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Christmas Traditions

blue kipper

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1. Tell the kids to go back to bed. It is after all only 2.30am


2. Fillet steak baps.


3. Bottle of Champagne( needs to be consumed before 11am) Moet or Bollinger.


4. Never have a whole turkey, stuffed turkey roll is the way forward.


5. Port. Needs to be a vintage year, if it cost less than £50 a bottle it will not do.


6. Tell the kids to go to bed. It is after all 7pm

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Cooking, cooking and more cooking. A few presents. Chocs etc. Plenty of shouting. Hideous relatives. Then more cooking.


Collapse on sofa about 9pm and reclaim my sanity.



EDITED TO ADD: Oh, and spend 5 mins on the net to write this because I'm an addict!

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get up early in the morning, open presents. then family come round at about lunch time, and we all sit down and have a big xmas dinner (which is going to be soon!! yum yum) then just stay up till whenever. i love xmas

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Christmas tradition - spend hours removing all the packging tags from small child's gifts, whilst child gets frustrated at not getting hold of toy, only to find that it has no batteries so can't play with it anyway.

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