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[BBC News] Island tourism campaign launched


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great - they can now remind UK visitors that from 2010 they will need health insurance (should see off the OAP out of season coach tours) and most likely a passport for the boat

That will make us an exotic location won't it?


Cue night time scene - dark quayside with spots of light, queue of OAPs with brown leather suitcases, shuffling towards a checkpoint, straining barking dog on leash flashing its teeth (role for Champ?), man in black leather trenchcoat.


"Papers! Passport! Health Insurance! Tickets! Currency!"



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Come on there has to be some youtube vids posted in this style...



The Isle of Kyle


Hi I'm Kyle and this is my Isle of Man. I'm 17 and like to get fucked up on Blue Wkd most Friday and Saturday nights with my mates. If we're not harrassing people in groups or being sick in childrens playgrounds, we like to kick wing mirrors off cars or beat each other up. There's nothing to see or do in the Isle of Man and we're well bored.



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A few initial things strike me about this campaign and website:

  • The website has a lot of information and they have obviously tried to clean up their presentation (and now for the famous 'but')
  • It is unclear who they are trying to specifically target
  • There is a danger in trying to be both a Tourism and a 'come to live/work in the IOM' website/campaign - possibly because IOM Tourism is caught up within the Government service
  • It does not (for me at least) have a strong message - 'this is why I should consider going there'

Personally I think it needs clear customer targets (for example...family, wildlife/adventure seeker, motorcyclist, empty nest, OAP) with more emphasis on 'what's in it for you to come here on holiday' rather than someone trotting around on a pony. The customer needs to feel that the advert is a message for him/her not for the world in general.


And it needs a strong message that makes some sense to the potential visitor - for example:


"Easy to get to - dramatically different"


OK, OK maybe a bit of poetic licence on the 'easy' bit - I am not trying to start a new thread on the IOMSPC!!!!


Might also be a good experiment to try for some non UK/Irish markets on a trial basis - possibly Holland or Germany.


Seperately I'd like to see a 'Come and Live' in the IOM website targeted properly as this group are quite different to tourists and need different information.


I wonder what/where the advertising programme is going to be.


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Personally I think it needs clear customer targets (for example...family, wildlife/adventure seeker, motorcyclist, empty nest, OAP) with more emphasis on 'what's in it for you to come here on holiday' rather than someone trotting around on a pony. The customer needs to feel that the advert is a message for him/her not for the world in general.


In fairness, isn't this the principle behind the 'Andersons', 'Keirran', 'Keith' concept - i.e. different aspects of what the Island has to offer which may appeal to different audiences?

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In fairness, isn't this the principle behind the 'Andersons', 'Keirran', 'Keith' concept - i.e. different aspects of what the Island has to offer which may appeal to different audiences?

Yes it goes a bit of the way - but this seems to be an 'internal' Manx picture and perspective not a tourist one. The Andersons etc probably appeal to the "that's a place I'd like to live" target most of all - the problem of mixing tourism and living/working targets.


Personally (and I did say personally) I think it really needs to appeal directly, not indirectly, to potential visitors:


"I can go to lots of places next year. Wonder which one we should pick. Ahh here is an advertisement about a family like mine visiting the IOM and doing lots of interesting things and having heaps of fun. Can see us doing that and enjoying ourselves."


How many tourism advertisements do you see with 'this is Giannopoulos family on a day out enjoying their life on Crete' versus 'here are the Smiths splashing around in the Med with lots of other people having fun'? The ones I've seen that feature 'locals' also feature visitors in the same ad enjoying the company of the friendly locals so the viewer can 'associate' with the situation. I wonder if the Tourist Board tested various advertisement concepts on a cross section of 'targets' in the UK/Ireland before picking these?


They are nice productions but I feel they are off-target and not commercial - with luck I shall be proved wrong by the millions who flock here next year!

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I think the new website is a big improvement and creative.


Agree with others about potential test re demand side and consumer preferences. Too many tourism strategies are driven by supply side factors (what WE as host country want tourists to do) rather than demand side priorities (changing tastes, preferences and fashions of potential tourists). ..


The new website seems to be reflecting the reality that the island is exploiting various niche markets but also trying to give people the practical information they need.

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In fairness, isn't this the principle behind the 'Andersons', 'Keirran', 'Keith' concept - i.e. different aspects of what the Island has to offer which may appeal to different audiences?


It seems the only idea they have ever had is to change the name of the Island - 'the Isle of Keith' 1). The concept is just completely daft and 2). It might be nice to hear a few Manx accents considering we are trying to show how local people live.

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