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Langness Thingyput Off 'til December


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Manx Radio report


Although I appreciate that the Langness-Jezzer issue is a bit contentious on the forum, it is good example. I would like to make the point that this highly paid and pensioned Government are pretty good at putting things off when it suits. (How ling has a committee been looking at a footpath?)


More importantly, I would like to know what Tony is doing about the Ombudsman Bill. If ever a Bill needed fast tracking it is that one. Each time a back bench MHK mentions it in the House of Keys it seems that Tony is quite prepared to fob 'em off with a "we're still looking at it"


"Still looking at it". My arse.


Actually, regarding the Langness thing, whatever the report says, a remote piece of footpath would become headline news above all the £milssing millions and (possible?) impending collapse of the Isle of Man. At least it would take our minds off things.

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Be nice if the government also did something about the Disability Act that is presumably sitting in a cupboard somewhere gathering dust.

Exactly how long does it take to 'get it right' given that the UK has had similar legisation for some considerable time.


As for Langness, perhaps the intention is to prolong it for so long that in a few centuries, once every year, the decendants of both sides will gather in a field and ritually slap each other with kippers in a traditional ceremony that no-one knows the true origin of.

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. . .the intention is to prolong it for so long that in a few centuries, once every year, the decendants of both sides will gather in a field and ritually slap each other with kippers in a traditional ceremony that no-one knows the true origin of . . .


Is that how the Cammag started? Someone peering through a kitchen window?

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Be nice if the government also did something about the Disability Act that is presumably sitting in a cupboard somewhere gathering dust.

Exactly how long does it take to 'get it right' given that the UK has had similar legisation for some considerable time.


As for Langness, perhaps the intention is to prolong it for so long that in a few centuries, once every year, the decendants of both sides will gather in a field and ritually slap each other with kippers in a traditional ceremony that no-one knows the true origin of.



Disability Equal Opportunities Age Discrimination etc etc


They consult employers who then say "Oh we don't want any legislation that will cost us money and could make us uncompetitive!'


So the government then waters down any legislation they bring in or they sit on it.


They are also sitting on ( doing nothing about) the Integrated Transport policy report.

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