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Joerg Haider Killed In Car Crash


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If you're into your European politics, then the name Jörg Haider should ring a few bells. Well, he is no more and I know a lot of people who won't be mourning much..


Austrian Far-Right Politician Haider Killed in Car Accident


Joerg Haider, the leader of Austria's right-wing Alliance for the Future of Austria, died in a car accident early Saturday, police have confirmed.


The accident occurred near Klagenfurt, capital of the province of Carinthia where 58-year-old Haider was governor - around 2 am (0000 GMT), police official Meinhard Schiller told German news agency dpa.


Haider was driving by himself when his car veered off the road and flipped over after passing another vehicle.Police are still investigating the cause of the accident, in which no one else was injured.



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Amadeus was quick in getting there to take the photo of the crash! :o

I thought it was the Princess Di Mercedes at first - does not give much confidence in that brand. Austria seems to have bred some extreme politicians - could this be because Vienna was besieged by the Turks? I guess if you live at the western end of invasion routes your world view may be different to island dwellers?

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I thought it was the Princess Di Mercedes at first - does not give much confidence in that brand.


Apparently he was going twice the speed limit when he crashed. Same as Henri Paul. I don't think it's the brand that is the fault, just the knobs who generally drive them.


(Present company excepted, of course) ;)

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The BBC seem to be hinting that Haider (married with two children) had a long-standing (no pun intended) sexual relationship with his successor, Stefan Petzner...


BBC - Haider was ' The Man of My Life'- Petzner


Hardly surprising - how often have those standing for 'family values' been shown to be total hypocrites? It seems there's one rule for them and another for everybody else.

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hallmarks of a gov assasianaton that.

nice to see them (allegadly) hit a proper target this time. wonder if the bnp leaders are next.



Yeah - the government arranged for him to get publically pissed in a bar, have a drunken argument with his boyfriend in the same bar and then drive home in a hissy fit at twice the speed limit whilst still drunk. They're damned cunning those government assassins. :wacko:

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come on.. think outside the box.

Spiked drink. tamper with the car. You have to make em look like accidents or suicides nowadays.. just look at that british government wmd dude. (allegedly)


Dream on.


Drunk speeding Nazi wraps car around tree - that's the real story.

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