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Ghurkas Win Court Battle


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This should never have had to go to court but thank goodness decency prevails over bureaucracy:


Ghurka Decision


Let's hope the UK Home Office honours its commitment to implement this ruling quickly.

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Not before time.

The UK allows all sorts of dross the right to live there but then craps on people prepared to lay down their lives for it.

Now watch the HO try and wriggle out of this.

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So a bunch of mercenaries from a country with a different language, religion, history, culture, ethos, traditions, etc., now have a right to live in the UK (and therefore the IOM).


They were paid handsomely to go round killing whoever they were told to, and they get a pension. They should go home.


They're hired killers, not cutesy kitty katties. Sentimentalising them is just ridiculous.


Decency indeed! Pah!



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So a bunch of mercenaries from a country with a different language, religion, history, culture, ethos, traditions, etc., now have a right to live in the UK (and therefore the IOM).


They were paid handsomely to go round killing whoever they were told to, and they get a pension. They should go home.


They're hired killers, not cutesy kitty katties. Sentimentalising them is just ridiculous.


Decency indeed! Pah!



They where not well payed, the have won more Victoria crosses than any other British regiment, the pension they get is a pittence compared to other units and it's on no small part to what they have done that ungrateful wankers like yourself can walk around free. I can guess you have never even sniffed a military uniform never mind worn one, those Nepalese gentlemen have done more for the British isles than you can ever hope to achieve, I worked with them several times and remember in the Falklands they had to be held back, a braver more loyal group of soldiers I have yet to meet than they. To me they have earned the right to live here far more than an ungrateful little shit like you have. I suggest you look into history before you spout off insulting people you know fuck all about.

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So a bunch of mercenaries from a country with a different language, religion, history, culture, ethos, traditions, etc., now have a right to live in the UK (and therefore the IOM).


They were paid handsomely to go round killing whoever they were told to, and they get a pension. They should go home.


They're hired killers, not cutesy kitty katties. Sentimentalising them is just ridiculous.


Decency indeed! Pah!





Coming over here , risking their lives for our country, send em' all back where they came from

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The widows' pension for Ghurkas was an absolute disgrace and epitomised the British establishment's view of these people - true cannon fodder, but very grateful and plucky little chaps! An attitude that was wrong from its inception and an anachronism in this day and age.


At last, the Brits are doing the decent thing!


I just don't understand why the Ghurkas have remained so loyal for so long.

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Decency indeed! Pah!


I suggest you look into history before you spout off insulting people you know fuck all about.

Yes, this decision is a vindication of decency over bureaucracy. The UK Home Office public servants and the politicians should hang their heads in shame for having made the Ghurkas go to court to get justice.


A group of men loyal to Britain have been treated like dirt. And the UK is doing the same now to the Iraqi interpreters who worked for the Army.


"Maybe you can come in sometime in the future - but with luck if we prevaricate for long enough you will have been murdered for helping us - so we won't have to do anything."


It's a funny old world when the UK lets Russian 'oilygarchs' do what they want but can't make room for people who fought for the country.


Give the Ghurkas a free hand to patrol the UK borders and there wouldn't be a need for ID Cards. Nor would too many illegal immigrants try to sneak in.

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So a bunch of mercenaries from a country with a different language, religion, history, culture, ethos, traditions, etc., now have a right to live in the UK (and therefore the IOM).


They were paid handsomely to go round killing whoever they were told to, and they get a pension. They should go home.


They're hired killers, not cutesy kitty katties. Sentimentalising them is just ridiculous.


Decency indeed! Pah!



They where not well payed, the have won more Victoria crosses than any other British regiment, the pension they get is a pittence compared to other units and it's on no small part to what they have done that ungrateful wankers like yourself can walk around free. I can guess you have never even sniffed a military uniform never mind worn one, those Nepalese gentlemen have done more for the British isles than you can ever hope to achieve, I worked with them several times and remember in the Falklands they had to be held back, a braver more loyal group of soldiers I have yet to meet than they. To me they have earned the right to live here far more than an ungrateful little shit like you have. I suggest you look into history before you spout off insulting people you know fuck all about.


