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Malarkey The New Man At Home Affairs


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Manx Radio Report


I listened to Tynwald today and must say that Bill Malarkey seemed to be fawning to the Chief Minister, well at least one particular occasion whilst speaking in Question time.


Bill wants to be in the Tony's gang. He so really, really does. Perhaps a ministership next and from there who knows . . . .


(I think I know but the next General Election is quite a way off yet)

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Has he opposed anything beyond the development at Manor Farm?

And would have even done that if he didn't live just down the estate from it? seen the way he operates on one of his camping (do you know who i am) trips.

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I listened to Bill Malarkey on Mandate (Manx Radio) this morning.


He rolled out the usual speil about needing to change things from the inside. That is all very well but I feel that Bill Malarkey misunderstands, or has chosen to misunderstand, the purpose of the Liberal Vannin policy, (but not enough to prevent him from grabbing the Liberal Vannin vote at the General Election).


With two members present, the Liberal Vannin Party were well positioned to bring matters into the open in Tynwald and the House of Keys. I hope come the next General Election, Peter Karran is supported by someone with a tad more sense of loyalty (to the people who voted him in, as well as to the Party) and less personal ambition.


Billy Boy is now rubbing shoulders with the big boys, he's in from the cold and judging by his performance yesterday in Tynwald is already suckety-sucking up to the big boss. He has made some close pals in the form of the New Kids on the Block too of course.


Aye, Bill will go far alright.

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Grrr Grrr Grrr

'Here's a job'

Purr Purr Purr



Noun 1. turncoat - a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.

apostate, deserter, ratter, recreant, renegade

quitter - a person who gives up too easily



Is it a case of only a matter of time before he turns again? I wonder if he did resign and stood again for the same seat would he be elected? Of course he wouldn't dare risk that would he?

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"change things from the inside" - is that really likely? What exactly does he hope to change, and how will being 'on the inside' make this more likely to happen? What great track record of people changing things from the inside - if not, why does Malarkey think he will be different? Will he quit if he doesn't manage to change X Y Z within a given timeframe? (I think he should lay it out and on the line). Usually people bargain beforehand and get concessions for agreeing to join - as in coalitions, not after the fact.


I'd think maybe he might get thrown a few scraps which he can use to save face, but I'd think this route just leads to being neutered. (Or 'Pimp my Ride' if you're cynical).

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"Change things from the inside".


I wonder why he didn't change the Liberal Vannin policy "from the inside" regarding their not having members in Government?


. . . perhaps he didn't really try.



I think I had best get out of this thread as it might look like I have some sort of mission. I haven't, but I do remain extremely disappointed. Manx Politics eh.

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I think the word everyone is looking for is GREED.


It's all about the money. I think it's about 30% extra if you are a dept member, and lets be honest, he was never going to progress his career within government if he was a LIB VAN.


It's called "Jobs for the boys". Do as Mr Brown tells you and you get a bit extra in your pay packet.


I would like to see how many votes the backstabber gets in the next election. I think he may have to go back to selling dodgy washing machines, because i think the voters will have seen him for the gold digger that he is.



These are just my views, and are not meant to upset anyone. I just like to call a spade "a spade"

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Aye, Bill will go far alright.

Soon... and permanently...one hopes.



Well, we said it all along during the elections. Billy Bandwagon, as that seemed to be his main campaign policy - and boy could he jump... (Sorry if you're reading this yourself, and I guess you do - I just think someone else should have won - mainly the one with just a few votes less, who put more energy, effort and sincerity into it - maybe next time, ey?)

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I can't resist saying I agree with that.


Now we have gotten to know them better, I reckon a couple of the other candidates :ph34r::ph34r: would actually have done well for Douglas South. Also, had they been Liberal Vannin I think they would have worked well with Peter Karran and provided more credibility and tenacity to the Party. From what I know of them, they would certainly have had more loyalty and less self-interest than Billy Boy.


From what I understand, Peter Karran is very approachable and amenable enough, which is why I am surprised Billy could not change the Liberal Vannin policy "from the inside" (well, actually I'm just saying that, because I am not a bit surprised as he clearly had his own ambitions.)

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