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Ive just be looking at a few websites and im overwealmed at the response the appeal has had in the world, even ebay is helping, there are over 10 pages of items up for auction where the money is going towards the tsunami appeal :)


Me and my mate have decided to go out on saturday dressed up, dont know what as yet but i will let you know when we have decided so you can look out for us and give us a bit of cash for the appeal!

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Don't be fooled by such things kitty. Whilst there are a lot of honest people out there, I guarantee you there are ten times more that will try to profit from things like this.


Wherever possible, try to give to registered charities or orgainsations only.

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I gave money at the post office, i trust that will go straight to the appeal and to all the people who are trying to profit from the disaster that is just a wicked and terrible thing to do, they should be ashamed of themselves

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