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Really Rich Line Up Of Bands Just Now

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There's some great music about right now, we might be heading for a massive resession but at least the music's good!


Particularly buttering my muffin at the moment are:


Late Of The Pier, indie produced by a techno DJ, edgy and great.


High Contrast, SubFocus, Chase&Status and J Majik&Wickerman, drum&bass has made a massive resurgence, this is some of the best i've heard in years.


Kings of Leon and Elbow, epic.


MGMT, very different, very good.


Yesterday i bought the TV On The Radio album, its probably the best thing i've heard all year. Sounds like a mash up of Bloc Party, Soulwax and something thrown back from the eighties, utterly brilliant.



Thoughts on those?


What's everyone else listening to just now?

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Agreed mostly :) KoL & Elbow are, as ever, spectacular, MGMT quite spunky (minibee really likes them). Like I said 400 threads ago, Im listening to The Zap at the mo, still loving Shpongle, Younger Brother & Shri has just made a new album, I have only heard a few songs off it yet but they are 'really rather good'. The only drum and bass I have heard recently was at Aphex Twin, he played some thoroughly modern drum and bass, I was a bit 'out' over it, was ok but...I preferred the old fashioned D&B had more bass about it IMHO.


The great thing about music atm is its availability, MrBees and I were chatting about it the other day, when we were youngsters you had to rely on crappy Woollies, or Shocks to get music (3 weeks after it had left the 'hit parade'), it is ace to be able to hear a tune, find out its name and goto I-Tunes (or what so) and buy it. I still dont know the name/label of that Smiths re-mix (I'll puke on you if mentioning Mark Ronson, Im talking about a NEW re-mix) perhaps it was a white label or something, sadly I dont even know what DJ played it, it was one of those moments though.

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Loving the Kol and Elbow as already mentioned. Also very much into the new Weezer album, absolutely spot on. Ladyhawke is lots of fun if you're prepared to have a laugh, Fleet Foxes great for a folksey chll out, Flobots for something with rap that's a bit different ('s even got brass ffs!), Glasvegas, and even the new Metallica isn't shit. Good times!

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There's some great music about right now, we might be heading for a massive resession but at least the music's good!


Particularly buttering my muffin at the moment are:


Late Of The Pier, indie produced by a techno DJ, edgy and great.


High Contrast, SubFocus, Chase&Status and J Majik&Wickerman, drum&bass has made a massive resurgence, this is some of the best i've heard in years.


Kings of Leon and Elbow, epic.


MGMT, very different, very good.


Yesterday i bought the TV On The Radio album, its probably the best thing i've heard all year. Sounds like a mash up of Bloc Party, Soulwax and something thrown back from the eighties, utterly brilliant.



Thoughts on those?


What's everyone else listening to just now?


2008 has been pretty good, around the average for what has been quite a good decade. I have noticed that the last few months I've been listening to a greater proportion of older music, a reasonable indication of a downturn in quality.


I think the amount of attention and hype Elbow and Kings of Leon are currently receiving in indicative of that. Both are honourable, worthy bands that have been around for most of the decade making good but unspectacular records. So they make a pair of good but unspectacular records and everyone goes gaga.


Are TV on the Radio still going? Bit early for an early 2000's revival isn't it? Let's party like it's 2004!


MGMT are a bit run of the mill, but that Time to Pretend tune is fine.


Anyway Finnish Avant-Folk's where the cool kids are hanging at the mo, Mo, looking forward to you joining us in 2010.

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TV on the Radio is ok, like those other boys erm...its not GLC its something like that though (NERD - I remembered). Glasvegas sounds like another band I quite liked in the 80's, not really my kind of music now but, I wouldnt throw it out of the car window if it was on a tape :) Portishead? I was listening to Portishead yesterday, darn thing skips though which is a problem. I have an enquiry to make over drum and bass, are the Freestylers and Pendulum classed as D&B?


Had my Ipod on shuffle, its so funny when it "makes a holy show of you" just when you're least expecting it, for an example, had been grooving round the kitchen having most excellent fun when......."Ding a ling a ling, ding a ling a ling a ling ahhhh ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhh" - repeat, who on earth put bleedin Christmas songs on my Ipod?

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Late Of The Pier, indie produced by a techno DJ, edgy and great.


High Contrast, SubFocus, Chase&Status and J Majik&Wickerman, drum&bass has made a massive resurgence, this is some of the best i've heard in years.


Kings of Leon and Elbow, epic.


MGMT, very different, very good.


Thoughts on those?


What's everyone else listening to just now?


Thanks to you and the birthday cd, i've got to agree...purchased the Elbow album yesterday and it's just amazing, sat there and listened to it 3 times! Truely epic...also really liking the new bloc party album ( intimacy ), feels a lot more like a return to their best ( Silent Alarm )...

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I think the amount of attention and hype Elbow and Kings of Leon are currently receiving in indicative of that. Both are honourable, worthy bands that have been around for most of the decade making good but unspectacular records. So they make a pair of good but unspectacular records and everyone goes gaga.


Are TV on the Radio still going? Bit early for an early 2000's revival isn't it? Let's party like it's 2004!


MGMT are a bit run of the mill, but that Time to Pretend tune is fine.


Anyway Finnish Avant-Folk's where the cool kids are hanging at the mo, Mo, looking forward to you joining us in 2010.

A little bit Hilton'esque Dec, "that's, like, soooooo 2004". Its about this sort of time when you stop listening to a band i suppose, when they start getting a bit of airtime. 4 years ago tho? That'll be about the time when you were doing your show, i don't remember any TVOTR, i've still got the discs too.

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