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Help Sought For Transgendered Cat


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*I know. You think pet psychics are scammers. I did too until I saw how Bubba, who usually hisses at everyone prior to hiding under the couch, had full trust in the pet psychic immediately. The tears welled in my eyes as I saw Bubba purring in contentment while in her lap. I knew at that moment she was the real deal.*


What's the betting that the 'psychic' had rubbed her trousers with catnip just before entering the house? Why do desperate people always jump to the most illogical conclusion for something when they're looking for answers?

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Is that even legal?


I don't think there's any law specifically prohibiting chopping a cat's bollocks off. You probably need to be a vet though.


It's called 'neutering'. The website's a way of raising funds to get it neutered.


For more explanations of obvious jokes, my fee is £250 per hour.

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