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[BBC News] People power saves manor


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Much more likely is:


Historic building has to be demolished after standing empty for years and becoming unsafe


As far as I know, development is still going ahead on the land around the Manor so unless the building is sold to someone who will maintain it then it's future is far from clear


I was in there last year and the place was occupied by building workers.


Cue: story from BNP announcing hostel for asylum seekers plan, shock! horror! string em' up etc..

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Or.. Historic building collapses under weight of brown envelopes stored inside


I assume you're making reference to bribery of government officials. Given that the relevant civil servants refused the application to de-register the building and then successfully defended that refusal I feel that your comment is rather out of order. The government and civil servants appear to get a lot of abuse on this forum, speaking as a friend of the conservation officer why not actually recognise it when they do something correct, successful and in the public interest.


In terms of the building, the future use is a potential problem. Given that without a viable use buildings tend to die I hope that some use can be found for it.

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Or even more likely "Developer not that bothered about redeveloping in the currrent climate so wasn't really that arsed about spending money to appeal"


Nope, the news story relates to the appeal against DLGE's decision to refuse the application to de-register the building. I know for a fact that Dandara employed consultants and were represented by a barrister at the appeal hearing.

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dungdara wouldn't have bought bthe place if they couldn't get round planning. it will be as previosly stated need demolishing after 5 years of deriliction. but surely as a listed building it should receive compulsory maintainence??

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dungdara wouldn't have bought bthe place if they couldn't get round planning. it will be as previosly stated need demolishing after 5 years of deriliction. but surely as a listed building it should receive compulsory maintainence??



Well, there is no golf course on Middle Farm......yet.

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I think its rather a waste of conservation, the area surrounding the manor is a bit yeucky. Maybe it could be smartened up and used as a hotel or something. Will be a shame for it to crumble into the dirt as I think might be what will happen now. Ahhh property property property, if only people would see it as a place to live rather than an investment eh?


Much as I'm not fond of Dungdara the court house looks nice, whether or not it is still around in another 100 years will remain to be seen ofc.

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I'm exactly the same when I try to find anyware in Farmhill. The place is a fucking maze.


So Dandara can't demolish it? "Farmhill Manor Apartments" will be on the cards then. Premium luxury apartments contained in a listed building for extra sale value ftw!

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