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Really Rich Line Up Of Bands Just Now

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If you fancy trying a bit of an Antipodeon flava, check out:


The Howling Bells

John Butler Trio


The CAT Empire



or for some classic stuff ...




Oz music is extremely under-rated.




There's some great music about right now, we might be heading for a massive resession but at least the music's good!


Particularly buttering my muffin at the moment are:


Late Of The Pier, indie produced by a techno DJ, edgy and great.


High Contrast, SubFocus, Chase&Status and J Majik&Wickerman, drum&bass has made a massive resurgence, this is some of the best i've heard in years.


Kings of Leon and Elbow, epic.


MGMT, very different, very good.


Yesterday i bought the TV On The Radio album, its probably the best thing i've heard all year. Sounds like a mash up of Bloc Party, Soulwax and something thrown back from the eighties, utterly brilliant.



Thoughts on those?


What's everyone else listening to just now?

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Another one I forgot.....John Metcalf his new album A Darker Sunset has some rather interesting (if not a bit self indulgent) music on, A whole day nearer being my favourite (very emotive and full on, no messing about, serious music).

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Cage the Elephant? were they on that cunt Holland's show this week? I can never understand a word that knob says sounded something like Page the Bannanaplant. That man and his pathetic plinky plonky piano has been ruining music programmes since I was at school and he still can't annunciate properly - I spent weeks looking for music by the bluesman C16.


Sorry about my earlier post in this thread, it reads grumpier than I intended. I echo the comments about Glasvegas and the Howling Bells earlier in the thread. Been enjoying the One More Grain, Our Brother the Native, Man Man, and Black Mountain lps also.

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