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i cant believe that the number of people who have died is more than the amount of people living on the Isle of Man! and if there more after shocks, it could send more tsunamis! god help those people. im going to try and send off my xmas money to help them. they need it more than me.


just gone on the news channels, over 123,000 dead :(


and it could double if basic health care and clean water isnt brought

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The UK initially gave £15million, as the serevity of the situation became apparant they have increased it to £50m, the public have so far donated £20m.


I was in 0xfam today to make a donation, there was a queue to donate.


Seems folk are really trying to help.

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Just as 9/11 changed the world, i sense this tradagy may also have the same effect.


There's no doubt you gang over their will more than match the 15k Tynwald have plegded.


But in fairness give them a chance, i'm sure they will increase it....well i hope so.

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£5 provides 100l of purified water to a displaced family

£12 vaccinates a child for life from 6 childhood killer diseases

£15 buys a hot meal for 125 people in emergency feeding centres

£25 buys plastic shelter and food parcels for two families for 2 weeks

£30 buys enough water purification tablets to give 320 childen a litre each

£59 will supply tarpaulins to provide shelter for ten families

£100 buys a tent in which a displaced family can live OR pays for emergency food parcels to feed 60 families for one month

£250 provides emergency shelter and food for 100 people


*from todays Daily Mail, which also contributes 5p from each paper bought

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Did anybody see the news documentary on it last night (ITV I think it was). It showed some of the footage, as well as relatives searching for loved ones. It's amazing how quick it all happened. There was a bit in Sri Lanka where a car of newlyweds was totally buried under the sand and they were trying to find it.


It was so sad to watch, and makes us realise how lucky we were that it didn't happen here.

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