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When Skies Are Grey

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I dont think the failure rate is 68% on Elites.


I think if you get the RROD on Elites you are just unlucky and is probably just a general hardware fault. Not a fundamental flaw like they had previously.

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Or he could send it back to MS and get it done for free?


Might take a little longer so its 6 of one really


Back to drawing houses you!


K back drawing houses. Yesterday I was at college learning new and interesting ways to deal with extreme boredom.



suppose it depends if he wants to be without his 360 for 4 weeks or not.


was it an elite? my mates elite has just gone the same way.. I thought ms was supposed to have fixed the rrod problem in the elites.

useless s0ds.

the recorded failure rate is 69%! im surprised the yanks aint been sueing MS like lunatics.


Also depends if he wants it done by a trained professional who will do more than just fit a home brew solution that might not solve the probalem long term. If he sends it back he will get a new mobo and probably (however not always) a new DVD drive which will be quieter than the one he has.

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suppose it depends if he wants to be without his 360 for 4 weeks or not.


was it an elite? my mates elite has just gone the same way.. I thought ms was supposed to have fixed the rrod problem in the elites.

useless s0ds.

the recorded failure rate is 69%! im surprised the yanks aint been sueing MS like lunatics.


Bollocks as usual. They don't take 4 weeks to repair and the falure rate is nothing like 69%.


There are non-falcon elites, I've not heard of any post falcon 360's rrod'ing. Plus there's another new chipset variation out now which is reportedly fine too.

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Ill accept your apology in advance Slim.

Mine took 4 weeks. As did my mates. (this is the normal 360 tho not the elite)

Do you have first hand experience then?..... or just mouthing off as usual.


Yes, I've returned one. Took about a week and they fitted a new mobo and dvd drive. They're a lot faster now, perhaps because fewer are failing these days? Got a card with a month off Live too, which was nice. All in all pretty painless. They fucked up with a bad design, but they've put their hands up and gone out of their way to fix it, can't say fairer than that.

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Yes, I've returned one. Took about a week and they fitted a new mobo and dvd drive. They're a lot faster now, perhaps because fewer are failing these days? Got a card with a month off Live too, which was nice. All in all pretty painless. They fucked up with a bad design, but they've put their hands up and gone out of their way to fix it, can't say fairer than that.


Manx Forums In Sensible Post Shock ;)


Had to return mine around Jan/Feb time and it only took 10 days to be collected , fixed and returned. Anyone would think that Nintendo Wii's and Playstation 3's have had a 100% record the way some go on.If you have to return a PS3 to Sony and its out of warranty , for something like a faulty drive then you'll be looking at a bill in the region of £200.

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yeah mine had the rrod earlier this year and it took around 7 days to be collected, have a new motherboard fitted and returned to me,


You must have been unlucky to have to wait 4 weeks as i don't know anyone that's waited that long

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I think me and my mate hit it when the rrods were happening in there thousands. (like when the 360 was about 1year and 2 weeks old..) and MS couldnt handle the massive amount of bust 360s. They were sending them off to germany to get fixed!


They havent done a very good job of fixing the design tho have they. As we are are having elites die now and not just rrods now either.. Surely its not too much to ask for a multi billion dollar company to know how to build a console correctly. Why dont they just open up a ps3 and see how to properly build something. :P

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I think me and my mate hit it when the rrods were happening in there thousands. (like when the 360 was about 1year and 2 weeks old..) and MS couldnt handle the massive amount of bust 360s. They were sending them off to germany to get fixed!


They havent done a very good job of fixing the design tho have they. As we are are having elites die now and not just rrods now either.. Surely its not too much to ask for a multi billion dollar company to know how to build a console correctly. Why dont they just open up a ps3 and see how to properly build something. :P


Like I said, the first elites weren't falcon. I've not seen anything to suggest that anything falcon and newer that has problems.

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I think me and my mate hit it when the rrods were happening in there thousands. (like when the 360 was about 1year and 2 weeks old..) and MS couldnt handle the massive amount of bust 360s. They were sending them off to germany to get fixed!


They havent done a very good job of fixing the design tho have they. As we are are having elites die now and not just rrods now either.. Surely its not too much to ask for a multi billion dollar company to know how to build a console correctly. Why dont they just open up a ps3 and see how to properly build something. :P


Far more faulty PS3's around than 360's at the moment.One local has sent his PS3 60Gb back 4 times now.Is that how to build something properly ?


Your perception of what is the better console when it comes to reliability may be somewhat different than the reality.We have had 5 Xbox 360's returned since the launch of the Elite last year ( that figure includes Arcade , Pro & Elite ) out of over 120 Xbox 360's sold , and 15 PS3's returned out of a total of 105 sold since August 2008.

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just got an elite from a mate who left the island in a hurry, im not complaining it was cheap...

more to the point, my launch 360 rrod'd on me, picked up the xclamp fix kit and now its alive and well in the bedroom.....no complaints from me


couldnt send it back as i'd changed the case after the initial 12 months of warranty were up, then they extended it...doh :)

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  • 9 months later...

just to revive this thread. my third xbox to rrod (this time the elite) and its still taking ages to get it fixed.

God knows how people said it took 7 days. it takes nearly that long for the box to arrive to send it away in.

Im on day 16 now and its just been shipped back.

So yeah anyone wondering how long it takes.. Between 2-3 weeks. and dont think your immune with Elites, there seems to be as many instances of them failing as the originals.


Even the manx indy driver knew what he was picking up. He goes.. xbox360 is it . I went aye. He said . yeah we are picking up tons of these. :-\


I think MS are very lucky Sony havent been able to get the same output as they did with the ps2 or the shocking build of the 360 would have really affected sales I think

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