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Resignation Number 3?


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The Prince Of Darkness
But in a letter to the Times, Lord Mandelson said they first met in 2004 and accepts people may have been misled by a statement issued by his officials.

Start the clock.


Great quote from Bruin:


"This was already investigated by the European Commission when he was a commissioner and the answer was nothing untoward happened. That's where the story lies."


Note the last sentence. Freud! thou should'st be living at this hour.



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Also at



In a separate development it has been disclosed that Lord Mandelson's name appears "repeatedly" in secret files held by MI5 and MI6 as a result of his contacts with a Russian oligarch.


British intelligence files held on Oleg Deripaska, Russia's richest man, contain several references to Lord Mandelson, sources say.


The confirmation that the security services are sufficiently interested in Mr Deripaska to keep files on him and his associates is likely to add to pressure on the minister to provide more information about his contacts with the Russian billionaire.

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The whole incident is starting to be called 'Yachtgate'

These sort of things always go better with a catchy name.

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