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Wow 3.0.2

Dr Gonzo

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Download the patches from http://www.wowwiki.com/patch_mirrors instead of using the in game updater. It's a ton faster if I remember right.


The built-in updater isn't so bad if you're not using MT as your ISP, since it's basically a P2P client and gets absolutely throttled to buggery, on WiManx the patches actually come down pretty fast.


There's no question that the first raft of patches/updates after a fresh install are horrible in the extreme, but once the pain has been endured, it's just a question of backing up the WoW folder (either to another PC or DVD or whatever), then if a rebuild/extra install is ever required, all the patches and updates can be copied back into the WoW folder and they'll just work.


Blizzard still want shooting for not providing a direct download server themselves though, I mean, every fucker's paying them £9 per month to play the bastard game as it is.....

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The built-in updater isn't so bad if you're not using MT as your ISP, since it's basically a P2P client and gets absolutely throttled to buggery, on WiManx the patches actually come down pretty fast.


I don't care which ISP you use, a direct HTTP download is going to be faster.

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The built-in updater isn't so bad if you're not using MT as your ISP, since it's basically a P2P client and gets absolutely throttled to buggery, on WiManx the patches actually come down pretty fast.


I don't care which ISP you use, a direct HTTP download is going to be faster.


Well I can't argue with you on that point, but it'd still be nice if MT recognised that their customers may very well generate legitimate P2P traffic on occasion, and thus afford them even a substantial fraction of the bandwidth that they pay for, as opposed to immediately dropping them into the EVIL PIRATE basket.

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Patch day is the same all over Europe, p2p patching is crap no matter what ISP you are with. Lucky for us we have alot of geeks in the guild who grab the patches and then host them for us to download from the guild website.


The Conan patcher was good and really fast for me, I think that was the same P2P traffic.

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the install of all the patches took about 3 hours. Spent a large portion of time over the weekend getting used to the whole MMORPGing thing and I can see how it has the potential to take over if you're not careful ;)


My night elf rogue is up to level 12 but I think I may give another class/race a look just to see how what the differences are, i've yet to install the first expansion ( I think there are a couple of new races? ) so might do that tonite.


Thanks for the help and advice

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The new race is the Draenei and were introduced in the Burning Crusade. They're alright but look like they have an octopus stuck on their faces and they're blue like smurfs.


What realm are you playing on?


They stupidly let people create a Death Knight on any realm now as long as you have at least one level 55 character. I've got PVP Orc Death Knights, RP Night Elf Death Knights and bloody PVE Human Death Knights all over the place now.... (Over 20g a time for rolling a DK from 55 to starting point 58) At least it looks better than all those little level 3 characters that got rolled when your realm was down and you wanted something else to do.


Edited to add: I'm mainly on Runetotem and still haven't got a life. I do have a bad haircut and I'm a fat bastard too!

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The new race is the Draenei and were introduced in the Burning Crusade. They're alright but look like they have an octopus stuck on their faces and they're blue like smurfs.


I had a Draenei Shamen called 'Bossdrum'. I thought it was the cleverest name ever, but nobody seemed to get it :(

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The new race is the Draenei and were introduced in the Burning Crusade. They're alright but look like they have an octopus stuck on their faces and they're blue like smurfs.


I had a Draenei Shamen called 'Bossdrum'. I thought it was the cleverest name ever, but nobody seemed to get it :(


Maybe should of called him Eeezergood :)

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I've got Schizo because when I tried to enter Schizophrenic, it exceeded the maximum '10' letters and it said that the name was unavailable due to 'too many characters' which I thought was pretty amuzing :D

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I don't think I am as in to the game as some, the lad I worked with kept visiting me in my office to talk WoW, and I MEAN TALK WOW, raid this, heroic that, DPS blah, trinket meh, proc wok, and so forth, what the fuck is that all about? I have a rogue, I have some leather stuff that dropped for me with agility and stam and some other stuff on (clearly rogue drops) but, that does me I couldn't care less about my DPS, I hit hard enough, is there any need to eat, sleep, shit, wow?


Yeah House, we visited your sever but your tank wouldn't give me any gold and I couldn't be arsed leveling the priest I have on there so we haven't been back :)

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i've been playing now for a couple of weeks...yep i'm hooked


got 2 chars on the go, my rogue is up to lvl 21 ( stuck trying to get the feckin poisoning ability ) and my hunter is now lvl18


I've joined a guild and have a levelling buddy, and I keep on finding myself farming light leather like it's going out of fashion!

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