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Mandelson Back In The Cabinet


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Is this the best Brown can do? Bringing back Mandelson?





Peter Mandelson has said he is surprised but "proud" that Gordon Brown has drafted him back into the cabinet as business secretary.


The EU trade commissioner was twice forced to resign from Tony Blair's cabinet - speaking in Downing Street he joked it was "third time lucky".




At a press conference Mr Brown said he wanted to "reinvent government" to cope with the new challenges of financial instability, oil price rises and food price rises.


Reinvent - erm not really - go back to the past more like.

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Is this the best Brown can do? Bringing back Mandelson?

Reinvent - erm not really - go back to the past more like.

The Prince of Darkness in Cabinet:

  • Spin doctors will be swirling like whirling dervishes in Downing Street.
  • Wax effigies of Cameron and Johnson will be ordered for voodoo ceremonies.
  • Notting Hill will be restored to the centre of the Labour universe.
  • Rapid moves will be made to improve lending liquidity.
  • Across Europe grateful farmers will be holding services of thanksgiving for deliverance from the evil one.

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Given that the majority of posters seem to be nationalists it seems odd that there is so much interest in foreign politics. That aside, is Mandelson actually an MP? If not, I can't help thinking that its wrong to have someone non-elected in a position of power. Personally I find mandelson very creepy.

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Given that the majority of posters seem to be nationalists it seems odd that there is so much interest in foreign politics. That aside, is Mandelson actually an MP? If not, I can't help thinking that its wrong to have someone non-elected in a position of power. Personally I find mandelson very creepy.


It's similar to having members of LEGCO who haven't been elected by the public in government here.

Mandy will be given a quick knigthood.

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I've never understood how Mandelson keeps getting these enormously powerful jobs. After all, nobody voted for him, unlike Gordon Brown. Oh wait …

Mandelson is indeed the 'dark prince' of the Blairites/NuLab. With banking crisis (and overwhelming Tory lead), I think there was a rethink by Blairites/NuLab at the Lab conference about ousting Brown and putting in Milliband as the figurehead. The long knives got put away and the Brown-shirts got to live another day, but Mandelson was the price Brown had to pay to stay.

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A few more inclusions, Hain, the wallah with the dog, Prescot etc and we could have a genuine thieves cabinet.



" we at labour bring you democracy, honesty and integrity"


They dont give a shit anymore .

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the wallah with the dog


According to todays Sunday Bigot Mail El Blunkers is going to be recalled.


GB is really pulling out all the stops.........

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Given that the majority of posters seem to be nationalists it seems odd that there is so much interest in foreign politics. That aside, is Mandelson actually an MP? If not, I can't help thinking that its wrong to have someone non-elected in a position of power. Personally I find mandelson very creepy.


It's similar to having members of LEGCO who haven't been elected by the public in government here.

Mandy will be given a quick knigthood.


At least he is a politician, unlike the bishop and he was elected by more than 6 people.

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" we at labour bring you democracy, honesty and integrity"

...and peerages for our friends 'cos the last thing we'd ever want is a democratically elected upper house.


Someone suggested on the Beeb that when the Prince Lord of Darkness gets his coat of arms it should be in the form of 'fingers crossed with the motto "third time lucky"'.


Sadly this seems to be yet another attempt at 'smart' politics to try and sideline opposition in the Labour Party rather than getting on with the job of delivering good government. If the UK wasn't in such a sorry mess I guess people would be laughing.

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To me the 'joined at the hip' statement suggests Mandelson and Brown as equals = Mandelson is going to be running things from here on.


Didn't NuLab make a big fuss over getting rid of the Lord Chancellor and replacing this with minister for constitutional affairs? If I remember right, their rationale was something to do with it being undemocratic to have a non-elected person from the House of Lords in cabinet. Shameless.

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