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Changes To Health Agreement With Uk

Joe Public

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The Isle of Man only insists on being 'different' when it suits, ie for skimming off lots of ££money from the UK and the rest of the World, and having our own Government and Laws to assist in that endeavour.


Otherwise, and when it suits, the Isle of Man is more than happy to be a part of the United Kingdom and suck up to Westminster.


Quite right, IOM gov is continually bumming its load as a real country, then when it gets treated as such - in this case the UK decides to end an agreement - it squeals like a spoilt child.


Either go one way or another, best of both worlds won't happen.


Like I said earlier, be interesting what other agreements now get looked at.

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FWIW my annual health insurance here in Switzerland is about GBP 600 a year. This does not include dentists (very expensive) but as I stopped drinking fizzy pop years ago I have no problems with the fangs.


My Swiss insurance covers me world-wide, also in case of accident / emergency / repatriation.


This 600 quid a year is for a 51 year-old grumpy male in good health, non-smoker.

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Sooner or later, that's the way everywhere will have to go including la la land.


Surely its a question of resources here. The DHSS budget is well over £300m, and yet only £6m goes to the UK NHS for off island treatment. Surely its better to do a deal where less of that £300m is spent on Island running what is the worlds most expensive outpatients department and more to the NHS in the UK? If one or two health authorities were getting big bucks this would not have happened.

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With the percentage of resident pensioners soon to be approaching 27% on the island, compared to 15% in the UK, methinks we could soon really be paying the price for the miguided 'immigration policy' the islands' government have been following.


As well as pushing local workers out of the housing market by buying up most of the first time buyer properties, immigrant pensioners will now be expecting the same poor sods to pay for the care and health they need also.


If things are to pan out as it would seem in this thread, don't underestimate what this could cost us.


That depends very much on who the pensioners are, and their source of income. I know a fair number of come-over pensioners, and most of them came with considerable amounts of money.


In my view there is a good case for encouraging more well-heeled pensioners to retire here. In most respects they are model citizens, though they do tend to drive rather slowly.



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It's all irrelevant, the 'power of fear' siren has just gone off in Douglas signalling the end, so kiss your arse goodbye. Either that or it's feeding time for those MHK Morlocks again.


An HG Wells fan, I see.



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Surely its a question of resources here.


Well I might as well go for the jugular on this.


Everytime I go to the hospital there are no manx people in it - we seem to be giving free NHS care to a huge number of immigrants from outside the UK and EU, a huge number of newly arrived pensioners, as well as currently having to provide free care for any EU migrant because of our link with the UK NHS. None of these people have paid into the social security system here and yet seem to be its main users.


With these changes we can't afford to be doing this and we should start treating them exactly like the UK is now treating us - pay up or piss off. Its been mentioned before about cancelling the social security agreement and basically retreating fully from any reciprocal agreements with the UK and this should leave us with no option but to do just that.


Before you get treatment you should have to produce documents proving that you live, work, and pay tax and NI here - if you can't you should have to pay privately. I know of many cases where family flying in from all over the world just turn up pretend to be living here and get treated free gratis courtesy of the manx taxpayer.

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It's all irrelevant, the 'power of fear' siren has just gone off in Douglas signalling the end, so kiss your arse goodbye. Either that or it's feeding time for those MHK Morlocks again.


An HG Wells fan, I see.



Scary! I've just watched 'The Time Machine' (original version) on Sky this morning.

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Sooner or later, that's the way everywhere will have to go including la la land.


Surely its a question of resources here. The DHSS budget is well over £300m, and yet only £6m goes to the UK NHS for off island treatment. Surely its better to do a deal where less of that £300m is spent on Island running what is the worlds most expensive outpatients department and more to the NHS in the UK? If one or two health authorities were getting big bucks this would not have happened.



The majority of the £300 million goes on paying out benefits, incapacity, jobseekers, old age pension etc. The cost of running the health service is much less than that; anyone know? Probably about £100 million I would gueess.

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So, if a UK resident gets injured in the TT, they are going to have to pay? Or at the very least need additional insurance to cover the costs?


Why, as a manx resident, should I pay for the loons medical expenses?

I agree they should be made to pay - it would be interesting to know how much it actually costs for motorsport related medical treatment, does the £2m cover this or not?

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I don't think motorsport or general accidents by UK nationals here will affect things too much, in much the same way Manxies having accidents in the UK won't either. It'll balance out. Each will still be entitled to free A&E services until they are fit enough to be transported back home. Determing when someone is out of the 'A&E window' will be down to the doctor. Ensuring cover for flight/boat back, possibly with a nurse, and admin time will be the additional costs that will need to be covered/insured after an accident, and out of the A&E window.


Foreign nationals know they already need health and accident cover anyway, but will get free treatment in A&E - which I don't think will change.There is also ACU etc. insurance to take into account for riders and motorsport types.


This move is more about general (planned) surgery and long term care etc. than it is about accidents. It's the pensioners arriving here that should require the cover for that costly stuff. I have been banging on for ages about how our 'immigration policy' of importing wrinklies would eventually bite us in the ass.

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It's the pensioners arriving here that should require the cover for that costly stuff. I have been banging on for ages about how our 'immigration policy' of importing wrinklies would eventually bite us in the ass.


I think though that the government are waking up to that fact. There is another thread here about the changes to the UK and IOM double taxation agreement




A chunk of it seems to be about taxing rights for pensions paid from the UK so I'd say that at least government are doing their best to retrieve the situation. You said that pensioners are 27% of the population. If so that is just a ludicrous position to be in unless they are bringing tax in to the Island.

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