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Dtl Advert Under Fire


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I have done this type of thing on various training courses and it is perfectly safe as long as you take simple precautions (like most things in life). If you don't have the brains to check the depth of the water, exit points and rough location of underwater rocks, then you're probably a waste of space anyway - funk them I say, time to get rid of this H&S and thin out the numbers of these morons.


I'm sick of hearing of people bleating about this kind of thing, slightly off topic, but the news at the weekend was going on about quad bikes & helmets - some 20-something had killed himself on a quad as he didn't have a lid on....yet he seemingly owned one.....wtf for if your not going to put it on?? There's nothing big or hard about noit wearing a lid (well apart from the ground when you deck it)


anyway, rant over - back to my @&%~ing risk assessments.......

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