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Xbox 360

When Skies Are Grey

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Bought an Elite to replace it.


Tried the old console last night and it booted fine ran for an hour the RRoD no need to try and force it like I thought. Am now waiting for my shipping label. I guess the Ethernet port must have cracked first?


Once it is repaired I'll trade it in to get a Slim PS3 for £169.99, maybe or I might keep it and run it in the bed room, although I can see no good reason to do that.

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hi guys,


just got my box from UPS, am i right in thinking i just rock up at manx independant carries with all the labels attached?


no need to contact UPS at all??


if you got the note from manx inde then yes just go down the depot and collct

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i mean i got the empty box (to put my broken xbox in) from microsoft in germany, came from UPS (chucked through my front door, so guessing Manx Independant), with labels etc.


best bet to do is but xbox in box and take it and stickers down to them see what they say.

but im gussing as its there stickers it will be right

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