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Manxnet Tt Races Poll

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i don't know if anyones seen the poll on the manxnet home page about the tt and whether or not it should continue. i've just noticed it and i find the results quite staggering!



Results for Should the Isle of Man TT races continue?




26.74% - Yes, they should (133625 votes)


0.32% - Yes, but only to its centenary (1592 votes)


72.94% - No, they should not (364522 votes)




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It could be that only a third of the islands residents derive income from the TT, the remaining two thirds actually suffer disruption during the TT. And out of the third that gain an income from the TT I am sure there is a small percentage that either dont like the TT or are against it because of the high death toll and risks to themselves during the fortnight.


On a personal note I like the TT, I like the atmosphere, enjoy watching the mad xxxxxxxs on bikes zooming past and the whole experience. It makes planning my working week dificult as I dont like driving on the course against the flow, but nothing that can't be overcome with a little thought. I find my clients are also more understanding if things are slightly delayed over the two weeks.


Overall I think it should stay and that it would be suicide for the service industry if it was to be discontinued.



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Those votes always did get silly. As soon as it was a burning issue of sorts, the two opposing sets of voters who held a strong view would attempt to rack up as many votes as possible, making a mockery of the whole result.


(And looking at those numbers, it looks like that's the case on this one)

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The TT races should not continue.


The June races just been should mark the end of road racing on the Island.


There is a basic incompatibility between the Manx roads and modern motorcycles taking part in a race.

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These polls have been done before and aren't accurate at all and this discussion has been discussed on numerous occasions.

I think the T.T should stay as long as people want to take part and compete.

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Do they not have IP logs to stop multiple voting ?

I'm not sure they will actually. With a relatively small dynamic IP pool, the chances of you leasing an IP from your ISP that has already voted is probably quite high.


It might be timed though, one vote per IP every 12 hours say. Somebody from Manx.net might have a better idea though, I'm only guessing.....

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The usual way is to issue a cookie to the browser with a timestamp, if they try and vote again - the page will check for the cookie (and timestamp) and they'll get a message to say they cant double vote.


But... Looking at it, they dont so - you can happily vote as much as you like. This'd stop most people double-voting. Its relatively easy to write a script to 'turn' the vote in a particular direction, but that'd be plain wrong ;)

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The TT races should not continue. 


The June races just been  should mark the end of road racing on the Island. 


There is a basic incompatibility between the Manx roads and modern motorcycles taking part in a race.

I think the racing community (who I suppose might be considered the experts in this particular field) may not agree with the basic incompatibility statement, as if this was the case, they simply would not come to race here.


Why stop at the TT road races, why not all worldwide road racing?

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TT is the only time the Island has anything at all exciting about it, I don't even like or watch the bikes. Its the atmosphere! I love it.


And lots of TT bikes on the roads is only a problem for the idiots that don't check their mirrors.

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All those Manx stone walls seem pretty incompatable to me.

Yes, they are - but that is the case for all road racing (or trees or similar obstructions)


My point is, why focus only on the Isle of Man TT?

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