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The Wacky German Sense Of Humour!


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Reading The Torygraph Lonan3? No mistaking your sense of humour!


There are only two things the Germans find funny. The only German joke in the world (don't ask) and "Dinner For One" at xmas. That's it.

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Now there's my kind of humour:


However his museum is already courting controversy. Its first event, on Oct 18, is to be a Mohammed lookalike competition, an initiative which the country's three million Muslims are unlikely to find amusing.


Couldn't even do that in über-PC formerly "Great" Britain :P


Titanic is also pretty cult - like it says, German version of private Eye, and probably been sued as many times as the Brit colleagues. Did things like:









East Germany, starved of all good and western things for years, finally opens up



People from the "Zone", as we called East Germany, can now get all the good things in life



Titanic titles with:









Gabi from the Zone: My first Banana



I still find that funny today - and a moose with a hat is funny, too - now laugh or else!


See, not that hard now, is it? :rolleyes:

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