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Changes To Health Agreement With Uk

Joe Public

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Well for a family of 4 to the UK I just did a test insurance quote and it came in at £7.22 total. Hardly making it a 'ball ache of a place to live and bring up kids'.


And if you're on Bupa, you're covered already.


Screw that I am packing and moving back to the UK where all my holidays to the ermmm UK are covered by my existing insurance......

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I can see the IOM government losing out on this one due to all of the high risk motor sporting events that we have with off island competitors. I am sure that there will be a higher cost of emergancy treatment over here than what there will be for Manx residents in the UK.


Also where will manx university students fit in, will they be classed as uk residents even though they wont be paying uk NI and tax?


and how is emergancy treatment defined? could a headache be a migrane, hangover or brain tumer? who defines the goal posts??


i think that the red tape will cost more that any cost savings made on both side!

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Apart from potentially killing the TT off, this is another example of why the Isle of Man is increasingly becoming a ball ache of a place to live and bring up kids. So a family of four now going on holiday to Blackpool will need insurance. Incredible.


Well for a family of 4 to the UK I just did a test insurance quote and it came in at £7.22 total. Hardly making it a 'ball ache of a place to live and bring up kids'.


Pointless exercise - the rule has not come in yet. Wait until the insurance companies are expected to stump up for UK medical expenses and try it again. I guarantee it will be a sight more expensive than £7.22 then.

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I can see the IOM government losing out on this one due to all of the high risk motor sporting events that we have with off island competitors. I am sure that there will be a higher cost of emergancy treatment over here than what there will be for Manx residents in the UK.


I suspect that id the UK govt charge IOM residents for medical care in the UK then the IOM will charge non visitors for medical care over here. They already do it for foreign visitors in TT week, etc.

and how is emergancy treatment defined? could a headache be a migrane, hangover or brain tumer? who defines the goal posts??


How often do you seek medical care for a headache or hangover?

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and how is emergancy treatment defined? could a headache be a migrane, hangover or brain tumer? who defines the goal posts??

Don't bother trying to get a brain tumour fixed over here, it would appear we don't have good enough doctors to do it anyway so you have to raise the money by yourself and get it done abroad.

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Apart from potentially killing the TT off, this is another example of why the Isle of Man is increasingly becoming a ball ache of a place to live and bring up kids. So a family of four now going on holiday to Blackpool will need insurance. Incredible.


Well for a family of 4 to the UK I just did a test insurance quote and it came in at £7.22 total. Hardly making it a 'ball ache of a place to live and bring up kids'.


Pointless exercise - the rule has not come in yet. Wait until the insurance companies are expected to stump up for UK medical expenses and try it again. I guarantee it will be a sight more expensive than £7.22 then.


So up to £5million in medical expenses is covered now for a payout but not in the future? Shut up.


Oh dear it might go up 100% to £15 the horror.

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Pointless exercise - the rule has not come in yet. Wait until the insurance companies are expected to stump up for UK medical expenses and try it again. I guarantee it will be a sight more expensive than £7.22 then.


Yes, because it's not like you ever needed insurance to travel to another country before....


It's a tenner or so to insure a trip to europe for up to 3 million quid in medical expenses. Why is £7 to the uk unbelievable?

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Pointless exercise - the rule has not come in yet. Wait until the insurance companies are expected to stump up for UK medical expenses and try it again. I guarantee it will be a sight more expensive than £7.22 then.


Yes, because it's not like you ever needed insurance to travel to another country before....


It's a tenner or so to insure a trip to europe for up to 3 million quid in medical expenses. Why is £7 to the uk unbelievable?


I believe you when you say that it is currently £7. It will be more than that when the insurance companies are having to cover Uk medical expenses. Also that is for one trip. How many people on the island go across to the UK multiple times a year - for shopping, visiting relatives or for onward travel to other locations? It all mounts up.

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will be interesting to see the cost for aged parents visiting offspring on the Island - if the island charges the UK £2M for emergency treatment for UK visitors then assuming we have 200,000 such visitors staying for 10days (please adjust if you have any better estimates of at risk population + exposure time) then this is £1/day - allow another 50% markup at least for insurance companies then you are looking at £1.50/day cover ballpark figure - family of 4 travelling to UK for a week £40 - obviously the costs can be weighted to reflect the at risk status but for an OAP it is already beginning to look expensive. BTW the cost for a week/10 day travel insurance for Western Europe is over £30 for the over 70's and often specifically does not cover existing conditions )

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I am a female OAP and because I like travel, each year I renew a Travel Insurance covering me for all Europe including the UK . It includes Medical and Travel cancellations etc. It does exclude dangerous sports, eg sking. I am Manx resident and the annual cost is £67 which includes an Insurance Brokers fee of £10. Well worth the fee. An Annual policy is much better value than little ones taken out for each trip. I also have a declared medical problem which the Insurers are fully aware of.

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Time to check if me IOM bank travel insurance covers the UK then!

Yes you are covered/



So if you are Manx resident and working on a UK contract (paying UK tax and NI) are you still covered?


No as its all down to your national insurance No. A Manx resident working in the UK under a Manx NI No will have his or her payments credited to the IOM DHSS

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I believe you when you say that it is currently £7. It will be more than that when the insurance companies are having to cover Uk medical expenses. Also that is for one trip. How many people on the island go across to the UK multiple times a year - for shopping, visiting relatives or for onward travel to other locations? It all mounts up.


What's hard to grasp here? Travel insurance covering medical expenses to different countries is already a reality. Why are you treating it like some kind of unknown? If it's under a tenner to get insurance now to anywhere in Europe, why will it suddenly become more expensive once this agreement stops? You're saying the tiny pool of manx residents makes any difference? It doesn't.

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Don't bother trying to get a brain tumour fixed over here, it would appear we don't have good enough doctors to do it anyway so you have to raise the money by yourself and get it done abroad.



Not quite true - we don't have any doctors on the island who can operate on it.


There is no neurosurgical service here - these kind of patients are all sent over to the UK for treatment (or not as the case may be).

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I have a son at Uni and wondering what the score is now if he needs any treatment? It seems like if your Manx you'll be queuing up with the crack whores and the Somali warlords to get whatever free treatment is going. Its worse than being an illegal immigrant - a British subject with no right to UK healthcare.


To me the IOM should now kill the social security agreement and any english or EU people turning up wanting reciprocal benefits and free NHS treatment can stick it up their arses.

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