the Minister of Education sat with stony, rather unhappy faces, staring over the head of the audience of parents and students at the small grey elephant which they could see nuzzling the back row of the audience in the hall. But no one on the platform mentioned the elephant, which was a little strange.


Afterwards, with tea and cakes in the Library, parents and students could talk of nothing else but the elephant in the room, which no one on the platform had seen fit to mention during this happy, but slightly perplexing, evening.


so who was the elephant??

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I was at the awards evening. I found the speeches by the acting heads far less pompous than the one the previous year. They seemed to me to be celebrating the children's achievements. My impression the previous year was of the head boasting about how great HER school was. The results at the school are good but academic results are not the be-all and end-all of school or at least they should not be. The reputation of the school has nose dived in the past few years and many students lack respect for the management. I am very worried about what will happen in the future as the last time I saw similar was at a school in the UK. For a while everything carried on with good results then the sporting achievements went down followed by exam results. I don't want to see this happen to my children's school.


That said I think the whole thing has been handled abysmally. As parents we have still not had any official notification about what is going on, our information comes from rumor and the newspapers. The school website was no help either. The department of education and the school management need to get it sorted fast. Our children do not have a second chance at school. I am fed up being told how wonderful CHRS is when there is patently something amiss. The kids and teachers cannot achieve their potential or do their best in this situation.


BTW Angelo I really did join because I wanted to have my say on this topic and will not pretend otherwise.

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I was at the awards evening. I found the speeches by the acting heads far less pompous than the one the previous year. They seemed to me to be celebrating the children's achievements. My impression the previous year was of the head boasting about how great HER school was. The results at the school are good but academic results are not the be-all and end-all of school or at least they should not be. The reputation of the school has nose dived in the past few years and many students lack respect for the management. I am very worried about what will happen in the future as the last time I saw similar was at a school in the UK. For a while everything carried on with good results then the sporting achievements went down followed by exam results. I don't want to see this happen to my children's school.


That said I think the whole thing has been handled abysmally. As parents we have still not had any official notification about what is going on, our information comes from rumor and the newspapers. The school website was no help either. The department of education and the school management need to get it sorted fast. Our children do not have a second chance at school. I am fed up being told how wonderful CHRS is when there is patently something amiss. The kids and teachers cannot achieve their potential or do their best in this situation.


BTW Angelo I really did join because I wanted to have my say on this topic and will not pretend otherwise.


So did I. I just think fair is fair, and the Head has made enemies in the DOE and they are out to get her. She doesn't take prisoners when confronted by fools, and the fools have been digging away for a year trying to find something. Smacks of character assassination to me. I shouldn't think the IOM can afford the huge payoff required to force her resignation. I hope she digs in and uses her top barrister. Then maybe the DOE (Minister and Director) will have to say what they mean (in Court) for once ! I too think it's a disgrace the way the parents have been told nothing. At prize day the Platform Party were terrified someone would shout abuse, but the parents just sat, patiently waiting for someone to mention the elephant in the room, and no one did. So everyone just left, still as puzzled as before. God bless the kids ! And will someone kick our fearless investigative journalists up the rear !

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