I can't say I see they have any more reason to be here than anyone else as I do not attach any importance to ideas like 'fighting for one's country'. Ideas of loyalty to one's country, fighting for the British people and British interests is misguided to say the least. I mean I don't think there should be any relevance in fighting for a country and earning a right to live there. They are simply former British Government employees in a sense. But I have no objection to them retiring here than anyone else. And given the conventional attitudes towards military service, etc. I am surprised that they weren't allowed to retire here anyway considering they were part of the British forces.


It's a funny old world when the UK lets Russian 'oilygarchs' do what they want but can't make room for people who fought for the country.


But the Gurkhas don't have any money or business connections do they?

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Do you know, I just wonder whether it is worth defending any minority or whether I should just join in the usual pack hunt? They were more than mere employees, for some unfathomable reason they thought the British were worth fighting for, and despite their treatment, still do.

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Do you know, I just wonder whether it is worth defending any minority or whether I should just join in the usual pack hunt? They were more than mere employees, for some unfathomable reason they thought the British were worth fighting for, and despite their treatment, still do.


I don't know what you mean in the first sentences.

Yes, you are right, they did and do contine to fight for the UK and maybe believe they are fighting on behalf of the British people as well. It does not make sense that they have not previously been given residency given that society largely considers military service and laying down one's life for the country as making that person more worthy of being a civilian of a nation.

But although someone might think they are 'fighting for one's own country' it is not really what the person ends up fighting for. You are fighting for the government for the government's own interests or those of other elites. As with all military personnel, they are tools of the government, and in this case the Gurkhas are former employees. But because the Gurkhas believe they fight for the British people, does it make them more eligible to be here than anyone else? In my view, I think not. Should they be prevented from entering the country to retire? No.


I do think the scandal with the pensions was shocking. I don't see why they should have received less than British personnel.

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I can't say I see they have any more reason to be here than anyone else as I do not attach any importance to ideas like 'fighting for one's country'. Ideas of loyalty to one's country, fighting for the British people and British interests is misguided to say the least. I mean I don't think there should be any relevance in fighting for a country and earning a right to live there. They are simply former British Government employees in a sense. But I have no objection to them retiring here than anyone else. And given the conventional attitudes towards military service, etc. I am surprised that they weren't allowed to retire here anyway considering they were part of the British forces.

You don't sign up to fight for your country as you don't actually expect them to call your bluff. But when they do and shit happens you move forward to do your bit for yourself and your mates. Loyalty to your country has got sod-all to do with it.


It's a hangover from empire. Other colonials get the right of abode after service but not the Nepalese because they were never a colony but originally recruited by the East India Company (I think). Making them a sort-of British Army quango if you like. But there's nothing unusual about the concept as since it's formation the French Foreign Legion have always handed out French citizenship to any national that joins up.

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The widows' pension for Ghurkas was an absolute disgrace and epitomised the British establishment's view of these people - true cannon fodder, but very grateful and plucky little chaps! An attitude that was wrong from its inception and an anachronism in this day and age.


At last, the Brits are doing the decent thing!


I just don't understand why the Ghurkas have remained so loyal for so long.


Loyal? They aren't British, they aren't fighting for "their" country, they are hired assassins prepared to kill anybody they are told to by a foreign government.


I am happy to believe that they are excellent soldiers, but they joined in the expectation that they would retire to their own country (where their army pension makes them comparatively wealthy).


Sentimentalising these killers is the problem here.


Around the world there are many millions of people who have worked for the British government at one time or another. Most of them weren't paid to kill people. But it's the killers who get the right to reside in the UK. Great. What a sense of priorities.



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Jeez! You've finally found some people who actually like Brits. You should treasure them!

The English could get them to man (sorry) people Hadrian's Wall after Scotland declares independence in 2010.


Sebrof, I suspect that you have a rather distorted view of what regular armies are about - reading too much fiction perhaps or watching too many Hollywood movies?

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