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Wow 3.0.2

Dr Gonzo

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I told Blizzard that you might be coming back and they're setting up a new server called "Homeless Tourette's"




They said that they're really looking forward to f*****g seeing you again, you c**t! ;)


Hehe, c**ty c**ty c**t c**t :D Also, kontebonkers, slettebek etc.


Back on topic - I still haven't played it since I bought that three month subscription. I should never ever go around anyone's house who has WoW when I'm drunk. I always ask one question that usually results in the credit card coming out (for example, "what the f*ck is that motorbike doing there?!").

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I always ask one question that usually results in the credit card coming out (for example, "what the f*ck is that motorbike doing there?!").

Ah yes, the Mekgineer's Chopper / Mechano-hog, soon to be rideable in water (Patch 3.1)


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  • 2 weeks later...
First time flying a griff from Darnassus to Ironforge was one of the best 'cooor' graphics moments ever.

I always had to get the griff from Rut'theran Village to Auberdine in Darkshore and then wait for the boat to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands and then get the griff to Ironforge. I wish you'd told me then where the Griffin Master was in Darnassus to fly straight to Ironforge....


(yes, I am a facetious bastard!) ;)


got my mount ( thanks for the help on that Stav )

Awww, you're welcome mate. Getting your first mount is really an exciting part of the game even if they did lower the level and price from level 40 to 30 and from gazillions of gold to something like 100 gold. (Bastards!) :lol:


Filthy Alliance bastards!!! /spit

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  • 4 months later...

not sure how many people here are still playing WoW ( I've given up after hitting 67 on my nelf rogue due to idiot guild members!! ) but the news of the new expansion has me kinda almost regretting uninstalling the game...


Here's a video expaining the new changes :




It's looking pretty interesting...

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Me and a group of friends are still playing it. We charged through the entire game 0-80 last year and the start of this year, burned out on it and all quit.


We all resubbed after a break of a couple of months and are having great fun doing it all over again at a far more leisurely pace. Also, we're Horde this time and Horde always has lower player numbers, so instead of just being able to chuck gold at everything to get all the best stuff, we're doing professions to help each other (leatherworker makes gear for the group, alchemist makes potions and elixirs etc), quest and instance rewards become more important, and so on - plus the game really is different from the Horde perspective.


Se we've got getting to 80 to enjoy all over again, and now what does look like quite an awesome expansion on the horizon too. A complete reworking of all the old zones and quests is a very bold move, and will certainly make levelling again a definitely possibility, plus new races, new race/class combos, 5 new levels at the endgame and new instances and raids too.


Also, the game has a new 'ultra' graphics setting which gives even a decent specced desktop PC something to think about (particularly in Outland and Northrend), played on a good screen at high resolution, it's a fantastic looking game.

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Me and a group of friends are still playing it. We charged through the entire game 0-80 last year and the start of this year, burned out on it and all quit.


We all resubbed after a break of a couple of months and are having great fun doing it all over again at a far more leisurely pace. Also, we're Horde this time and Horde always has lower player numbers, so instead of just being able to chuck gold at everything to get all the best stuff, we're doing professions to help each other (leatherworker makes gear for the group, alchemist makes potions and elixirs etc), quest and instance rewards become more important, and so on - plus the game really is different from the Horde perspective.


Se we've got getting to 80 to enjoy all over again, and now what does look like quite an awesome expansion on the horizon too. A complete reworking of all the old zones and quests is a very bold move, and will certainly make levelling again a definitely possibility, plus new races, new race/class combos, 5 new levels at the endgame and new instances and raids too.


Also, the game has a new 'ultra' graphics setting which gives even a decent specced desktop PC something to think about (particularly in Outland and Northrend), played on a good screen at high resolution, it's a fantastic looking game.


Quit the game now, cleared all content and lost interest in it rapidly, expansions don't seem that great either.


Will however be playing Aion :D

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I'm looking forward to 3.3, as well as Cataclysm... no "additional instance" errors, and cross-server groups for instances mean I can meet up with mates back on Runetotem!


