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15 Years For Cocaine Dealer

cheeky boy

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He played the game and got caught out, oh well, there you go, lol,lol. still, FIFTEEN years, you gotta laugh really..... ; )) good job he's only a youngster...... lol........


First time you've made me laugh in nearly 2 years :D:D


















You're still a twat though! :)

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As long as there are people there will be addiction to drugs, gambling, liquor, pool, women, work, sports, even to arts, dreams, and religions. Moderation or call it pacing, is the answer, and he who knows how to pace himself can win any race. Addictions can not be outlawed, and laws that can not be enforced is a mochary of justice. Prohibition only raised the price of liqour, for the joy of the bootleggers. The outlawing of gambling fills the pockets of the illegal bookmakers. The outlawing of dope selling enriches the dope pushers, and forces the addict into crimes, but dope pushing and the crimes that go with it, can be almost completely eliminated with one drastic step, the health, education, and welfare department should buy and package the most popular dopes and sell them without profit to drug stores to be retailed for 25 cents with a label clearly indicating what the dope will do with the purchaser, when insanity will start, and which dosage will be fatal. This 25 cent package with it's explanitory label will first put dope pushers out of buisness overnight, second promptly reduce crime, third eliminate psychiatric doubletalk, and fourth disgust and scare potential dope makers, by making dope available for 25 cents one can separate the addict from the pusher and at the same time separate weaklings from men with self control.

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But in the case of our friendly neighbourhood drug dealer, he's simply providing a service to people who want to buy.


I think you need a serious dose of reality if you think the production, importation and dealing of class a drugs is victimless. Yes, as I've stated before, much of that is because they're illegal, but that's the environment this guys been arrested in, not some free living nirvana that exists only in your head.


To my mind it's unconscionable that a rapist can go to prison for less time than some geezer selling coke to people who like getting mashed at the weekend - but that's what's happened here.


Do you think that's how it works? A criminal gets ushered into a room, they look up the 'rape' column and give him 5 years, and shout 'next'. Read the sentencing guidelines, it's bloody complex with a lot of considerations which is why these cases take so long.


Come on John Wright, giz a hand here :)

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