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[BBC News] Set back for youth centre plans


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"Councillor Ritchie McNicholl, whose committee considered the scheme, believed it was 'too central', and too close to corporation houses and the Heron pub.


"We have seen problems in the area where unruly people are barred from going onto the premises and hanging around outside and then you get trouble starting."


Adding: "I would have looked for somewhere more remote, still easy to get to, but shielded from our residents who have had lots of problems with youngsters hanging around on street corners."


'So', I ask this wonderful elected representative of the people ' Where do these unruly people and youngsters come from? Could it be the Anagh Coar area, and they are children of those very residents who need shielding? ? Could it be they are hanging around street corners because they have nowhere else to go? And your solution is ... banish them to some remote corner where they can't be seen. Don't, whatever you do, do ANYTHING to help or support them'


He should be thoroughly ashamed of himself, although from the above I wonder if he has any conscience or sense of shame! I despair..! I just hope enough of those involved are 16 years old and have a vote they can use when the time comes...!

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A (young) youth club is operated out of Ballacottier school on friday nights. No problems, they just amble home full of excited chatter after a night of peer group socialising.


Anagh Coar Stores on the other hand, is a focal point for older youths and would seem to be the best spot for a well run older youth facility.


They already hang around street corners, but may not do so with a proper facility.


Unbelievable waste of an area that can hardly be described as bringing any benefit to the area, be it aesthetic or functional, but a good 'youthie' would.

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If I was a teenager living on the IOM today I would be furious at some of the hateful and reactionary comments posted on these boards by intolerant people who only think of themselves.


I know there are problems, but they don't go away by vilifying all teenagers and failing to provide facilities for them to hang out together and enjoy normal social activities.

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"Councillor Ritchie McNicholl, whose committee considered the scheme, believed it was 'too central', and too close to corporation houses and the Heron pub.


"We have seen problems in the area where unruly people are barred from going onto the premises and hanging around outside and then you get trouble starting."


Adding: "I would have looked for somewhere more remote, still easy to get to, but shielded from our residents who have had lots of problems with youngsters hanging around on street corners."


That clearly shows that some people haven't understood the first thing about this, and to even come out with such a comment is frankly unbelievable.


For such a facility to work, it must be part of the community. We are talking about the young people from this area here, young people that live in the houses around it, young people that are the children of rate and taxpayers! That will be rate and taxpayers themselves in the not too distant future.


But let's got down the old road of "yeah, we need that - but no no, can't do that here"..


FFS :angry:


"We have seen problems in the area" - no shit. Wonder why that is? Oh, yes, because some people like to associate young people with trouble by default, like to automatically treat them as a problem instead of making them part of a better, healthier community solution. Come on then, go all the way and build the thing at the point of ayre - would that be far enough? Still "easy to get to" if you spin it right.


Seriously - high time all this local government crap is scrapped and everything is centralized. Too many jobsworths around that do more damage and waste more money than is good or healthy. With the cash we save by getting rid of them, we can employ someone who has a plan and finance the whole thing five times over.

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high time all this local government crap is scrapped and everything is centralized. Too many jobsworths around that do more damage and waste more money than is good or healthy.


Quite right. Islands population doesn't need or justify all this self indulgant and expensive dross.



Typical reaction - young people are a nuisance so lets stop any attempt to provide them with somewhere/thing to do.

If there's existing 'public order' issues then that's a job for the police and other agencies not a reason to veto any initiatives.


No wonder so many kids are inclined to vote with their feet when they can.


"I would have looked for somewhere more remote, still easy to get to, but shielded from our residents who have had lots of problems with youngsters hanging around on street corners."


How about locking them all in cupboards till they become bankers then?


With shit like this, no wonder the Daily Wail sells so well here.

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When I was in my teens there was a very good youth club in Pulrose. It was packed almost every night with juniors (under 12s) from 6 till 8 and seniors from 8 till 10. It worked very well, and even attracted members from other areas of Douglas. There was never any bother there and a lot of kids were taught things like cookery, leatherwork, basic joinery (making our own 5-a-side goalposts), making and using a canoe, going on adventure trips to the Lake District, having Saturday night dances with local bands (finishing no later than 11 so it wouldn't annoy the neighbours too much!). They also had their own snooker, hockey and cricket teams.

Unfortunately, when it became badly run and went downhill a bit, someone suggested changing it into a gymnasium and fitness centre - then they had the bright idea of applying for a drinks licence so that customeres could relax after a fitness session and, despite many objections, that was approved. Today, it's called the Pinewood!

As a youth club, however, it was right in the middle of a residential area and no one objected to it - because it kept us off the streets and gave us something to do.

Although the Malarkeys should have presented their proposal to the council properly - instead of indulging in a bit of loose-cannon headline-grabbing - the idea is basically sound and, not for the first time, Councillor McNicholl is talking out of his ass.

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Out of interest, has anyone actually asked the nearby residents for their views positive OR otherwise or have the Corpy Obergruppenfuhrers made the decision in the best interests of their vassals?


I assume that because of previous problems they cite, that they and other agencies have developed and implemented a 'strategy' to deal with these previous problems?


I feel sorry for the kids who would have benefitted from the proposal.

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I know it's not exactly 'nearby' for this particular area, but I wondered if they could perhaps do something with part of the old jail now it's empty to provide a youth & community centre of some description.


Dunno about the suitability of the place and obviously they'd have to spend money but surely it'd be a lot better than building somewhere new and it is a fairly central point in douglas if nothing else.


Never had the pleasure of going there but I'd guess there's a lot of space, it's probably built to handle a beating, and there's even a yard that could be ideal for some sports etc surely?

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Out of interest, has anyone actually asked the nearby residents for their views positive OR otherwise or have the Corpy Obergruppenfuhrers made the decision in the best interests of their vassals?


I assume that because of previous problems they cite, that they and other agencies have developed and implemented a 'strategy' to deal with these previous problems?


I feel sorry for the kids who would have benefitted from the proposal.



They have the police community unit coming round with in their van fitted with flashing lights and siren to disperse the youth.

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