If anyone's still playing solo, there's a group of lvl80 Manxies on Lightbringer called the Yiissers (thanks to an unfortunate keyboard stutter) who are looking for more for 10 man raids and heroics... whisper pretty much anyone: Avethar, Wilmer, Misscritalot and Baldassassin to get involved.

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I was reading about APB (bear with me), and Dave Jones said that he's trying to promote the idea of horizontal updating. Taking the base game and adding new environments, new monsters etc, he described as being vertical updating - you leave the base model for gameplay as it is, and add new content on top of it. What he & Realtime Worlds are aiming for with APB is to be able to add more horizontal updates - new game modes, new gameplay moves, new ways of interacting with the world they've created, and essentially leaving the content and the game world alone.


I know they've kinda tried a few things like this, but I wish Blizzard would get a hold of this concept and run with it until their legs get worn down to stumps. They've got this massive, beautiful, interesting game world, filled with character and charm, and all you can do with it is hit things on it until either they or you die. Give me a house. Give me a trophy room to show off my achievements to my friends. Give me the ability to throw tornadoes at things, so I can either chuck mobs in the air to make them easier to kill, or I can throw other players in the air to piss them off a bit. Let me make items; not icons to go into a backpack, but actual "physical" objects in the game world. Let me make a ladder so I can climb up the outside wall of the Gurubashi Arena. Why? Cos I can make a ladder, and there's an arena with tall walls in front of me. Why not? Let me make bridges. I want to make a ramp from the ground in Shattrath to the top of the lift. Let me make a big wooden pallet, and a big rubber ball, so I can play squash against the Stormwind walls. Or, God forbid, let me use it as a weapon.


I'm bored of playing with the creatures that inhabit Azeroth, Outland and Northrend. I want to play with the world now.

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As of the last patch you can get a standard ground mount at Level 20, which makes the early game a lot less trying (I always felt 20-30 was a bit of a 'dead patch' - having to walk everywhere with a character that neither had the gear or the talent points to make it properly as I wanted it to be, from 30 onwards it's a lot better as you can shape your characters a lot more.)


And then, you can get a 150% speed flying mount, useable in Outland, from Level 60, which makes Outland a truly fantastic zone to quest in, and it was pretty awesome to start with.


Northrend is brilliant, and always has been, so not much change required there.


Over the years and particularly recently, Blizzard have taken an awful lot of the grind out of the game, streamlining and simplifying stuff that was, in many cases, needlessly protracted and fiddly - it's a great game to play solo, and if you have friends you can group up with for questing and instances, it's still absolutely unmatched IMO.

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As of the last patch you can get a standard ground mount at Level 20, which makes the early game a lot less trying (I always felt 20-30 was a bit of a 'dead patch' - having to walk everywhere with a character that neither had the gear or the talent points to make it properly as I wanted it to be, from 30 onwards it's a lot better as you can shape your characters a lot more.)


And then, you can get a 150% speed flying mount, useable in Outland, from Level 60, which makes Outland a truly fantastic zone to quest in, and it was pretty awesome to start with.


Northrend is brilliant, and always has been, so not much change required there.


Over the years and particularly recently, Blizzard have taken an awful lot of the grind out of the game, streamlining and simplifying stuff that was, in many cases, needlessly protracted and fiddly - it's a great game to play solo, and if you have friends you can group up with for questing and instances, it's still absolutely unmatched IMO.



It's old and the expansions are nothing really to shout about, reused content with a little extra thrown in, certainly nothing of great note, as for grinding took out? it's made it more casual friendly, virtually just loging in and given near top end items for the simplest of tasks. It's still a good game if you have little time on your hands, however it's unlikely to hold any significant interest of anyone in a half decent guild. just have to look at the colloseum, first day each boss is released it's killed within the first hour, anything remotely difficult is nerfed to the ground so 'casuals' can do it. welcome to the world of casual craft.

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I got to 80 with a friend and after about a week of doing Ulduar i was absolutely bored shitless and quit the game (again!). The game is incredibly repetitive, from the daily quests to the new dungeons that are all basically the same.


