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We're Doomed!


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Right, this time we're really in for it:


Vanga predicted break out of Third World War in 2010


There are not many people who believe in clairvoyants’ predictions. However, such beliefs stay strong until those predictions begin to come true. As for the predictions of the Bulgarian remote-viewer and healer Vanga (Vangelia Gushterova), people began to listen out for her words long ago. Vanga presumably became known for her predictions of global disasters.


For example, Vanga predicted the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, when she said that American brothers would fall under attacks of birds of steel. The clairvoyant also predicted the beginning of WWII, the perestroika in the USSR, the death of Princess Diana and even the sinking of the Kursk submarine.


Specialists also say that the renowned fortune-teller also predicted the events connected with the armed conflict in South Ossetia. Vanga supposedly said that the Third World War would break out as a result of attempts on the lives of four government heads and after a conflict in Hindustan.

The presidents of four countries – Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland departed to Georgia in the middle of the conflict to see the situation with their own eyes.


Vanga predicted that the Third World War would break out in 2010.



So, there you have it - a clairvoyant with a good rep says we're all doomed in 2010. No need to fight the credit crunch or global warming - them nukes will crunch and warm enough. Screw the new mortgage - I'm investing in canned food and bunkers...

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now your computer can do it for you!


The Great Cathedral will burn the Cathedral of a Chariot, towards the Weapon of the Moon

In the month of the Ship of the Shandy-drinking Mountain, towards the Weapon of Milton Keynes

The washed up Death will rescind, towards the Darkness of the Lord

Near the Silver Bird of Rome, towards the World of Rome


Excellent, I'll find that very useful for forward planning..........

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If you have a person that has been right about a few things i always try and find out how many things they were wrong about. As people have proved (the bible code ect.) if you have a baseline of thousands of predictions and they are all open to interpritation then the odds are that a few of them will seem to hit the nail on the head. The majority of the predictions will be shite though but people tend to forget them.


A Friend of mine put a bet on with his Uni prof to find a meaningfull prediction within the lyrics of a Guns and Roses album, he found a couple of vague references and mixed them together and the Prof paid up and accepted the point.

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