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Bad Taste At The Airport!


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There is a very serious side to this really - I understand most of the Airport staff are disgusted at this display. I was told that someone actually left a real bag next to the pile of 'art' bags while they went to the shop!


And what a brilliant way of bringing a bomb into the Airport, disguise it as a piece of art! "Oh there is another one there now - the artists must be adding to his/her display" :rolleyes:


I am not objecting to the art as such - just the totally inappropriate location. As one other poster said, will it be amputated limbs in the reception of the hospital next ? Perhaps they could get that German Doctor who does the plastination to put on a display of dead people!

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Whatever happened to all those people with camera phones - have they all left? :rolleyes: This story needs pictures - it's nothing without pictures - click to see big:




What it's all about:



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