My friend has just quit after playing at least 6 hours a day for the last few years (in one of the bigger european guilds)


He actually regrets how much of his twenties he has wasted on this game, even admitted to being bored out of his mind for the last 12 months but only carried on raiding 6 nights a week out of a feeling of "duty" to his guild. His guild were pushing to increase raiding to 7 days a week, and even doing afternoon raids.


Pretty sad.

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I got to 80 with a friend and after about a week of doing Ulduar i was absolutely bored shitless and quit the game (again!). The game is incredibly repetitive, from the daily quests to the new dungeons that are all basically the same.


My friend has just quit after playing at least 6 hours a day for the last few years (in one of the bigger european guilds)


He actually regrets how much of his twenties he has wasted on this game, even admitted to being bored out of his mind for the last 12 months but only carried on raiding 6 nights a week out of a feeling of "duty" to his guild. His guild were pushing to increase raiding to 7 days a week, and even doing afternoon raids.


Pretty sad.


I never quite understand comments like this, it's not as if WoW commands people to play when they don't want to, or in ways that they don't want to.


I'm sure the game is repetitive if you do the same heroics and raids day after day, and let the game turn into a mindless grind-fest, obsessed with having the very best gear and tweaking lists of stats to get the perfect hit rating and DPS and what have you.


I've never joined a guild precisely because I know exactly what the guild dynamic is, and what's 'expected' of members in any serious guild (even down to being told what your talent spec has to be and shit like that). It's exactly the same reason I've never joined a clan as far back as Quake 2 and through FPS games over the years, I want to play games when I want to play them, and on my terms.


For me the fun is in enjoying the game world, the quests, the humour, the professions, helping my friends out and them helping me (be it with quests or items or whatever), and then maybe running an instance once a week with them, all on TeamSpeak, few beers on board, actually makes for a better Friday night than going to the pub, and is more family friendly as well.


I think the worst thing you can do is charge headlong to 80, because there is by necessity a lot of repetition in the endgame.

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I got to 80 with a friend and after about a week of doing Ulduar i was absolutely bored shitless and quit the game (again!). The game is incredibly repetitive, from the daily quests to the new dungeons that are all basically the same.


My friend has just quit after playing at least 6 hours a day for the last few years (in one of the bigger european guilds)


He actually regrets how much of his twenties he has wasted on this game, even admitted to being bored out of his mind for the last 12 months but only carried on raiding 6 nights a week out of a feeling of "duty" to his guild. His guild were pushing to increase raiding to 7 days a week, and even doing afternoon raids.


Pretty sad.


I never quite understand comments like this, it's not as if WoW commands people to play when they don't want to, or in ways that they don't want to.


I'm sure the game is repetitive if you do the same heroics and raids day after day, and let the game turn into a mindless grind-fest, obsessed with having the very best gear and tweaking lists of stats to get the perfect hit rating and DPS and what have you.


I've never joined a guild precisely because I know exactly what the guild dynamic is, and what's 'expected' of members in any serious guild (even down to being told what your talent spec has to be and shit like that). It's exactly the same reason I've never joined a clan as far back as Quake 2 and through FPS games over the years, I want to play games when I want to play them, and on my terms.


For me the fun is in enjoying the game world, the quests, the humour, the professions, helping my friends out and them helping me (be it with quests or items or whatever), and then maybe running an instance once a week with them, all on TeamSpeak, few beers on board, actually makes for a better Friday night than going to the pub, and is more family friendly as well.


I think the worst thing you can do is charge headlong to 80, because there is by necessity a lot of repetition in the endgame.



Once you hit level 80, what quests are there left to do, and what's the purpose of doing them? Same for professions, i hit 450 in tailoring and alchemy and it's been of no use to me whatsoever. Whatever i can craft and charge for, someone else will probably do for free. I'm not disagreeing that the game "can" be fun, i just don't see what fun things there are to do once you hit 80. We even did a 5 man Molten core etc just for the hell of it, and yeah it was amusing.


I agree about rushing to level 80 though, i already had a Priest at lvl 60, and decided to start a new character with my friend (the hardcore guy!) and we hit 80 in around 3 weeks. I was pretty bored afterwards because he was always back on his main, and i didn't really have anyone to play with. I joined a guild easily enough as i had good epic gear, but got bored of the raids pretty quickly

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